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Blossom Possum The Sky is Falling Down-Under Vocabulary Instruction Grade 1 Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Blossom Possum The Sky is Falling Down-Under Vocabulary Instruction Grade 1 Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blossom Possum The Sky is Falling Down-Under Vocabulary Instruction Grade 1 Australia

2 Animals of Australia

3 possum

4 cockatoo

5 goanna lizard

6 kangaroo

7 platypus

8 gecko

9 dingo

10 emu

11 action words

12 The possum trotted.

13 The cockatoo strutted.

14 The goanna lizard marched.

15 The kangaroo bounced.

16 The platypus shuffled.

17 The gecko danced.

18 dingo

19 The emu jumped.

20 escaped The animals ran. The animals escaped.

21 escape escaped If you get free from someone or something, you escape. This zebra escaped from a zoo.

22 Pandas escaped. 12

23 Parrot escaped. 12

24 dangerous When something is dangerous, it might hurt you.

25 dangerous The dingo was dangerous. He wanted to eat the animals.

26 dangerous knife 12

27 dangerous cat 12

28 dangerous river 12

29 dangerous stairs 12

30 treacherous This bridge is very dangerous. This bridge is treacherous.

31 treacherous This road is very dangerous. This road is treacherous.

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