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Africville. Instructions: Textbook = Towards Freedom 1.Read pages 120 to 122. 2.Answer questions #1 to 7 on Africville that are located on the hand-out.

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Presentation on theme: "Africville. Instructions: Textbook = Towards Freedom 1.Read pages 120 to 122. 2.Answer questions #1 to 7 on Africville that are located on the hand-out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Africville

2 Instructions: Textbook = Towards Freedom 1.Read pages 120 to 122. 2.Answer questions #1 to 7 on Africville that are located on the hand-out with the map of NS. You have 15 minutes to complete the questions!

3 Answers 1. Where was Africville located? - North end of Halifax, NS - Beside the MacKay Bridge at the edge of the Bedford Basin

4 Answers 2.When and how did Africville form? - 1848 - Through a Land Purchase

5 Answers 3.What was the base of the community? - The Seaview Baptist Church

6 Answers 4.How were the people of Africville industrious? - They worked as labourers and in service jobs in Halifax - Halifax stonemasons helped construct many of Halifax’s public buildings - Worked on ships and at the ship yard.

7 Answers 5.Why was land expropriated from the community in the 1850’s? - Railroad tracks and sewage disposal pits were located there.

8 Africville 6.What did the city council locate just a “stone’s throw away” in the mid-1950s? - A large dump

9 Answers 7.Why did city council vote to expropriate Africville in 1964? - In the name of “urban renewal” - They believed that Africville was slums and there was an article in a newspaper calling it a black ghetto.

10 Notes These are located on the handout with the questions #1 to 7 -Majority of the residents were descendents of the black refugees from the War of 1812. -It was initially known as Campbell Road, but because the residents were black it was changed to Africville -Although the residents paid the city taxes, there was a lack of basic services such as sewers, running water and paved roads -It became the home to Rockland Prison (1853), an infectious disease hospital (1870s), a trachoma hospital (1905) and a slaughter house.

11 Notes Residents were given $500 to relocate They owned there homes in Africville, but were moved to public housing and had to pay rent. This caused a lot to go on welfare. They were moved in City dump trucks The two main areas they were moved to were: Uniacke Square and Mulgrave Park

12 Notes It is now a national historic site known as Seaview Memorial Park

13 Africville Homework Hand-out You are a resident of Africville who has been asked to relocate. Write a letter to the City Council asking them to keep Africville instead of destroying it. You must defend your argument by using examples. length = app. 150 to 200 words

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