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C HAPTER 7 S ECTION 2 The Constitutional Convention.

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1 C HAPTER 7 S ECTION 2 The Constitutional Convention

2 A IMS OF THE C ONVENTION Original purpose was to define which powers are held by federal and state government. All delegates agreed we needed a stronger national government. Congress was given the power to act directly upon the people. Opposed political parties, they were viewed as selfish. Presiding officer – George Washington.

3 J AMES M ADISON Author of the Virginia Plan “Father of the Constitution” 4th President.

4 V IRGINIA P LAN Called for a 3 branch national government. With 2-house legislature. Representation based on population. Large states liked

5 N EW J ERSEY P LAN Author William Paterson. Called for 3 branches with one house legislature with equal representation. Small states liked

6 T HE G REAT C OMPROMISE Author Roger Sherman settled the representation argument called for 3 branches with a bicameral (2 house) congress one had equal representation other was proportional (based on population)

7 T HREE -F IFTH C OMPROMISE Southerners wanted to count slaves as part of the population, but Northerners disagreed since they were not allowed to vote. counted three-fifth’s of slaves as part of a state’s population for determining representation. 500 enslaved people would count as 300 free people.

8 S LAVE T RADE slave trade could continue in order to get the southern states to agree to the new national government. After 1808, slaves could no longer be imported into the U.S.

9 A N EW C ONSTITUTION Gouverneur Morris Primary writer of the Preamble Wanted to highlight the differences between the AoC and the Constitution in the introduction. Ben Franklin encouraged the delegates to approve the Constitution even with its faults.

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