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 March, 17th, 1861: Creation of the Italian state  1922 : Mussolini seizes the power. Beginning of fascism, centralisation.  1947 : Birth of the Republic.

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2  March, 17th, 1861: Creation of the Italian state  1922 : Mussolini seizes the power. Beginning of fascism, centralisation.  1947 : Birth of the Republic. New constitution. 3 elements : - A bicephal executive ; - Bicameralism with equal power between the 2 chambers ; - Constitutional Court.  Beginning of the decentralisation, 40 years to become real. 20 regions (5 with a special statute), nearly 110 provinces, nearly 8 101 communes  1990 (Law n°142/ 1990) : Reform, transition from a system to another one. Local governments become truly autonomous.

3 I. Progressive decentralisation A. Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences B. Local Ressources

4 I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences Regions : the winner of decentralisation  Ordinary regions (1970) / Regions with special statute (1948) ;  Bassani reform (1997) Beginning of an administrative federalism which develops regions’ competences & introduce the subsidiarity principle 2 reforms of Title V of the Constitution  The legislative competence of the regions covers every subject which is not an exclusive competence of the state, or nor on the list of shared competences between the State & the regions (art. 117).  Reduction of State’s competences, increase of regions’ ones.  3 bodies: - President of the Junte : universal & direct suffrage since 2000 ; - The Junte : members named by the president ; - Regional council : by 30 to 80 members, universal & direct suffrage.


6 I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences Provinces  Napoleonian model ; they could have been the support of decentralisation. Art. 114 § 2 Constitution: “autonomous entities with their own statutes, powers, and functions according to the principles defined in the constitution”  Technical & administrative assistance to the communes.  3 bodies: - President of province : universal & direct suffrage, member of provincial council. - Provincial council : execution of States & region’s functions. - Provincial Junta : by 30 à 80 members, universal & direct suffrage, proportional representation (50% of voices = 60% of seats).

7 I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences Communes  10 000 inhabitants are needed in order to create a commune, incentive to merge and group the communes.  General compence over all matters concerning the communes and competences delegated by the State ou the regions.  3 bodies : - the Mayor (5 years), universal and direct suffrage since 1993 for communes of more than 15 000 inhabitants - District Junte : by 2 to 6 members named by the Mayor - Council : By 12 to 60 members, voting system same as Province’s one

8 I – Progressive Decentralisation A - Introduction to local governments: organisation & competences 3 levels of local governments like in France, Spain and Poland. + Mountain communities  Created in 1962, official local govenrment since 1990  3 bodies : - the President - a Council - a Commission. +Metropolitan cities  Created in 1990: Turin, Venise, Gênes, Bologne, Florence, Rome, Bari, Milan et Naples.  Group of communes made up of a major town and showing homogeneity in economic activities, services to population, cultural identity and territorial characteristics  3 bodies: - Metropolitan Council - Commission - Mayor.

9 Increase of the powers of the regions Amendment of the Constitution in 2001, approved by referendum, confirmed the importance of the subsidiarity principle in the Italian system Current reforms: Italy towards a federalist system?

10 I – Progressive Decentralisation B – Local ressources Specific administration  1,5 million of civil servants, 16% of local administrations’ opertaing expenses  Contract civil servants of private law, but with some specificities : - Competitive examination ; - Incompatibility with other jobs; - When necessary, transfers are compulsory otherwise people may be fired  Reforms aiming at simplifying administration, to avoid clientelism.  Outcome : a lot of civil servants.  Apparition of New Public Management : assessment of performance and merit

11 I – Progressive Decentralisation B – Local ressources A shared fiscal competence  From the State to local governments : financial provisions and equalisation funds  Local expenses = 32.5 % of national public expenses  Reduction of State’s financing but local governments have the power to levy new taxes  Autonomy in the use of income


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