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Industrial Technology Program Review Milen Lovich Mark Vrklan 2003-2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Technology Program Review Milen Lovich Mark Vrklan 2003-2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Technology Program Review Milen Lovich Mark Vrklan 2003-2004

2 Industrial Technology Program Review Reading and Math are used and applied in Industrial Technology. Students need to know math and reading skills to solve Industrial Tech problems, find answers and determine what is needed for projects

3 Industrial Technology Program Review Middle School classes are beehives of activity!

4 Industrial Technology Program Review 7th grade …..

5 Industrial Technology Program Review Student mentors ….

6 Industrial Technology Program Review Eighth Graders ….

7 Industrial Technology Program Review Practice 3-D visualization, dimensioning, pattern development. Mechanical Drafting

8 Industrial Technology Program Review Transferring from pencil/paper to digital format

9 Industrial Technology Program Review Every student is expected to design, create and evaluate their plans in every class from drawing to welding.

10 Industrial Technology Program Review Woods classes at the high school level produce …..

11 Industrial Technology Program Review




15 General Metals Every course uses all manufacturing processes to produce products.

16 Industrial Technology Program Review Getting ready to pour the aluminum into the mold

17 Industrial Technology Program Review One of our newest machines at work … vertical mill

18 Industrial Technology Program Review Another vertical mill put to work

19 Industrial Technology Program Review A very old surface grinder is well-maintained and usable.

20 Industrial Technology Program Review The welding program uses stainless steel, aluminum and state- of-the-art equipment … not available in most MN high schools.

21 Industrial Technology Program Review

22 Students are encouraged to go beyond the required level. Welding II

23 Industrial Technology Program Review

24 The final product

25 Industrial Technology Program Review Small Engines A field trip on site!

26 Industrial Technology Program Review Students record the wiring of an automotive engine before tear down

27 Future of the Industrial Technolog y Program at LSH Continue to develop skills to perform basic maintenance, solve problems, communicate visually and graphically, explore careers, and continue in post-secondary training and education.

28 Future of the Industrial Technolog y Program at LSH



31 Picture it: a MS/HS Lab-Based Program

32 Future of the Industrial Technology Program at LSH




36 Industrial Technology A Bright Future at LSH!

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