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Support Service Conference 26 June 2007 Investigating careers at the University Kate Tapper & Career Framework Team Support Services Conference 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Support Service Conference 26 June 2007 Investigating careers at the University Kate Tapper & Career Framework Team Support Services Conference 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support Service Conference 26 June 2007 Investigating careers at the University Kate Tapper & Career Framework Team Support Services Conference 2007

2 Whose life is it anyway? An exploration of Careers at the University Support staff conference - 26 June 2007 Clare Brophy, Staff Career Coach

3 The individual has sole responsibility for their career Definition of career Contemporary perspective – careers today Why it is your responsibility

4 Definition of career To run away in an uncontrolled direction! What you do for a living – your work Choice -employability -resilience Control Continuous development Contemporary

5 Thought Effective career planning is about finding a job that works for you, matching who you are to the life you are going to lead. John Lees

6 Baby bird Vulnerable Needy/demanding Expecting all to be provided for you Weak Floundering Falling out of nest

7 Managers view!

8 Big bird Highly visible Inquisitive Learning Developing others Enthusiastic Energetic Still going strong! Try not to be as irritating

9 Career - a complex idea for individuals sequence of work experiences projects outside as well as inside the organisation not just upwards employability life-work come from and going toothers around us direction & progression our own storymaking a difference feelings growing the future learningusing our skills

10 Only you have the knowledge to manage your career!

11 FACULTY OF ARTS Paula Coonerty Arts Faculty Manager

12 Managers should take responsibility for the careers of staff

13 What is a career? What is career development?

14 Why not individuals? Why not organisations?

15 Managers are the key!

16 Why are managers sometimes not comfortable supporting career development?

17 Why should career development of their staff matter to managers?

18 What can the manager do?

19 Tim Phillips Are careers an organisational responsibility? Support Services Conference June 2007

20 What is a career? the sequence of employment-related positions, roles, activities and experiences encountered by a person John Arnold, Managing Careers into the 21 st Century progress or advancement in ones profession Planning Development

21 Why should the organisation manage careers? People are our most valuable resource The organisation has a responsibility to develop people Career development attracts and motivates good quality employees To improve employee motivation To improve employee retention Good for our reputation

22 Why should the organisation manage careers? To fulfil organisational potential… Careers are how skills and knowledge are acquired and spread, as employees move from one job to another Career movement is how organisational culture and values are transmitted. Corporate culture and networks are often key to rapid and effective action Hirsh & Jackson, Managing careers in large organisations Career development is of direct benefit to organisations

23 An Example: IT Strategy Education Learning Teaching Research & Enterprise The Business Information resources Access: anywhere, anytime Communication & Collaboration Environment Governance Service People

24 Organisational Leadership Management especially Change Organisational Culture & Professionalism Individual Development

25 Who has the greatest responsibility for career progression? green = yes red = no only vote yes once!

26 I can see long-term career opportunities at the University... manual? technical? craft? senior domestic? secretarial? admin?

27 I can see long-term career opportunities at the University...

28 research staff? lecturers? senior lecturers? professors?

29 I can see long-term career opportunities at the University?

30 My line manager shows an interest in my long-term career development... manual? technical? craft? senior domestic? secretarial? admin?

31 My line manager takes an interest in my long-term career development...

32 Do managers influence whether we see career opportunities?

33 I have access to training & development relevant to my job... manual? technical? craft? senior domestic? secretarial? admin?

34 I have access to training & development relevant to my job...

35 Implications for career framework line managers role (training from 08) who is responsible for development opportunities? information about potential career choices ways of recognising positive performance

36 Opportunities arising from Reward single pay structure breaks down barriers information about all jobs in the organisation recognition of importance of progression opportunities

37 What is the Career Framework Team doing now? consultation & communication website live 26 September research planning

38 Who are the Career Framework Team? Derek Telling – Project Director Alison Bilgin – Project Manager Kate Tapper – Staff Development Manager Jenny Parkin – Career Framework Adviser Alison Smith – Project Support

39 Support Service Conference 26 June 2007 Investigating careers at the University Kate Tapper & Career Framework Team Support Services Conference 2007

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