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P LATE B OUNDARIES Mr. K’s homework DONE!. M ATCHING K: Pacific N.W, Cascade volcanoes E: Peru-Chile Trench H: Hawaii Islands W: San Andres Fault V: Mid.

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Presentation on theme: "P LATE B OUNDARIES Mr. K’s homework DONE!. M ATCHING K: Pacific N.W, Cascade volcanoes E: Peru-Chile Trench H: Hawaii Islands W: San Andres Fault V: Mid."— Presentation transcript:

1 P LATE B OUNDARIES Mr. K’s homework DONE!

2 M ATCHING K: Pacific N.W, Cascade volcanoes E: Peru-Chile Trench H: Hawaii Islands W: San Andres Fault V: Mid Atlantic Ridge, Iceland X: East African Rift Valley Y: Himalayan Mountains Z: Japan A: Marianas Trench C: Japan Trench F: Aleutian Islands Q: Java Trench KV E H A C F Q

3 M ARIANAS /J APAN T RENCH The Marianas/Japan Trench is a converging plate-subduction- boundary that is oceanic to oceanic. The Pacific plate (ocean) is sub ducted underneath the Mariana/Philippine Plate (ocean)

4 J APAN A subduction zone – ocean to ocean (or continent debate) The Pacific plate sub ducts into the Eurasian

5 H AWAII I SLANDS Molten Magma breaks through crustal plate to create these islands Created from a “hot spot” Plate involved is the Pacific Plate

6 P ACIFIC N.W, C ASCADE V OLCANOES Convergent plate boundary by an oceanic and continental plate Part of the Pacific Ring of Fire The Juan de Fuca subducts underneath the North American Plate

7 S AN A NDREAS F AULT A continental and oceanic transform plate boundary (slides past each other) The Pacific Plate and the North American Plate are involved

8 P ERU -C HILE T RENCH A converging plate boundary that is created by the Nazca Plate subducting under the South American Plate

9 M ID A TLANTIC R IDGE, I CELAND Divergence Boundary between plates where new oceanic crust is being created on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. It marks the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate and it separates the African Plate from the South American Plate.

10 A FRICAN R IFT V ALLEY A diverging (continent moving away from continent)plate boundary The Arabian and African plates

11 H IMALAYAN M OUNTAINS Continent to Continent plate – COMPRESIION (FOLD MOUNTAINS just LIKE Rockies and in Europe the ALPS) Eurasian and Indian Plate involved Indian plate pushing up against Eurasian plate

12 A LEUTIAN I SLANDS A convergent subducting (ocean to ocean) plate boundary The Pacific Plate subducts the North American Plate

13 J AVA T RENCH Converging plate boundary Indo-Australian (oceanic) is subducting beneath the Eurasian plate (oceanic)

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