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Modeling Environment for the Communication Virtual Machine Team 2 Date: 12/03/2008 Team MembersRole Deliverable 1Role Deliverable 2Role Final Deliverable.

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Environment for the Communication Virtual Machine Team 2 Date: 12/03/2008 Team MembersRole Deliverable 1Role Deliverable 2Role Final Deliverable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Environment for the Communication Virtual Machine Team 2 Date: 12/03/2008 Team MembersRole Deliverable 1Role Deliverable 2Role Final Deliverable Lazaro Pi Leandro Wong Manasa Bharadwaj Sandeep Varry Jorge Jauregui Marc Gauthier Roberto Espinoza Team Leader Project Manager Document Editor Implementer System Manager Implementer Minute Taker System Manager Object Designer Team Leader Document Editor Time Keeper Minute Taker Project Manager Implementer Project Manager Document Editor Team Leader Implementer Object Designer -

2 Purpose of system and scope Allow teams to create communication models that can be later executed on the Communication Virtual Machine (CVM). CME created using model driven software development techniques in an easy to use graphical modeling framework Will eventually allow us to deploy a communication application employing the features already present in applications (Skype or Smack APIs) Able to load and display schemas in the modeling environment. The system will also store models in GCML and XCML format, including layout information. 2

3 Implemented Use cases 3

4 Convert Model from XCML to GCML Actors: Modeler Description: The modeler will give CME as input an XCML file and the CME will return the GCML version of the input file Trigger: The Modeler selects the Convert from XCML to GCML option on the menu. The system responds by … CME reads the XCML text into memory as a data structure of CML objects. CME checks if it has a GCML file associated with this XCML file in the repository. If that is the case, CME compares the 2 files to see if they are equivalent (by comparing all objects). If they are equivalent, CME uses the stored GCML and goes to the last step; For each of the objects, CME initializes an empty layout entry. CME opens the GCML file in the Modeling Environment. 4

5 Post-conditions: the GCML version of the file is generated and the model is displayed on the CME canvas. Alternative courses of action: This use case can be called from T2_CME_SYSE2E_12_ImportModelFromXCML Decision Support… Frequency: Moderate to high - Performed for every time the Modeler wants to import an existing XCML model (8 times per day). Criticality: High. This is one of the 2 main uses of the system. Risk: High. This requires algorithms and data structures that complicate the programming. 5 Convert Model from XCML to GCML

6 Create File Transfer Model Actors: Modeler Description: The Modeler drags Shapes and Edges to the CME in order to create a File Sharing Model that users will execute later. Pre-conditions: Modeler has the CME open and has access to save created models to the Repository. Trigger: The Modeler Starts a new model by selecting the create new option in the CME The system responds by … 1. The CME creates a new model 2.The Modeler drags to the Canvas : Person1, Person2, Device1, Device2, Connection1 3.The Modeler creates edges from Connection1 to Device1, Device2, and Medium1. 4.The Modeler drags isAttached1 to the canvas and creates edge from isAttached1 to Device1. 5.The Modeler drags isAttached2 to the canvas and creates edge from isAttached2 to Device2. 6.The Modeler saves the model to the repository. 6

7 Create File Transfer Model Alternative courses of action: The Modeler can instantiate all fields in the modeled objects (i.e. set all properties) in which case the model created can be executed with prompting the final user to fill any other input. Post-conditions: After this use case is complete, the created model has been saved to the repository and is ready to be used by the GUI user. Decision Support… Frequency: Low - This model would have to be created only once, it will be modified sporadically. Criticality: High - Directly support one of the main uses of the system Risk: Medium 7

8 Software architecture diagram 8

9 9 Minimal Class Diagram

10 Convert XCML to GCML 10

11 State Machine 11

12 TCS_5.1(Convert the model form the XCML to GCML) 12 Purpose To test if a user can convert the XCML to GCML and save the GCML to the repository Sunny Day Preconditions The user( "L1 ") is already logged on to the system. The XCML and its corresponding GCML file " GCML3.gcml_diagram" already exist in the repository. Input - The user "L1", click on Model -"L1" clicks on “TransformXCMLToGCML” -L1 browses for the XCML form "c:/../Example/xcml1.xcml_diagram ” -L1 browses for the destination path” c:/../Example/ “ for saving the converted GCML file -L1 names the file GCML3.gcml_diagram in the destination path. - L1 clicks on "convertXCMLToGCML". Expected Output The GCML file GCML3.gcml_diagram is created and the GCML is stored in “c:/../Example/”

13 TCS_5.3(Convert the model form the XCML to GCML) 13 Purpose To test if a user can convert the model from the XCML to GCML Rainy Day Preconditions The user( "L1") is already logged on to the system. The GCML does not exist in the repository. The XCML L1 tries to convert is incomplete. Input - L1 Clicks on Model - L1 Clicks on TransformXCMLToGCML - L1 browses for XCML present in the repository. (path as mentioned in TCS_5.1) - L1 clicks on "convertXCMLToGCML". Expected Output Corresponding Error message is displayed

14 Screenshots Login Environment Convert GCML to XCML 14

15 15



18 Thank you 18 Questions ? Comments ?

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