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IEEE Central Texas Section Council on Electronic Design Automation Chapter Spring Planning Meeting January 26, 2013 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Central Texas Section Council on Electronic Design Automation Chapter Spring Planning Meeting January 26, 2013 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Central Texas Section Council on Electronic Design Automation Chapter Spring Planning Meeting January 26, 2013 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team Chair: Zhuo Li, IBM ( Vice Chair: Magdy Abadir, Freescale ( Secretary: Cliff Sze, IBM ( Webmaster: Natarajan Viswanathan, IBM ( Publicity Chair: Himyanshu Anand, Freescale (

3 IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 Technical Seminars DateTopicSpeakerAttendees 08/20/2012 IEEE CTS CEDA August Inaugural meeting: (1) DAC 2012 Review (2) POWER Processor Design & Methodology Directions (3) Overview of Accellera Systems Initiative & IEEE Design Technology Committee Joshua Friedrich, IBM Bill Read, Freescale Sani R. Nassif, IBM Zhuo Li, IBM 48 Aug 30, 2012 IEEE SSCS Distinguished Lecture: Energy Limits in Current A/D Converter Architectures Prof. Boris Murmann, Stanford University 45 Sep 24, 2012 Active Management of Timing Guardband to Save Energy in POWER7 Charles Lefurgy, IBM18 Oct 3, 2012 IEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Joint Meeting with UT ECE Department – Opportunities and Challenges for High Performance Microprocessor Designs & Design Automation Ruchir Puri, IBM61 Oct 9, 2012 Challenges in Synthesizing Quantum Computers Prof. Susmita Sur-Kolay, Indian Statistical Institute 22 Oct 24, 2012 IEEE CTS CTCN / CAS / SSC / CEDA / WIE / LM Joint Meeting – Legendary Engineering Success Stories Gary Daniels, GIT Satellite Communications 144 Oct 27, 2012 IEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Workshop– “Data Parallelism for multi-core chips and GPU"74 Dec 13, 2012Placement for the Next DecadeChuck Alpert, IBM20

4 IEEE Central Texas Section 2012 Big Event IEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Workshop  Data Parallelism for Multi-Core Chips and GPU All day workshop held on 10/27/2012 Seven Speakers from IBM, AMD, Altera, ARM, Texas A&M, UT Austin 74 number of attendees from industry and academia The workshop story will be published in SSCS Magazine

5 IEEE Central Texas Section Seminars

6 IEEE Central Texas Section Workshop

7 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis Strengths  Year-old chapter with enthusiastic officers! Weaknesses  Need more local speakers Opportunities  Local chip design and EDA companies, UT Austin  DAC 2013  Co-sponsor events with other chapters Threats  Differentiate with other parent societies/chapters

8 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans DAC 2013 publicity/promotional event. Two seminars have been planned for this year. Invite more speakers from local chip design and EDA companies  Synopsys, Intel, Freescale, Samsung, etc., Invite local speakers to present their DAC Designer/User Track submission Have a yearly DAC review Co-sponsor Distinguished Lectures with SSC or CAS Society iPhone App programming workshop (still in plan)

9 IEEE Central Texas Section Questions? Thank You!

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