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The World Water Quality Assessment Concept of the overall assessment and next steps.

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Presentation on theme: "The World Water Quality Assessment Concept of the overall assessment and next steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World Water Quality Assessment Concept of the overall assessment and next steps

2 The World Water Quality Assessment Main issues Issue 1: From local to regional to global Issue 2: Scarce data, validity of data Issue 3: Linking water quantity, water quality and impact Issue 4: Are we measuring/modelling the right thing?  Assessment concept Issue 5: Networking, regional consultation

3 The World Water Quality Assessment Issue 1: From local to regional to global How do we come to a global assessment? Our concept of bringing top-down and bottom-up togetherconcept How can data driven and model driven analysis come together? Example of lakes: trophic level thresholds and loading to lakeslakes How do the deal with obstacles? Data gap (but for modelling and data driven analysis different) Assumptions (sensitivity analysis) Adapted management questions

4 The World Water Quality Assessment Issue 2: Scarce data, validity of data How to validate results and findings? Model validation (GEMS data, interpretation using explanatory variables O 2 /pH/  )validation What are the assumptions that need to be checked? Modelling scattered settlements (WWT): stage 1 European assumptions, stage 2 regional statistics What can be transferred from data rich areas? Example on the interaction of variables (example from India) to identify “useful” variablesexample from India Gradients: example on African citiesAfrican cities

5 The World Water Quality Assessment Issue 3: Linking water quantity, quality and impact Modelling concept WaterGAP & WorldQual integrates quantity & quality WaterGAP & WorldQual How do we deal with the health aspect?, How do we deal with the food security aspect? Indicators and thresholds

6 The World Water Quality Assessment Issue 4: Are we measuring/modelling the right thing Concentration of selected variables, describing water pollution:  FC => drinking, bathing, irrigation  BOD (&O2) => fishery  P => eutrophication (esp. fishery)  N => eutrophication (esp. fishery)  TDS => salinity (esp. irrigation, fishery)  Toxicants, emerging pollutants How to improve monitoring concepts and data basis Compendium and guidelines projects Compendium and guidelines

7 The World Water Quality Assessment Assessment concept Approach of three steps: 1.Analyzing variables separately 2.Data and model driven description: e.g. population per grid cell & dilution capacity as explanatory variables 3.Multivariate indicators in addition and/or instead of the short list variables Hypothesis: Use-specific water quality indices can be developed based on a limited number of variables by linking data driven and model driven analysis  “Water uses”: drinking, bathing, irrigation (human health related), fishery (food security related)  Requirement: joint definition of thresholds

8 The World Water Quality Assessment Issue 5: Networking, regional consultation Regional consultation Our experience on data accessibility: WWQA data request with NFPs in Africa Hubs, regional offices, case studies, … Join WP4 for regional consultation Approach international organisations International consultation of the Assessment results Assessment launch?

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