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21 st Century Kids Notes from a keynote by Dr. David Dwyer [ACOT] Department of Education Meeting July 2002 Washington, D.C.

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Presentation on theme: "21 st Century Kids Notes from a keynote by Dr. David Dwyer [ACOT] Department of Education Meeting July 2002 Washington, D.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 st Century Kids Notes from a keynote by Dr. David Dwyer [ACOT] Department of Education Meeting July 2002 Washington, D.C.

2 The Millenials 11 th and 12 th graders in America 70 million of them 34% are minorities Grew up in the longest period of peacetime and economic expansion in American history 60% participate in community service

3 Millenials Rising: The Next Generation, High School Class of 2000 78% believe spirituality is important, and are actively creating their own! 34% are multi-tasking at any given moment 20% carry cell phones 87% are online

4 50% believe they will own their own business someday Are looking for quality in careers: Responsibility Independence Creativity Idealistic Have $302 billion in discretionary spending (~$75/week)

5 Urban Divide 50% graduate from 32 of America’s largest cities Demonstrate greater at-risk behavior among drop outs

6 Learning Styles Want to learn with and from technology Want to learn online In their own time and place Doing things that matter!

7 On an average day 64 million Americans go online: Send email Chat Shop Do a search to answer a question Get driving directions Make travel arrangements Check sports scores

8 National Report Card Math is problematic. Science—no improvement Using technology: Students gain more skills 30% faster Greater time on task Students write more and better More students have greater access to information Motivation to achieve is greater: attendance, graduation, college-bound possibilities


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