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Knockroe Passage Tombs Spirals Symbols Spirals; opening/closing The Sun Ring; common to all or most Celtic Crosses Bosses on each arm of cross;

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Presentation on theme: "Knockroe Passage Tombs Spirals Symbols Spirals; opening/closing The Sun Ring; common to all or most Celtic Crosses Bosses on each arm of cross;"— Presentation transcript:



3 Knockroe Passage Tombs

4 Spirals


6 Symbols Spirals; opening/closing The Sun Ring; common to all or most Celtic Crosses Bosses on each arm of cross; Seasons Forces of Evil; Serpents, Lizards etc Central Boss; Christ Christ Figure; Clothed / Triumphant / Resurrected Scriptural Crosses; Scenes from Old or New Testament


8 Patterns 11 2 3 4 From; Sun & Cross. Jakob Streit

9 Ossary Crosses. Typical Motifs 1-g eometric shapes The Seven Bishops or Christ with Apostles OPW Photo

10 Ossary Crosses. Typical Motifs 3 3- The animal k ingdom Adam & Eve in Paradise OPW Photo

11 Kilree Cross a- The bare Winter sun at bottom. b- The Spring sun, unfolding spirals. c- Summer sun, expanding powerfully in the spiral. d- Autumnal equinox, reversing in the spiral From; Sun & Cross by Jacob Streit

12 Memorial Cross To Niall Caille. High King. Photo; Sli 5 Tour Guide


14 Ahenny South Cross. West Face


16 Killamery CrossEast FaceKillamery CrossEast Face KilameryCrossKilameryCross



19 St Mullins. Co Carlow OPW Photo

20 Ullard Church OPW Photo

21 Tibberaghny Pillar Stone

22 Jerpoint Abbey. Crucifix

23 Modern Reproductions

24 Famine Memorial Quebec, Canada. Fabricated; Kellymount Quarries, Paulstown. Sculptor; Aileen Brannigan Modern Reproductions

25 Clonmacnoise. Cross of the Scriptures OPW Photo

26 Modern Reproductions Famine Memorial. Portland Oregon USA. Modelled on Cross of the Scriptures Clonmacnoise. Sculptor; S. McGlone, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal

27 Finis End of Part I

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