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Welcome to Ancient Rome By: Abdulla Al-Badi. Roman Art Roman Art was influenced by many things. They were influenced by some countries that they ruled.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ancient Rome By: Abdulla Al-Badi. Roman Art Roman Art was influenced by many things. They were influenced by some countries that they ruled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ancient Rome By: Abdulla Al-Badi

2 Roman Art Roman Art was influenced by many things. They were influenced by some countries that they ruled over, like Greece, Egypt, and Africa. The Romans often mixed the best styles of those cultures.

3 Roman Architecture Architecture is defined as the art and science of designing and erecting buildings and the ancient Romans were masters of Architecture - designing and erecting buildings. Their skills in building and engineering including their invention of concrete resulted in different types and styles of architecture including the building of villas, towns, baths, great walls and roads - changing the face of Europe forever.

4 Religion The ancient Roman religion is one of the most well known pagan religions. Early Roman religion was based on spirits. As Roman life had many different aspects there were many different Gods. There was a god of the sun, Apollo, a god of the sea, a god of the sky and many others. The Romans lived under the gods and constantly tried to please them. As the Roman empire expanded it came into contact with new and different religions. Many were absorbed into the state religion. These communities added to the state religion with their own specific beliefs until it was a truly diverse.

5 Roman Gods & Goddesses JupiterKing of the Gods JunoQueen of Gods NeptuneGod of the sea PlutoGod of death ApolloGod of the Sun DianaGoddess of the Moon MarsGod of war VenusGoddess of love CupidGod of love MercuryMessenger of the Gods MinervaGoddess of wisdom CeresEarth Goddess ProserpineGoddess of the Underworld VulcanThe smith God BacchusGod of Wine SaturnGod of time VestaGoddess of the Home JanusGod of Doors Uranus and GaiaParents of Saturn MaiaGoddess of Growth FloraGoddess of Flowers PlutusGod of Wealth

6 Roman Education Education was very important to the Ancient Romans. Children from rich families, were well schooled and were taught by a private tutor at home or went to schools. In general, schools were for boys only. Learning in Roman schools was based on fear. Boys were beaten for any mistake. As a belief that a boy would learn correctly if he feared being beaten if he got something wrong.

7 More about education For boys who continued to get things wrong, some schools had a policy of having pupils held down by two slaves while his tutor beat him with a leather whip. There were two types of schools in Ancient Rome. The first type of school was for younger children aged up to 11 or 12 where they learned to read and write and to do basic mathematics. Older children would go to more advanced schools where they did specific studies on topics such as public speaking. Girls rarely went to these schools as they were allowed to get married at the age of 12 whereas boys had to wait until they were 14 to get married. Girls from rich families did receive an education, but at home.

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