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Watershed Protection Plan for the Lower Nueces River Presentation to Nueces County Commissioners’ Court November 10, 2010 November 10, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Watershed Protection Plan for the Lower Nueces River Presentation to Nueces County Commissioners’ Court November 10, 2010 November 10, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watershed Protection Plan for the Lower Nueces River Presentation to Nueces County Commissioners’ Court November 10, 2010 November 10, 2010

2 Coastal Bend Regional Water Planning Area (Region N) November 10, 2010

3 Geographic Scope November 10, 2010

4 Watershed Protection Plan November 10, 2010 9 Elements 1. Identification of causes and sources 2. Estimate of load reductions needed 3. Description of management measures needed 4. Technical and financial assistance needed 5. Information and education strategy 6. Implementation schedule 7. Interim milestones 8. Criteria to determine load reductions 9. Effectiveness monitoring

5 Watershed Protection Plan November 10, 2010 6 Steps 1. Build partnerships 2. Characterize the watershed 3. Set goals / Identify solutions 4. Design Implementation Program 5. Implement Watershed Plan 6. Measure progress and make adjustments

6 Stakeholders November 10, 2010 Water Right Permit Holders / Water Intakes City of Corpus Christi Nueces County WCID #3 Flint Hills Resources SPMWD Hoechst Celanese (Bishop) Knolle Farms Cities / Communities City of Corpus Christi City of Mathis Sandia San Patricio Sandy Hollow

7 Stakeholders November 10, 2010 Counties Nueces San Patricio Jim Wells Permitted Discharges Wright Materials Drainage Districts San Patricio County Golf Courses / Homeowners Associations River Hills Land and Property Owners (through local SWCDs)

8 Stakeholders November 10, 2010 State Representatives Abel Herrero (Nueces Co.) Todd Hunter (San Patricio Co.) Yvonne Toureilles (Jim Wells Co.) State Senators Chuy Hinojosa (Nueces Co. and Jim Wells Co.) Judith Zaffirini (San Patricio Co.) US Representatives Solomon Ortiz (Nueces) Ruben Hinojosa (San Patricio Co. and Jim Wells Co.)

9 Stakeholders November 10, 2010 Resources Agencies NRCS / SWCDs TCEQ TWDB TSSWCB USGS TDA TPWD EPA USFWS TxDOT TGLO CBBEP

10 Watershed Protection Plan November 10, 2010 Plan Drivers Enhance Coastal Zone Enhance Parks/Recreation Areas Enhance Water Security Improve Water Quality Manage Future Planning/Development Satisfy Regulatory Requirements Prevent Degradation Protect Drinking/Source Water Protect Endangered Species Restore/Protect Habitat

11 Watershed Protection Plan November 10, 2010 Additional Activities CR 73 Cleanup CIAP Application Water Quality Monitoring and WTP Modifications Nueces County – FEMA Grant San Patricio County Parks

12 Next Steps November 10, 2010 Contact additional Stakeholders Phone calls / meetings / presentations Full Stakeholder meeting January or February 2011 Writing /compiling the Plan Subcommittee / stakeholder input

13 Questions? November 10, 2010

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