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The West Block and Peace Tower A virtual trip brought to you by: Mr. J. Saulnier.

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Presentation on theme: "The West Block and Peace Tower A virtual trip brought to you by: Mr. J. Saulnier."— Presentation transcript:

1 The West Block and Peace Tower A virtual trip brought to you by: Mr. J. Saulnier

2 West Block

3 Today, the West Block houses offices of ministers and Members of Parliament. Officially opened in 1866. Renovated in the early 1960s.

4 West Block

5 Confederation Room A big attraction of the West Block is the Confederation room. It is one of the largest rooms on Parliament Hill and was created in the 1960s. It is used for some state occasions, committee work and conferences.

6 Confederation Room

7 The Peace Tower

8 Peace Tower The Peace Tower, so named to honour the thousands of Canadian men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country in World War I, stands at the front of the Centre Block.

9 Peace Tower: The Carillon These are the bells that are frequently heard from Parliament Hill. The 54-t (60-ton) instrument, developed from the 17th century chiming clocks in Dutch and Flemish cities, contains 53 bells, ranging in size from the 4.5 kg (10 lb.)

10 The Carillon Musicians come from all over the world to study the carillon. The carillon is played from a large keyboard similar an organ.

11 The Peace Tower: The Memorial Chamber This is the central component of the Peace Tower. It is dedicated to the men and women who have given their lives in the service of the country.

12 Memorial Chamber

13 Stone Work The Peace Tower is also famous for the stonework on the Tower. It is in the form of Grotesques, Reliefs, and Gargoyles.

14 Stone Work

15 FIN! Please close the presentation and refer back to the website for more tours and activities.

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