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Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2004. Confidential and proprietary. The Consumer You Never Knew – Individual Insights RCPG Summit 2005 March 1,

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1 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2004. Confidential and proprietary. The Consumer You Never Knew – Individual Insights RCPG Summit 2005 March 1, 2005

2 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2004. Confidential and proprietary. Households today have multiple shoppers, each with distinct brand and category preferences, presenting manufacturers with a tremendous opportunity to understand their consumers better and ultimately deliver on specific needs. IRI’s Individual User service is a unique, timely and affordable approach that links traditional household panel data to present totally new insights along with a fact-based roadmap for more effective targeted marketing. Learn how to assess current marketing and promotion plans, understand individual-level brand interactions, link data to key ailment and sufferer groups, and evaluate how vulnerable your brands are to private label items.

3 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 3 Sometimes We Believe We Know Our Consumer... Their Gender, Age, Attitudes and Preferences

4 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 4 IRI’s Panel Business Investment & Innovation  Focus on re-inventing the concept of “panel data”  Move beyond simple reporting of household purchase behavior and basic demographics  Move toward deeper, more complete understanding of attitudes, aspirations and behavior at the individual level, combined with enhanced attributes Objective: Transform to “Total Consumer View”

5 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 5 Individual User Service Overview Unique, proprietary, and cost effective semi-annual survey to 18,500 panelists at an individual level on a category by category basis Provides individual user age/gender profiles of categories and brands Understand WHO uses/consumes the product, NOT who buys it Allows for cross-category/franchise assessment Understand use/consumption of hard to research groups: teens, children, seniors Pinpoint advertising and promotion targets

6 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 6 Females Consume Slightly More Snack/Granola Bar Category Volume than Males Females ages 25-54 are very important to the category, consuming more than one- quarter of the total category volume. Volume Used by Age and Gender InfoScan Reviews Category Definition Source: IRI Individual User Survey Data - Wave 4; Period Ending December 28, 2003 7% Male vs. 13% Female Ages 55+

7 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 7 The Cereal/Snack Bar Segment’s Volume Peaks Among Users Age 35-44 InfoScan Reviews Category Definition Source: IRI Individual User Survey Data - Wave 4; Period Ending December 28, 2003 User Age % of Volume Consumed by User Age Group Granola bars are consumed more heavily than cereal/snack bars by 25-34 year old users; however, both bar types are consumed equally by 35-44 year old users.

8 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 8 63% of Kellogg’s Cereal & Milk Bar Volume is Consumed by Users < 18 Years in Age InfoScan Reviews Category Definition Source: IRI Individual User Survey Data - Wave 4; Period Ending December 28, 2003 % of Brand Volume Consumed by User Age 45% of General Mills Milk n Cereal Bar volume is consumed by those <18 years. However, only one-third of Quaker Fruit & Oatmeal Bar volume is consumed by this group. 45% 33% 63% 41% Utilize internet to communicate with younger users --- add interactive kid’s web zone to product page

9 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 9 Despite Heavy Consumption of Kellogg’s Cereal n Milk Bars Among <18 Users, Loyalty Levels are Comparatively Low Loyalty by Age Among Female Users Age Groups of Female Users InfoScan Reviews Category Definition Source: IRI Individual User Survey Data - Wave 4; Period Ending December 28, 2003

10 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 10 MedProfiler IV: Health & Wellness Survey  More than 68,000 individuals  Survey questions include  Health opinions  Health concerns  Dieting  Health habits  Lifestyle  Body Mass Index  Integrated with IRI’s Consumer Network to link health and wellness attitudes with purchase behavior

11 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 11 Assess Individual’s Claimed vs. Actual Participation in Diet Trends % Following Diet Low Carb Foods Individual User Dollar Index Low Fat Low Salt Low Sugar Low Calorie Low Carb High Fiber Atkins Morning Start™ Cereal Bar Carb Solutions™ Snack Bar Dannon® Carb Control Yogurt Yoplait ® Ultra™ Yogurt Refrigerated Bacon Fresh Eggs Source: IRI MedProfiler III Survey November 2003 Source: IRI Individual User Survey 13/26 weeks ending 6/27/04

12 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 12 Reported Ailment Trends 2004 vs 2005 IRI MedProfiler Surveys % Increase vs YAG % Decrease vs YAG Infection Heart Monitor Health Trends that Impact Consumer’s Lifestyles and Purchasing Behavior

13 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 13 Analyze Level of Disease Management Through Healthcare Remedies by Age % Suffering From Ailment Sample OTC Categories: Dollars/1000 HH Index Arthritis High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Menopause Diabetes Osteoporosis External Analgesic Rubs Gastrointestinal Tablets Internal Analgesics Source: IRI MedProfiler III Survey November 2003 Source: IRI Consumer Network® Panel 52 weeks ending 11/21/04

14 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 14 % of Total Households Based on Adult Internal Analgesics Users/Brands 1 User / 1 Brand Non-Users 1 User / 2+ Brands 2+ Users / 1 Brand 2+ Users / 2+ Brands Identify Shared Product Usage Within the Household

15 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 15 Adult Analgesics Usage Group Comparison 1 User and/or Brand 2+ Users & Brands Multi user/brand households in total account for almost 60% of category spending. Assess the Value to the Category of Exclusive versus Shared Users

16 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 16 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Segment Multi Brand/User Households into Groups Based on Usage Patterns User #1 User #2 User #1 User #2 User #1 User #2 User #1 User #2 1 User / 1 Brand Non-Buyers 1 User / 2+ Brands 2+ Users / 1 Brand 2+ Users / 2+ Brands Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 % of Households Based on Adult Internal Analgesics Users/Brands

17 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 17 Total Adult Analgesics Average Tablets per Household $48.20 $24.79 $34.11 $46.92 $26.54 Dollars per User Group 1 users are well above-average adult analgesics consumers. Analyze Purchasing Behavior and Demographic Profiles of Key User Segments for Better Targeted Marketing

18 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 18 Sometimes User Demographics Do Not Explain the Full Story – Attitudinal Information Fills in Gaps I Know Who, But Not Where, When or Why?

19 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 19 Attitudinal & Behavioral Integration via AttitudeLink Newsletter Survey large audience via monthly panelist newsletter Mail Custom survey Phone Call center staff can execute phone surveys for open- ended questions and turn around results fast Internet Custom survey available via Internet  Link consumer attitudes to actual purchasing behavior  Interview “hard-to-find” consumers cost effectively

20 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 20 Bar Consumption Location Driven by Type of Bar and Purchase Location The majority of bars purchased in Grocery are for Eating at Home. Energy bars are eaten more when physically active. GroceryDiscount Health Source: IRI AttitudeLink Survey Masked Results for Category

21 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 21 Granola and Cereal bars are used more for breakfast and snacking (afternoon, morning or evening). Energy bars are used more as part of a meal (breakfast and lunch), after exercise and as a meal replacement. Bars Consumed Throughout Day but More Prevalent Earlier in the Day Source: IRI AttitudeLink Survey Masked Results for Category

22 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 22 Users Have Different Reasons for Purchasing More of Each Bar Type They taste better than they did in the past I find them on sale more often Cereal Bar Users Purchasing More Granola Bar Users Purchasing More I’m trying to eat more healthy snacks They taste better than they did in the past Source: IRI AttitudeLink Survey Masked Results for Category

23 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc. 2005. Confidential and proprietary. 23 Neighbors are Different... But So are People Living Under the Same Roof! Targeting the Individual Will Maximize Performance in this Challenging CPG Environment. Those Manufacturers and Retailers that capitalize on the hottest consumer trends will win! Thank You!

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