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Sustainable Energy Network Roll Out Helen Northmore.

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1 Sustainable Energy Network Roll Out Helen Northmore

2 Some background Energy Saving Trust has run the network of Energy Efficiency Advice Centres (EEACs) since 1993. The Sustainable Energy Network (SEN) concept has been piloted in the North East, Anglia and Northern Ireland. Our aim was to show that we can deliver cost effective carbon savings at a much greater scale through the evolution of the EEAC network to SEN.

3 SEN Vision “A world where sustainable energy is the choice for all individuals and organisations” –In the short to med term (to 2020) to maximise carbon savings within developed supply chains –In the long term (to 2050) to empower and enable people to be ‘low carbon citizens.’

4 SEN outputs Focus on carbon saving priorities Building on EEAC local advice service, advising on domestic renewables, transport & energy efficiency Coordinating & supporting local organisations & supply chains to deliver low carbons solutions

5 Summary of pilot evaluation Targets for carbon saving are being exceeded.  During 2005-06, the carbon saving per customer was 1.91 tC, 17% higher than target of 1.63 tC (lifetime). Pilot SENs are cost effective.  2005/06 cost effectiveness is £7.8/tC against a target of £10/tC. Consumer awareness is significantly higher in pilot areas  Spontaneous awareness of EST as a source of advice and information is 13% compared to 5% in non-pilot areas We are reaching greater numbers of householders  Customer numbers are on track to increase 3-fold in 06-07 to 260,000 across the three pilots

6 Case study – North East Market analysis –Large number of established organisations active in the region –440,000 empty cavities Tactical activity –NE Home Insulation Partnership aiming to insulate every home by 2017 –Launched by David Miliband

7 Seven areas of activity to deliver SEN aims Customer led adviceIn depth supportProactive targeting Ensure that society visibly supports low carbon lifestyles through appropriate levels of commitment, leadership and exemplary action Work with GovernmentWork with businessWork with communities Make it easier and more convenient for householders to take up sustainable energy products and services, and to adopt low carbon lifestyles Promotions Persuade citizens to view low carbon lifestyles and actions favourably and to feel compelled to act

8 EST requirements for a SEN Funding for each region & Devolved Nation An EST-employed SEN Manager Each ESTAC to comprise three full time posts: –Centre manager/Marketing manager/Operations manager An impartial, expert advice service branded as Energy Saving Trust An approach that builds on what exists

9 Provisional roll out timeline London & Wales Remainder Consultations concludecompleteJuly 07 CSR funding decision (expected)Additional ££End Oct 07 OJEU tender noticecommencedNov 07 SEN notice of contracts issuedEnd Oct 07Apr 08 Regional manager in placeOct 07Feb 08 Launch of serviceDec 07Oct 08

10 What does this mean for you? LESP funding for 07/08 confirmed 08/09 onwards - SEN Increased local, Welsh and UK marketing and outreach activity


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