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Digital Business Strategy (The New York Times) AMAYA STARKEY.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Business Strategy (The New York Times) AMAYA STARKEY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Business Strategy (The New York Times) AMAYA STARKEY

2 What is Digital Business Strategy?  In strategic communications, digital business strategy is the process of specifying an organization's vision, goals, opportunities and related activities in order to maximize the business benefits of digital initiatives to the organization.  Moving into the technological era we are now in, many companies are moving into a direction where digital business strategy is needed in order for them to be successful.  Mobile journalism is now more effective than traditional journalism in reaching our current audiences.

3 Moving in a New Direction: Mobile News  In today’s world digital media is increasingly expanding, and is patented by continuous change.  Now many people have access to updated news in any given time or place, all news is now one click away!  Subsequently, many individuals have transferred their attention and media spending away from standard media such as newspapers.  Nowadays, mobile news publishing entails various means of distribution such as: blogging, news alerts by messaging, apps, and sending mass emails.

4 The New York Times Goes Mobile!  Legacy news media has been continuously investigating how to make mobile news provision more user-friendly through their committed services.  With the rapid circulation of touch-screen mobile devices, producers have experienced a tremendous growth mobile apps.  For example, in recent news the New York Times used Instagram to cover Hurricane Irene.  This proved to be extremely proficient in reaching various audiences and making it easier to follow what happening.  The time efficiency using social media has saved lives!

5 The Theoretical Questions  Is Traditional media dead? In certain ways, YES! News has moved in a completely new direction because being informed of news faster is better for the audience, using mobile apps is fastest way to reach audiences now. People use their phones more than they watch the daily news making so accessing phones make it easier to reach mass audiences. Outlets like magazines, television and radio have had changes but remain important in the communications world.  What exactly is Mobile Journalism? Mobile journalism is an new form of media storytelling. Where reporters use portable electronic devices with network connectivity to gather and distribute news from his or her community.  Is using technology a better use of companies resources? Yes, because it reaches more audiences faster time. It saves money and helps companies reach mass exposure

6 Conclusion  Media is indefinitely moving a new direction.  From evaluating The New York Times, mobile news is a savvy and more effective way of reaching audiences.  Using mobile news could propel companies into more exposure.  This is the new way of sharing information, joining in could only HELP news organizations!  The END.

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