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By Chloe and Breanna. The respiratory system helps your body to breathe, it’s made up of tissue and organs. It contains your lungs and your sinuses. The.

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Presentation on theme: "By Chloe and Breanna. The respiratory system helps your body to breathe, it’s made up of tissue and organs. It contains your lungs and your sinuses. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Chloe and Breanna

2 The respiratory system helps your body to breathe, it’s made up of tissue and organs. It contains your lungs and your sinuses. The main parts of the respiratory system are the airways, lungs, linked blood vessels and the muscles that allows you to breathe. The airways are pipes that carry oxygen-rich air into your lungs. They also carry carbon dioxide and wast gases out of your lungs. The airways include: o Nose and linked air passages called nasal cavities o Moth o Voice box or larynx (lar-ingks) o Trachea (tra-ke-ah) or windpipe o Tubes called bronchial tubes or bronchi, and their branches

3 The lungs and the inside of the chest wall are covered in a thin, slippery membrane called the pleura. This lets the lungs move about a little as we breathe, moving without this it would cause damage. The heart fits closely between the lungs near the centre, but slightly to the left. The lungs are a pale pink colour in a newborn baby and become darker as you age. This is due to the air particles in the air that we inhale, some which can not be removed by the bodies cleaning mechanism and then gradually darken the lungs. The main cause of lung disease is by smoking.


5 The exact cause of asthma isn’t known. Researchers think that some genetic and environmental factors work together to create asthma, most often earlier in life. These factors include: o An inherited tendency to develop allergies called atopy. o Parents who have asthma. o Some respiratory infections during childhood. o Contact with some airborne allergens or exposure to some viral infections in infancy or in early childhood when the immune system is devolving. Many ordinary things can trigger asthma some can be colds and flu, cigarette smoke, dust mites, air pollution, exercise, pollen, weather, medicines, feelings (being upset worried or very excited), mould and dampness or even pets. 85% of the smoke from a lit cigarette goes straight into the atmosphere then it is breathed in by other people. Feeling like you have a pounding heart, gasping for air or suffocating, these are symptoms of having an asthma attack. Severe attacks are very rare but can be particularly frightening. People who take their medicine carefully and regularly can control their asthma better. Some inhalers contain 200 doss of medicine. Medicine can shoot out of an inhaler at 120km/h.


7 lung cancer occurs when abnormal cells in one or both lungs grow in an uncontrolled way. The lungs are apart of the respiratory system. They are made up of a series of airways called the bronchial-bronchi’s that end in tiny air sacs called alveoli. You will know when you have lung cancer when you have trouble breathing. There are several types of lung cancer, each beginning in a different type of cell in the lung small cell carcinoma (around 12% of lung cancer) usually arises from epithelial cells that line the surface of the centrally located bronchi.

8 The sound of smokers cough is usually hacking and loud, this is caused by mucus in the windpipe and lungs. The addictive chemical of nicotine is what’s in cigarettes that makes you want to smoke even more. Smokers inhale around 7,000 other deadly chemicals that are in the deadly cigarette. Many organs and systems are damaged by inhaling tobacco. Your windpipe and voice box are only a few systems that can become irritated and have diseases. Your lungs will slowly stop producing air after a while and they will become swollen and start producing mucus. A build up of poisonous substances which will lead up to lung irritation, major damage or maybe lung cancer. Each year around 100,000 people are killed by smoking in Britain and about 390,000 in the United States. Only by the 1960’s scientist found out that smoking causes lung cancer. Tobacco smoke is a lethal cocktail of at least 3,000 substances. They include nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, hydrogen cyanide and the list goes on. When most people start smoking cigarettes they start to feel sick but when the body gets used to nicotine the sickness quickly goes away. 4,00,000,000,000 (4 trillion) cigarettes are sold each year. Billions of dollars are spent worldwide every year to promote the sale of these deadly cigarettes.

9 The different components of the respiratory system are

10  why is the respiratory system called the respiratory system/how did it get it’s name?  What organs and muscles are in the respiratory system  Why is there one lung one each side of your body?- why can’t both of them be on one side?

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