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New Performance Management Policy APRIL 2013. So whats this all about? A fair, wider ranging and more open system for honest performance assessment …in.

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Presentation on theme: "New Performance Management Policy APRIL 2013. So whats this all about? A fair, wider ranging and more open system for honest performance assessment …in."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Performance Management Policy APRIL 2013

2 So whats this all about? A fair, wider ranging and more open system for honest performance assessment …in which we evaluate the how (behaviours) as well as the what (delivery) …with validation of performance ratings across employee groups of the same grade …to help in awarding ratings, addressing performance and developing talent

3 So does this change everything? No. The key relationship is still between job holder and manager (eg to set objectives) …the emphasis remains on fairness, honest feedback and managing performance promptly …with the aim of developing our people for the benefit of the Agency as well as themselves …but with a broader view of performance

4 Main Changes (1) CEO email 17 Dec 12 introduced the changes Performance & development year begins Apr Mandatory people management objective & leadership objective (HRAN 2009/02) SMART objectives (+ reasonable adjustments) Assessed against `what (delivery) and `how (behaviours, competencies, values) Consistency check across peer groups

5 Main Changes (2) Regular performance discussions Mandatory mid-year review (Sep/Oct) Job-holders complete a self-assessment of their performance at mid-year LMs provide an indication of performance level using the Performance Wave tool Validation check across peer groups

6 Main Changes (3) 3 performance ratings: 1 = exceeded outcomes & behaviours 2 = exceeded / satisfactory / just met 3 = satisfactory / must improve/develop NB: Employees being formally managed for poor performance are excluded

7 Performance Wave

8 Main Changes (4) Mandatory end of year review / job-holder prepares a self-assessment LM and JH bring examples to support assessment End of year validation (LMs meet to review performance of a group of employees with their peers). Outcome is agreed rating Guided distribution range (1 = up to 25%; 2 = 50% to 80%; 3 = 10% to 25% of staff)

9 Main Changes (5) Consistency checking – countersigning & LMs consult on performance expectations at start / mid / end of year for consistency. Countersigning manager ensures consistent performance expectations; agrees employee peer group; checks end year-consistency; ensures unsatisfactory performance dealt with Disagreements – JHs can appeal or raise grievance if process not followed

10 Performance Year

11 Main Changes (6) PDPs discussed at start of the calendar year and in accordance with HRAN 2010/12 Refer to A Managers Guide to Developing Staff on L&D microsite for further PDP advice See also `How To resources e.g. set SMART objectives; deal with performance dips; conduct validation and consistency checks; roles & responsibilities; constructive feedback; learning support for performance management

12 Summary Performance is the joint responsibility of the manager and the job holder, addressing both what we do and how it is done Performance will be proactively managed in a supportive learning environment, with regular feedback and prompt action to address performance concerns as they arise

13 This is a fair and consistent performance management system, with a better focus on developing our people Between now and April we will hold briefings and workshops to help managers and staff familiarise themselves with the new process

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