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High School & Beyond Junior Year Research, Budgets and Plans, Oh My!

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Presentation on theme: "High School & Beyond Junior Year Research, Budgets and Plans, Oh My!"— Presentation transcript:

1 High School & Beyond Junior Year Research, Budgets and Plans, Oh My!

2 Basic Definition: reaching your goal(s) What is “Success”?

3 “Success” & Our 3 Guiding ? ’s Who Am I? Skills, Interests, Values & Lifestyle Preference What, then, can I become? Career that are a good fit for you based on “Who Am I?”…. How do I become that? Education/Training needed for your career(s) of interest.

4  Today, “success” is often equated to the ability to have:  Economic prosperity  Job Availability/Sustainability  Social Mobility  What can, at times, be left out:  Job Satisfaction (“Happiness!?!”) Success in Today’s Economy What, then, does “success” look like in today’s economy ?

5  What message(s) is the video trying to illustrate?  What is YOUR opinion about the video?  Think about whether or not the explanation of how to “succeed” in today’s economy has any bearing on the post-high school options YOU are currently exploring…. Take a Minute….

6 Apprenticeship or Technical School Employment or Gap Year Military What option can best prepare you for your 1 st career? 2 or 4-year College

7 Do YOU know for sure what type of education or training is needed after OHS to prepare you for “success” in your life?

8 IF you are thinking 4-year college…  PSAT – October 18 th  7:00-11:00am at OHS  Bring with you: ID, 2-3 pencils, calculator  Tickets on sale Monday, Oct. 6th  Buy in ASB office ($20) before/after school & at lunch  Juniors only for first 2 days  Buy early to guarantee a spot and get your practice booklet!  This is your chance to qualify for the Nat’l Merit Scholarship!!!  We have 13 Commended and 7 Semi-Finalists in this year’s senior class…. next year it could be you! Senior Parent Nite Oct. 1 st @ 6:30pm - PAC Preview of Senior Year….

9  Oct 8 6-8pm @ Evergreen (Lecture Hall 1)  How to Choose a College That’s a Good Fit for YOU  Oct 15 6-8pm @ SPSCC (Bldg. 26, Room 101)  College Essays and Applications  Oct 22 6-8pm @ St. Martin’s (Cebula Hall, 3 rd floor)  Financing College at 2 & 4-year colleges (public & private) Anyone is welcome to attend, even if NOT interested in these schools! Choosing the 4-year college route takes the most preparation:

10 What does “success” look like to you? How will you know you met your goal(s)? What are your Goals?

11 S pecific – clearly defined or identified M easurable – able to be measured (noticeable) A chievable – capable of being done R ewarding – satisfying, fulfilling, worthwhile T imely – done in a favorable/useful amount of time Are your Goals SMART?

12  Short-term – by end of 1 st Semester  At least one academic goal  2 or more other goals related to your activities either within or outside of OHS  Long-term – by end of 2 nd Semester  At least one academic goal  2 or more other goals related to your activities either within or outside of OHS Setting your own SMART Goals SUCCESSSUCCESS =

13  Long & Short-term Goal Setting  Final Career Matchmaker & My Skills ( Finish on your own by Nov. 3 rd if you run out of time !) Log in to Ohs-lastnamefirstinitialmiddleinitial (NO spaces!) Student ID # - 7 digits total ( 0 at FRONT if only 6 digits) Today’s Tasks

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