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The Constitution: The Basis of Our Democratic Government LESSON 7 Shaping a New Nation.

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1 The Constitution: The Basis of Our Democratic Government LESSON 7 Shaping a New Nation

2 What are the underlying principles of our government? I.DEMOCRACY A.Government derives its power from the governed (Locke) B.Government’s power is limited by a written constitution C.Officials, selected by secret ballot, are responsible to the people D.People are protected against tyranny by the guarantee of basic civil liberties

3 The Constitution: The Foundation of American Government II.PREAMBLE: Introduction to the Constitution A.“…to form a more perfect union…”  goal of preserving national unity B.“…to ensure domestic tranquility…”  law and order C.“…to establish justice…”  creation of fair legal procedure

4 The Constitution: The Foundation of American Government D.“…to provide for the common defense…”  raising a military E.“…to promote the general welfare…”  focus on economic and social well-being F.“…to secure the blessings of liberty…”  protection of individual freedoms

5 How does the Constitution promote federalism? III. FEDERALISM: The division of power between the central government and the state governments  delegated powers, reserved powers, concurrent powers

6 Why does separating the powers of government lead to a stable government? IV. SEPARATION OF POWERS BRANCHROLEWHO EXECUTIVE Carries out the law, sign a bill into law, sign treaties, make appointments The President and the executive agencies and departments LEGISLATIVE Makes the law, ratify treaties and appointments House of Representatives and the Senate JUDICIAL Judges the law, declares a law unconstitutional The federal court system and Supreme Court

7 How does the elastic clause help to strengthen our nation? V.ELASTIC CLAUSE: Congress is granted the power “to make laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers…” A.APPLICATION OF ELASTIC CLAUSE 1.1791: Creation of national bank 2.1877: Congress began regulation of railroads

8 Why does our system of checks and balances lead to a stable government? VI.CHECKS AND BALANCES: The system by which each branch of government is given power over other branches A.Congress can: 1.Refuse to pass a bill 2.Override a veto 3.Refuse to ratify a treaty or Presidential appointment 4.Impeach a Judge or President

9 Why does our system of checks and balances lead to a stable government? B.The President can: 1.Veto a law 2.Refuse to comply or enforce a law C.The Judicial Branch can: 1.Declare a law unconstitutional 2.Has a lifetime tenure of office

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