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Naming and Branding 312-953-2208.

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Presentation on theme: "Naming and Branding 312-953-2208."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naming and Branding 312-953-2208

2 What image does it bring? What do you think of when you think of a company? How do you control your message? Is this “Isolation? What is the Vision of Your Brand?

3 Can you control your Brand? Control: 1- The Perception 2- The message 3- The images- People are visual Ahh….Isolation is a Good Thing!

4 What is the Value of Perception?

5 How you would feel if I told you there was a company out there that; 1- Was the most Valuable Company in the world 2- Made $87 Billion dollars 3- Had a Profit of $19.5 Billion 4- Was sitting on $76 Billion in cash that it didn’t know what to do with 5- Employed almost 50,000 employees- it still made $1.77 Million per employee! 6- Had most of it’s employees overseas 7- Charged 30% higher for their product than any other competitor 8- Held a 75% market share, and… 9- Paid less than 2% taxes on international earnings

6 Believe it was Shell?

7 It was Apple!

8 The Difference Between Is Small

9 The Power Of Words To Sell

10 Climbing a Mountain? You’re right. What are these people doing? Repelling down? Your right. You HAVE to control your message



13 UPSTO.GOV, 99 Designs, Survey Monkey, Odesk 13 Domain Generators Namestation, DomainFellow, NetworkSolutions HARO


15 1- Something close to what you do?- RONAstar, ComComNetworks 2- Something you make up- Cenoplex (adsnips), SpoonMantics 3- Something that tells a story- My WetRock, MonetaPro 4- Something allegory- Orionnation, Examples- vs vs vs vs. How do you create a name?


17 Learn to be a Hard Hearing Frog

18 Branding and Naming Twitter: StephenMeadeLa 312-953-2208

19 A few of my great truths 1- S-Your greatest strength, is your greatest weakness 2- P- People do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure 3- E-People make decisions emotionally and defend them logically 4- N- Ask not "why”, ask "why NOT" 5- D-If you say it- they doubt it. If they say it- it's true 6- R- Remember the Three R’s- Recognition, Referrals, Revenue 7-Q-Questions are the key to the Universe 8-B-Begin with the end in mind 9- L- He who speaks first loses 10-99% of the things we worry about never happen, so why worry SPENDR QBL9

20 1- During an event, go to the Host and ask WHO you should meet. Use the tornado technique to explain what you NEED. The earlier the better. 2- Stand by the speakers AFTER the event. Listen to all of the questions asked and how they’re answered. Gives great insight to what is important to them, as well as you get to listen/meet the people in line. 3- Do your homework in advance to see who will be at the event, who are speakers, who is in the paper or news, who is getting awards, who you need to know, etc. 4- Look for the most popular person at the event and meet them. 5. Send an email in advance of the conference with a link to the speakers. Ask your network who they know on the panel, etc. that you could be introduced to.

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