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CrossMedia™ Methodology CrossMedia™ uses a multiple regression modelling technique to isolate the effectiveness of all the individual media involved in.

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Presentation on theme: "CrossMedia™ Methodology CrossMedia™ uses a multiple regression modelling technique to isolate the effectiveness of all the individual media involved in."— Presentation transcript:

1 CrossMedia™ Methodology CrossMedia™ uses a multiple regression modelling technique to isolate the effectiveness of all the individual media involved in the campaign and assess how the different media have interacted together. The pre/post analysis of media campaigns allows us to account for pre-disposition towards the brand and therefore genuinely isolate the true media effects 1 Category usage Brand experience Media Pre-existing Consideration Additional media effect Pre-existing Consideration Category involvement Category usage Brand experience Baseline consideration Media Impact on baseline Category involvement (this captures underlying brand predisposition)

2 CrossMedia™ Methodology By including other non advertising variables in our models we ensure that we are accounting for how people feel about the brand before being exposed to media – and thus accurately identify the campaign effect 2 Uses brand Has had +ve experience of brand Heavy category involvement Uses brand Has had +ve experience of brand 45% consideration (of brand) 55% consideration (of brand) Unexposed Exposed Heavy category involvement Diff +10% campaign effect

3 CrossMedia™ Methodology Measuring exposure to the media and working out probable frequency of exposure: 3 TV, Outdoor, Newspapers, Retail, Sampling Declared: through detailed questions on media use, eg: For TV: day parts viewed, hours per day part, specific channels and programmes viewed… For Newspapers: titles read, frequency of readership etc… For outdoor: travel patterns Plus highly detailed post campaign reports from media agency for all media Plus external media information about the structure of and consumption patterns for each active media (eg BARB, NRS, Rajar, Postar) Dynamic Logic’s cookie technology, allows us to determine which people have been exposed to the ad and the frequency of exposure (number of times exposed to the ad) Online

4 We can then also accurately determine how much of the uplifts in brand metrics due to the campaign impact are attributable to the different media channels used 4 Estimate each respondents’ likelihood to have seen each medium in campaign Calculate shift in metric due to media exposure Uplift in Consideration (13.2%) 7.0 2.0  Don’t use appropriate websites Reads relevant newspaper title once a week Heavy TV watcher in relevant day parts Use appropriate websites Reads relevant newspaper titles six days a week Lighter TV viewer in relevant day parts Does visit retail outlets Does use sampling Doesn’t visit retail outlets Does use sampling  Retail Sampling Online Outdoor Newspapers TV

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