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How eGovernment enhances and supports administrative simplification - The Portuguese Agenda - Better Regulation Seminar New Delhi, 3 th December 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "How eGovernment enhances and supports administrative simplification - The Portuguese Agenda - Better Regulation Seminar New Delhi, 3 th December 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 How eGovernment enhances and supports administrative simplification - The Portuguese Agenda - Better Regulation Seminar New Delhi, 3 th December 2009

2 What does the citizen wants from the Public Administration? Knowledge sharing On the spot User focus services Secure information exchanging -That it interacts the least with me -That it gives me the same answer no matter where I go - The Public Administration is the institution that less contributes for my happiness - The Public Administration is slow answering to the challenges of a complex society

3 The Portuguese Strategy for eGov Placing the Citizen in the Centre of a Modern and Changed Public Administration

4 Modernising public services: our strategy PUBLIC SERVICES TODAY  Vertical; hierarchical; inflexible  The supply’s logic: services divided into silos  Difficult access to services  Government knows everything  The same service for everyone PUBLIC SERVICES TOMORROW  Transversal; shared; connected  The demand’s logic: integrated services  Services on real time 24/7  The citizen also knows and is co-producer  Custom-made service

5 Portuguese EGov Drivers Driver 1: A “2 in 1” Program Driver 2: A Multichannel Approach Driver 3: Electronic Identification Driver 4: Interoperability Platform

6 Driver 1: a “2 in 1” Program Egov and cutting red tape I.Link “Administrative Simplification ” + “eGov” II.Eliminate duplicated demand III.Transparency and predictablility IV.Proportionally to risk Objective : change ongoing processes and procedures, which place a disproportionate burden on citizens and businesses, based on a previous assessment of its impact

7 Some examples within a company life cicle Start UpGrowing Dissolution Start Up Growing Dissolution Driver 1: a “2 in 1” Program Egov and cutting red tape

8 Start up On the Spot Firm A new system for creating companies, that allows firms – private limited companies, partnerships or PLC – to be set up at a single contact point and in less than one hour, without filling any application form Up to September nearly 80.000 on the spot firms were established, which represents 69% of the companies created during the same period, with a standard constitution time of 32 minutes.

9 Simplification of Local authority building permits A simplified system for local authorities to issue building permits. In certain circumstances this new regime will give out of the need for the architectural design to be assessed and licensed, or for work to the inside of buildings to be notified to the authorities in advance. Start up

10 Industrial facilities licensing regime Simplified licensing regime based on a new online application tool that supports industrial licensing procedures. It allows: simulation of the request delivering of information required to begin the licensing process monitoring of its progress. Start up

11 Simplex: main characteristics I.Strategy: top down + bottom up II. Composition: transversal and sectoral measures III. Participation: public consultation, Ideia.Simplex. IV.Assessment: measurement and evaluation of results V.Accountability: control by the Council of Ministers VI.Transparency: regular public reports Driver 1: a “2 in 1” Program Egov and cutting red tape

12 Driver 2: A Multichannel Approach Integrate other channels Licensing procedure for Hunters Renew and pay license to hunt via the ATM Network Winners of the 2009 European eGovernment Awards

13 820 services from 130 public and private bodies More than 300.000 registered users Average of 3 millions page views/m : Information services Certificates Income tax declaration Changing address Since February 2005 it has offered SMS-based services Driver 2: A Multichannel Approach The WEB Channel: Citizen's PORTAL

14 14 The business Portal provides informational and transactional services covering the business lifecycle: – Starting a business – Managing business activities – Expanding a business – Closing or Selling a business 450 services from 78 public bodies Driver 2: A Multichannel Approach The WEB Channel: Business PORTAL

15 15 Walking inside of a Citizen’s Shop_2G Driver 2: A Multichannel Approach New model for public services delivery

16 One-stop House” Service Allows citizens to complete at a single counter all the procedures related to the purchase or sale of their home Paying the taxes; drafting and signing the contract; seeking for municipal tax exemption; registering the property with all the relevant authorities Integrated one stop shop services Driver 2: A Multichannel Approach Integrated one stop shop services

17 Citizen Card Project It is a physical document that allows the visual identification of a citizen and it is also a digital document that allows the citizen to identify himself/herself and to electronically sign documents. It replaces 5 ID Cards: National Identity Card Tax Card Social Security Card Voters Card Health Care Card A driver to develop eGov solutions Driver 3: Electronic Identification A driver to develop eGov solutions

18 More interactive services on line for citizens and business - Public services (some examples) Start up a business on the on-line Business Portal Change address Apply for industrial licensing Complaint to authorities Buy and Sell a car University applications Unemployment benefits request A driver to develop eGov solutions Driver 3: Electronic Identification A driver to develop eGov solutions

19 Administrative efficiency: - Workflow dematerialization through electronic signature (municipalities, National Tourism office) -Public servants authentication in the Portal -Sign up documents A driver to develop eGov solutions Driver 3: Electronic Identification A driver to develop eGov solutions

20 What is it?: It is a service oriented central platform based on open standards. Objectives Provide a shared tool for public administration to interconnect the different information systems and deploy multichannel electronic services. Technological foundation for standardization and sharing of resources Driver 4: Interoperability Platform Technological foundation for standardization and sharing of resources

21 IS Personalization Citizen Card I lost my wallet counter Some figures: 9 public services already use this plataform More than 70M messages already exchanged Technological foundation for standardization and sharing of resources Driver 4: Interoperability Platform Technological foundation for standardization and sharing of resources

22 How to use eGov and Administrative simplification to react to crisis Better Regulation Seminar New Delhi, 3 th December 2009

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