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ROME The Republic The Empire. The Origins of Rome The Myth Romulus and Remus.

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Presentation on theme: "ROME The Republic The Empire. The Origins of Rome The Myth Romulus and Remus."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROME The Republic The Empire

2 The Origins of Rome The Myth Romulus and Remus

3 The Origins of Rome Indo-Europeans settled in Italy in 1000 B.C. Latin's shepherds Greek colonies in Italy Etruscans settlements Founded on “the seven hills” of Rome

4 Geography Italian peninsula Midway between the Alps and Sicily Tiber River Fertile Land Wooded Areas Strategic area for military

5 Religions Polythestic Many early gods had no names but charged with taking care of daily things Took signs from nature

6 Social Organization Family Pater Familias –Father is leader of the family Arrange Marriages Determine Work Duty Punish Sell into slavery Execution

7 Social Organization Family Women –Ran daily household duties –Could not own property or testify in court –No right to vote

8 Social Organization Classes Patricians - upper class –Wealthy landowners who held most of the power. Plebeians- lower class –Common farmers, artisans and merchants –Made up the majority of the population

9 Government - Republic Best features of –Monarchy –Aristocracy –Democracy Created a unique form of government ruled by representatives

10 Government. Monarchy- consuls Aristocracy- Senate Democracy- Election of Senators Dictatorship- crisis times

11 Government - Republic Consuls –Two Consuls –Commanded Army –Directed Government –Limited power by Senate –One Year Term –Power of Veto (Overrule)

12 Government - Republic Senate –Aristocrats –300 members chosen from Roman upper class –Created foreign and domestic policies

13 Government - Republic Assembly –Elected tribunes –Made laws for commoners Dictator –Single leader elected in times of crisis. Had absolute power. –Only in power for six months

14 The plebeians made progress toward equality. Tribunes of the “Plebs’ –10 elected officials to represent the plebeians in the Senate –Were granted veto power Twelve tables-codified the laws Citizens’ Assemblies –More democratic form of government –All adult, Roman males could attend and vote

15 Rights of Plebs Due process in criminal proceedings

16 Punic Wars Between Carthage and Rome Three separate wars 1st war -Rome built a navy 2nd war-Hannibal crossed the Alps with elephants 3rd war- Rome destroys Carthage

17 Rome was hurt by the Punic Wars Many, many deaths Farms destroyed which led to proletariat Rich corrupted by power Slavery widespread Political arguments settled by bloodshed

18 First Triumvirate Julius Caesar Pompey Crassus

19 First Triumvirate Dominated Rome for 10 years When Crassus dies Pompey Caesar become rivals Caesar was becoming famous winning victories in Gaul Senate ordered Caesar to return to Rome, they were afraid of his growing power Caesar returns and takes control of Rome

20 First Consul Caesar 44 B.C. Caesar appointed dictator and tried to reform the government. Granted citizenship to the provinces outside of Italy Senate enlarged to 900 men Landowners had to use free laborers for 1/3 of their work force Public works program Used colonies in Spain, France, etc. to provide land for landless poor Designed a new,accurate calendar

21 Caesar’s Death Conspiracy by Roman Senators Brutus and Cassius helped assassinate him They killed Caesar for his ambition and disregard for the Roman Constitution The senators thought they had saved the Roman Republic but it was already dead

22 Second Triumvirate Octavian Mark Anthony Lepidus Civil conflict follows death of Caesar Nephew Octavian fights and defeats Mark Antony & Cleopatra Takes title Augustus 27 B.C.

23 Now Rome is an empire not a republic. The Senate and the Assembly continued to meet Augustus Caesar (First Emperor) continued to address the Senate Senate played along Octavian ruled as a dictator for 41 years

24 Succession never solved in Rome It was never determined how the next emperor would be decided in Rome when the current emperor died. After the death of the emperor, Rome generally went into a time of violence as different factions tried to make their leader emperor.

25 Toward the end of the republic a new religion was born. Jesus taught through –Parables (stories with a lesson embedded in them) –Disciples ( his chosen 12 men who spread his word after his death)

26 Many of the Christian teachings collided with the Roman ideas. Religious ceremonies - Christians did not attend pagan ceremonies. Fighting - Christians would not fight. Worshipping the emperor - Christians only worshipped God and Jesus.

27 Consequently the Romans persecuted the Christians.

28 Time of Crisis “Crisis of the Third Century” Economic Problems - three sources of prosperity ended (trade, plunder, farms) Military Problems - Goths over ran legions, soldiers fought for money not patriotism Political Decay - officials were no longer loyal to Rome

29 Barbarians Invasions Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, Vandals Visogoths outside of Rome (Alaric)

30 Many historians have theories explaining why Rome fell... Political Social Economic Military

31 Immediate cause of the fall of Rome was... Pressure from Huns and invasions from the German tribes The Hun threatened not only the Roman Empire, but all Germanic tribes as well –Attila sacked 70 cities in Rome –Attila met with Leo I (the pope) and stopped short of destroying Rome completely

32 Fall of Rome Conquest by barbarians led to the sack of Rome.

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