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Extraterrestrial Life?. 1. UFO’s and sightings 1. UFO’s and sightings 4. Alien themed movies 4. Alien themed movies 2. Area 51 3. Aliens.

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Presentation on theme: "Extraterrestrial Life?. 1. UFO’s and sightings 1. UFO’s and sightings 4. Alien themed movies 4. Alien themed movies 2. Area 51 3. Aliens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extraterrestrial Life?

2 1. UFO’s and sightings 1. UFO’s and sightings 4. Alien themed movies 4. Alien themed movies 2. Area 51 3. Aliens

3 UFO’s: Unidentified Flying Objects

4 What are they? They are known as objects in the sky or hovering near the ground Also know as: flying saucers

5 The name UFO… The term UFO was created by the United States Air Force They were originally thought to be any airborne object that did not conform to any typical aircraft or missile type

6 They often contain… An outer shell of dark grayish material Tubes, grill-like work and other structures underneath Red blinking lights

7 Here are the different types of UFO’s…..

8 Most Popular Sightings Three months after Pearl Harbor was attacked, there was reported UFO sighting It was assumed to be another air strike from Japan Because of this a massive anti-air craft military attack was launched Sighting #1: February 25, 1942. Los Angeles, California.

9 Sighting #2: Lubbock, Texas 1951. 20-30 lights were reported flying overhead in a “V” formation This sighting became so popular it was published in Life Magazine in 1952.

10 Sighting #3: Washington D.C. These spots were first spotted on an air traffic controllers radar Seven objects moved in unusual flight patterns The sightings were believed to occur in consecutive weekends with the objects moving over the White House The incident was so publicized that President Truman demanded an explanation

11 Sighting #4: August 9-11 Sweden, 1946 20,000 ghost rockets were sighted between the 9-11 Many of these sightings occurred during daylight Some reported them moving slowly, horizontally and sometimes followed by strange noises

12 Sighting #5: Belgium, November 1989- April 1990 These objects were reported by 143 witnesses the first night they appeared They were tracked on radar by the Belgian Air Force They were described as black triangles with bright lights that would change color

13 Sighting #6 Roswell, New Mexico 1947 This is the most famous UFO incident and suspected government cover-up Recovered debris from an alien aircraft was found in the desert of New Mexico The government disposed of the debris, which is now thought to be held in Area 51, and has refused to speak of it ever since

14 Area 51

15 What is it? According to the CIA its official names are the Nevada Test and Training Range and Groom Lake It is a large military airfield It is located in the southern portion of Nevada It’s primary purpose is officially undetermined Although it most likely supports development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems

16 Why was it created? It is thought to have been created in 1941, because it was kept secret no one is clear of the actual start date It is known to have been created for bombing and artillery practice and the testing out of planes used for warfare

17 How did it become publically known? It rose to notoriety in 1989 when a Las Vegas man, Bob Lazar, claimed he worked at the facility to discover the secrets of crashed alien hardware

18 What happened? People believe that an alien space ship crashed around Area 51 and the remains of the crash and the proof that aliens exist is hidden within Here is an image that was believed to be taken by a man working in Area 51 during the time of the crash

19 Fun facts It’s nickname DREAMLAND was derived from the Edgar Allen Poe poem of the same name An 8,500 foot runway had to be built when the aircraft OXCART was tested here In it’s start the only entertainment it had was a small bowling alley and a small tennis court

20 Fun facts continued… Rumors have been spread by families that their relatives working in Area 51 have disappeared after speaking out about what it contains


22 Aliens

23 What are they? They are known as intelligent beings from outer space They are known to fly around in UFO’s They are known to abduct humans and take them back to their home planets, sometimes they return them, other times they keep the human

24 Their origin Considering there are so many people that believe in aliens, they must come from somewhere in the universe. Perhaps a planet that can also sustain life. Most believers think they come from the double star system Zeta Reticuli, pictured on the next slide


26 Reproduction If aliens have been spotted for centuries then they must be able to live forever or reproduce. The sight of a baby alien has never been reported Women have reported being abducted by aliens and having a baby that the aliens kept before they returned the woman back to Earth Perhaps the male aliens can reproduce and the females cannot therefore they need female humans to reproduce?

27 Why haven’t we actually “discovered” aliens? 1.Aliens may be far more advanced and intelligent then we are, perhaps we have not “discovered” them because they do not want us to 2.They may be scared of us, if the occurrences at Area 51 are true then they may not want to end up like their buddies all cut into little pieces and examined 3.We do not know their whereabouts. Once someone spots an alien it is as quickly gone as it was seen. Perhaps we are just not quick enough to get enough people to see them and then actually believe what they are seeing

28 How many are there? For the sake of an argument let’s just assume aliens are real This leads us to ask, how many of them live? Do they outnumber us? The military has said there are 57 different types of alien species visiting Earth


30 Alien themed movies

31 When they began The first ever alien movie was created in 1902 by the French called, A Trip to the Moon The movie is about a group of six men in astronomers club that build their own spacecraft and take a trip to the moon. When they land they encounter Selenites (lunar inhabitants). The Selenites capture them and take them to their Chief. The astronomers succeed in killing the chief. They rush back to their spacecraft and unfortunately only five of the men make it. In the end, the five arrive home safely and are welcomed with open arms

32 The take-off The alien obsession officially took off in the 50’s when there were thirty movies made involving aliens in that one year

33 Invasion of the Body Snatchers Created in 1956 the story depicts an alien invasion in a small California town The Doctor of the town starts to see a lot of patients claiming their relatives seem to have been replaced with strangers. Later in the movie trucks of pods are sent around the town to body snatch more people.

34 Other popular 50’s alien movies 1950-Destination Moon 1951-The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951-When Worlds Collide 1953-The War of the Worlds 1953-Spaceways 1954-Riders to the Stars 1954-20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1956-Forbidden Planet 1958-The Blob 1959-Journey to the Center of the Earth

35 E.T. the extra-terrestrial One of the world’s all time favorite movies was made in 1982, E.T. It follows the story of the cute E.T. who only wants to “phone home.” The journey begins with E.T. being stranded on Earth. He later befriends a young boy, Elliot, that will do anything to keep him alive. As E.T. gets ill Elliot realizes he must find a way to get him home. In the end an everlasting friendship is made and E.T. returns home

36 The Alien Franchise The first Alien movie was produced in 1979 later followed by Aliens in 1986, Aliens 3 in 1992 and Alien Resurrection in 1997. They all follow the story of the ugly black aliens

37 AVP: Alien vs. Predator The Alien movies later combined with the Predator movies to make the ever famous Alien vs. Predator! It was made in 2004 and follows the battles between the aliens and the predators

38 Extraterrestrial Life…Fact or Fiction? Only time will tell if the universe holds other forms of life besides what we know. The ultimate questions lies: Extraterrestrial Life…Fact or Fiction? YOU DECIDE!

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