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Guangala Unearthed Use-wear Analysis & Experimental Archaeology in a Study of Ecuadorian Artifacts Stephanie Bohaczuk, Doris Chen, Raj Dave, Christopher.

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Presentation on theme: "Guangala Unearthed Use-wear Analysis & Experimental Archaeology in a Study of Ecuadorian Artifacts Stephanie Bohaczuk, Doris Chen, Raj Dave, Christopher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guangala Unearthed Use-wear Analysis & Experimental Archaeology in a Study of Ecuadorian Artifacts Stephanie Bohaczuk, Doris Chen, Raj Dave, Christopher Geissler, Shriya Kaneriya, Zachary Maher, Marie Smithgall, Meghan Sosnowski, Peiyi Su, Joanna Venator, Lucas Zavala Advisor: Maria Masucci Assistant: Alison Koser 1. Figurina Antropomorfa Sedente [Internet]. 2007 June 15. Ecuador - Guayaquil. MAAC; [Cited 2008 30 July]. Available from: GuayaquilMAAC/photo#5076828756071446578 1

2 Past vs. Present Past –Morphological –Lack of scientific methodology –Roots in humanities New technology Present 1 –Experimental –Archaeometry 1. Sutton MQ and Yohe Robert. 2007. Archaeology: The Science of the Human Past, 3/E. Bakersfield (CA): Prentice Hall. Pg. 65-66.

3 Our Objectives Apply scientific method to Guangala artifacts Three main artifact groups –Shells –Ceramics –Stones Three main techniques –Microscopic analysis –Experimental replication –Use-wear studies

4 GUANGALA PHASE (500 B.C.-A.D.800) 1 A 1. Marcos JG. 1986. A Brief Prehistory of Ecuador. Quito (Ecuador): Corporación Editora Nacional 2. Ecuador Map [Internet]. [Updated 2006 December 11]. Washington D.C., US Central Intelligence Agency. [cited 2008 July 30]. Available from: merica/ecuador.htm 2

5 BACKGROUND- CULTURE Agriculture 1 Trade 2 1.Marcos JG. 1986. A Brief Prehistory of Ecuador. Quito (Ecuador): Corporación Editora Nacional 2.Anderson G. 2007. Marine Science. [Internet]. Santa Barbara, CA: [cited 2008 Jul 28]. Available from re/

6 The Experiments. Can the markings on the artifacts tell us something about their past?

7 SHELL ARTIFACTS OBSERVED Artifact S1: Found at shell-working site Artifact S2: Found with burnt trash heap So are all the striations a result of object use-wear or of natural processes? Magnification 5x

8 Experiment al Shell Before Polishing Original Artifact S1Experimental Shell After Polishing Magnification 5x

9 Experimental Shell After Use on Manioc Experimental Shell After Use on Oak Magnification 5x

10 SHELL: DISCUSSION Ineffective tool Shell burnt Natural growth rings vs. man-made striations 1 Raw material valuable Ceremonial and/or monetary by experimentation 2, 3 Anderson G. 2007. Marine Science. [Internet]. Santa Barbara, CA: [cited 2008 Jul 28]. Available from Morris PA. 1966. A Field Guide to Pacific Coast Shells. Boston (MA): Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 258. Marcos JG. 1986. A Brief Prehistory of Ecuador. Quito (Ecuador): Corporación Editora Nacional

11 Original Replic a Magnification 5x

12 Before After 1. López Varela SL, van Gijn A, Jacobs L. 2002. De-mystifying Pottery Production in the Maya Lowlands: Detection of Traces of Use-Wear on Pottery Sherds through Microscopic Analysis and Experimental Replication. Journal of Archaeological Science [Internet]. [cited 2008 Jul 28]; 29(10): 1133- 1147. Available from: e/article/B6WH8-46FS8RH- 4/1/b5d45c7b4e9f23e5b83d6f3a4ca 41b1fc 1 Magnification 5x


14 STONE “AXES” Sharpened against sandstone Experimented –Scraping –Slicing –Chopping Analyze under stereoscope


16 BEFOR E AFTE R Magnification 10x

17 EXPERIMENTAL ACTUAL Magnification 10x


19 BEFOR E AFTE R Magnification 10x

20 EXPERIMENTAL ACTUAL Magnification 10x

21 Application of science to archaeology MAIN IDEA:MAIN IDEA: move past morphology into experimentation

22 Complex SocietyComplex Society –Trading –Resourceful –Agricultural PoliticsPolitics –Foresting policy –Ethnic pride Meggers BJ. 1966. Ancient Peoples and Places: Ecuador. New York (NY): Frederick A. Praeger. p. 14-119.

23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Schering-Plough Foundation Novartis The Dorr Foundation The Jennifer A. Chalsty Foundation The Edward W. and Stella C. Van Houten Memorial Fund The Jewish Communal Fund Laura and John Overdeck Dr. Masucci Ms. Alison Koser Dr. Miyamoto Dr. Quinn Ms. Myrna Papier


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