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After Watergate, America elected Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts Ate C.A.R.T.E.R.

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Presentation on theme: "After Watergate, America elected Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts Ate C.A.R.T.E.R."— Presentation transcript:

1 After Watergate, America elected Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts Ate C.A.R.T.E.R.

2 CRISIS in Iran (U.S. hostages) Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts AteC. 1979 Iranian Revolution overthrows the Shah Iranian militants seize 52 hostages at U.S. embassy in Tehran Carter’s inability to solve crisis either by military or diplomatic contributes to Carter’s unpopularity in U.S.

3 ADVANCES human rights Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts AteA. Carter departed from “containment” of communism as key aspect of U.S. foreign policy “Containment” often led U.S. to support anti-communist regimes that violated human rights

4 RISING stagflation Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts AteR. “Stagflation”=stagnant economic growth + high inflation + high interest rates “Stagflation” was largely caused by price controls imposed during Nixon Administration (ended by Reagan when he entered office)

5 TREATY for canal controversial Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts AteT. Carter signed treaty to give Panama Canal to Panama A majority of Americans and Republicans opposed the treaty Opponents saw the move as giving an American-built strategic asset away to an unstable corrupt dictatorship

6 Energy Crisis Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts AteE. After the Iranian Revolution, supply of oil was disrupted causing a panic in oil prices with a barrel of oil more than doubling Carter counteracted this with price control, which only created shortages and long gas lines Reagan ended price controls and oil prices began to fall

7 REAGAN over Carter (1980) Chapter 11: The Years the Locusts AteR. Due to various economic and foreign policy calamities, Carter’s approval ratings had plummeted Former California Governor Ronald Reagan was nominated by Republicans Reagan won an electoral landslide, winning 44 states

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