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Non-marketed contribution of Polish Farms to National Economy Dr Zbigniew Floriańczyk Dr Mariusz Hamulczuk Dr Adam Wasilewski Dr Marek Wigier IERiGŻ–PIB,

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Presentation on theme: "Non-marketed contribution of Polish Farms to National Economy Dr Zbigniew Floriańczyk Dr Mariusz Hamulczuk Dr Adam Wasilewski Dr Marek Wigier IERiGŻ–PIB,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-marketed contribution of Polish Farms to National Economy Dr Zbigniew Floriańczyk Dr Mariusz Hamulczuk Dr Adam Wasilewski Dr Marek Wigier IERiGŻ–PIB, Warsaw, Poland Montpellier, 04.05.2014

2 2 Agriculture in national economy (share in %)

3 3 Value added generated in agriculture per 1 employee, farm and 1 ha in the EU (fixed prices in USD of 2000)

4 Standard output in (ESU/AWU) <22-44-88-1616-4040-100> 100 Number of farms (in thousand)931,2199,6164,1114,168,013,72,8 Structure62,413,411,07,64,60,90,2 Standard output (ESU)/per farm0,62,95,711,223,657,5211,0

5 5 Aggregated expenditure to CAP implementation in the period V 2004 – XII 2013 (in bln zl and %) Poland has received over PLN 180 billion under different support instruments from the EU resources The greatest share in these transfers belonged to direct payments (over 50%) and payments to implementation of rural development programmes (almost 40%).

6 6 Changes in the number of farms and area of agricultural land according to the area group in 2002-2012 (in %)

7 7 Non-marketed contribution -Public goods (landscape, environment) -Conservation of natural resources (sustainability) -Semi-subsistence

8 Area of agricultural land in different forms of nature protection in Poland

9 Recreations sites in rural areas in Poland

10 Percentage of villages with the natural environment of high quality in opinion of village mayors in Poland IAFE-NRI survey

11 The causes of natural environment pollution in rural areas of Poland IAFE-NRI survey

12 Touristic attractiveness of rural areas in Poland IAFE-NRI survey

13 Share of villages offering various forms of attractions IAFE-NRI survey

14 Sustainable crop rotation practices suport conservation of agriculture land natural productivity. Market forces as a stimulant of family farm agriculture transformation into industrial type of agriculture Agriculture and natural resource conservation Share of farms of optimal crop rotation in Polish FADN population in 2006 - 2011

15 Subsistence farms as the way of live Share of farms (in %) Share of UAA (in %)

16 16 Dziękuję za uwagę Thank you for your attention

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