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DPUG Meeting – May 16, 2013 Jerry Corr Elizabeth Crawley Habitat Management, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "DPUG Meeting – May 16, 2013 Jerry Corr Elizabeth Crawley Habitat Management, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 DPUG Meeting – May 16, 2013 Jerry Corr Elizabeth Crawley Habitat Management, Inc.

2 Overview Why we undertook this project Need in Market to Improve Cadastral Data but Limited Budgets Help Clients to Improve Land Maps Find a Better, Faster, Cheaper Way to Improve Coordinates. Survey Grade not Required Identify Areas Where Survey is Required

3 Current Situation Increasing Accuracy Requirements Survey Data of Undefined or Insufficient Accuracy 200 Year Old Documents Survey Data Digitized from Topographic Maps Well Locations Calculated from Footages / QQs Lease Boundaries and Wells Aligned to Legacy Grids

4 GCDB Geoprocessing Issue GCDB Mismatches between Big Horn and Johnson counties

5 Project Objectives Is this a Feasible Idea? Rapid Data Acquisition Timely Data Acquisition Improved Metadata Improve Schema Design Photographs Supplemental Information (State Board) Corner Quality Information

6 Business Drivers Need to Improve Data Fit to Imagery Publish Maps with Ownership on “Right Side” of Street. Establish Published Corners / Control Points on the Map. Proper Schema Photographs Create a “Regulatory Grid” Improve Data to Meet Increased Regulatory Spacing Requirements.

7 Phase 1 Littleton: Out of 49 section corners: 7 found, 8 unidentified Discrepancies between 6.5-80ft East of Boulder 39 wells Discrepancies between 0.8-10.5ft One was plugged and reclaimed

8 T 1N R 66W Ft. Lupton

9 Decade# of Records 19708 198017 199021 20002 20101

10 Out of 49 section corners: 30 found 7 were calculated from witness monuments Discrepancies between 8.324-103.15ft Average discrepancy = 32.548ft 11 out of 55 were outside the error of 40ft 2 were double marked Findings


12 40 ft

13 Oil/Gas Wells Ft. Lupton

14 Findings Number of wells used for the study: 49 Discrepancy Range: 0.336-23.216ft Average Discrepancy = 6.564ft 20 wells that have been plugged

15 Questions Elizabeth Crawley, Habitat Management, Inc Email: Robert White, WhiteStar Email:

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