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By: David Corio.  A field of vehicle and accident repair  Includes a variety of job positions  Painting  Metal straightening and plastic welding and.

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Presentation on theme: "By: David Corio.  A field of vehicle and accident repair  Includes a variety of job positions  Painting  Metal straightening and plastic welding and."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: David Corio

2  A field of vehicle and accident repair  Includes a variety of job positions  Painting  Metal straightening and plastic welding and repair  Glass installation and repair etc.. What is Collision Repair?

3 Progression of Career

4  What’s needed?  A basic high school degree and education  Courses in electronics, physics, chemistry, computers, and mathematics are a good structure to have  Apprenticeship at a local shop  Part time while still in high school  Can grant a full time position after high school  Familiarize yourself with tools and methods High School

5  Vocational school  Some schools offer vocational school’s as an alternative to electives  Provide a wide variety of trades and professions  Another good choice for familiarizing yourself with techniques and tools  Offers a secondary degree  A head start for further employment after high school High School Continued

6  Offers classes such as vocational schools  More extensive and in depth work and teaching  Work is almost always hands on. No book work  Most schools offer part time and full time job positioning during and after college  Only takes around one year to two years to graduate  Room and board is almost always available Secondary College

7  After college it is time to take all that you have learned into industry  College most likely has placed you in a part time or full time job  If not your high school and college resume’s will aid in finding a job  After time and different job’s you will be able to make more money and branch of into different careers in the repair field After College

8  A entry position in industry will provide a range of basic tasks such as:  Metal working and dent repair  Painting and paint mixing  Introduction to computer programs for vehicle repair  If college was not attended some employers will pay for you to go to college Entry Position

9  If another career is found or the field grows boring or tiring, you know have a background for a variety of fields such as :  Any position including work with metals  Painting and mixing techniques  Glass repair and installation  Welding and machine operation skills  With basic computer application skills a job as an insurance agent or claims adjuster is obtainable Other Career Path’s

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