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The Circulatory and Lymphatic systems. Blood Blood is a fluid that circulates throughout the body. Blood is a fluid that circulates throughout the body.

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Presentation on theme: "The Circulatory and Lymphatic systems. Blood Blood is a fluid that circulates throughout the body. Blood is a fluid that circulates throughout the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Circulatory and Lymphatic systems

2 Blood Blood is a fluid that circulates throughout the body. Blood is a fluid that circulates throughout the body. It carries nutrients from digestive system to body cells. It carries nutrients from digestive system to body cells. It carries oxygen taken up by respiratory system It carries oxygen taken up by respiratory system It removes wastes produced by cell metabolism. * It removes wastes produced by cell metabolism. *

3  The human body contains approx 5-6L of blood. ****

4 Blood consists of: A fluid component called A fluid component called plasma. And formed elements : And formed elements : –Red blood cells –White blood cells –Platelets

5 Function of blood components Plasma : –Makes up 55% of whole blood –Is a yellowish liquid (mainly water) in which red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are in suspension. –Also contains nutrients, antibodies, hormones and metabolic waste.*


7 Red blood cells: –Are concave on both sides and lack a nucleus –Contain –Contain Hemoglobin (red pigment that carries oxygen) –Are produced in the bone marrow –45% of blood volume *

8  Oxygenated blood carries oxygen and is bright red  Deoxygenated blood depleted of oxygen, carrying carbon dioxide and is dark red (not blue). *

9 White blood cells : –Also called Leucocytes –Are colourless –Larger than red blood cells  White blood cells protect the body by: –Engulfing and digesting dead or damaged cells, old RBC’s, and microorganisms –Produce antibodies to neutralize invading organisms *


11 Platelets:  are red blood cell fragments  Important in the clotting of blood (clotting –the process where the platelets clump together and start the formation of fibrin filaments to form a solid mass (a clot) and stop the bleeding) Fibrin filaments


13 Blood groups  Red blood cells have proteins on their surface, called antigens that provoke a clotting reaction when they are introduced into another body.  Blood is grouped according to the type of antigen it contains and by the Rhesus factor.  Blood typing is important for blood transfusions  A blood transfusion is the injection blood products (usually red blood cells) from one person to another.

14  Blood type A -has the A antigen (protein) on its surface  Blood type B -has the B antigen on its surface  Blood type AB -has both A and B antigen on its surface  Blood type O -has NO antigen on its surface

15 Rhesus (Rh)factor This Rh factor is another antigen determining the compatibility for blood transfusions This Rh factor is another antigen determining the compatibility for blood transfusions –Rh+ means the antigen is present –Rh - means the antigen is not present


17 Blood Type can donate to can receive from A+, A-, AB+, AB- A-, O- A+, AB+ A+, A-, O+, O- B-, B+, AB-, AB+ B-, O- B+, AB+ B+, B-, O+, O- AB-, AB+ AB-, A-, B-, O- AB+ Universal recipient Universal donor O- O+, A+, B+, AB+ O+, O- + - + + + - - - Rh- Rh+

18 Bill Nye Blood and Circulation Bill Nye Blood and Circulation

19 C.S.I. Ormstown Lab Create the following observation chart in your notes: Create the following observation chart in your notes: Anti-A serumAnti-B serumBlood Type Slide #1 Mr. Smith Slide #2 Ms. Jones Slide #3 Mr. Green Slide #4 Ms. Brown Suspect Slide #5 Suspect

20 The anatomy of the Circulatory System

21 The Heart


23 ri the heart has 4 chambers: the heart has 4 chambers: –Right and left atrium (1 st chambers that blood enters in heart) –Right and left ventricle –Right and left ventricle (last chamber before blood leaves heart) Left ventricle (very muscular ) Left atrium Right atrium Right ventricle

24 Heart Valve movie

25 Major blood vessels of the heart  Blood vessels are the plumbing of the body that assure the distribution of blood to the entire body.  Two vessels leave the ventricles:  The Pulmonary artery –blood is pumped to the lungs.  The Aorta – blood is pumped throughout the body.  Two vessels enter the atria:  The Pulmonary veins – bring blood back from the lungs.  The Venae Cavae – bring blood back from the body.

26 ri Aorta (blood to body) Pulmonary artery (blood to the lungs) Pulmonary vein (blood from the lungs) Superior vena cava (blood from the upper body) Inferior vena cava (blood from the lower body) Septum Main blood vessels

27 Bill Nye- The Heart Bill Nye- The Heart

28 Blood Vessels

29 Arteries  Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the organs of the body  have thick, muscular, elastic walls to withstand high pressure.  The is the largest artery in the body.  The Aorta is the largest artery in the body.  These large arteries progressively branch and get smaller and smaller, becoming-arterioles, then capillaries. *

30 Capillaries  Capillaries are minute branches at the ends of the arteries and veins.  They are permeable allowing the diffusion of substances into all body cells which are within 50µm of a capillary. *

31 Veins  Veins –go to the heart and have thinner walls and are less elastic than the arteries because there is less pressure.  to help the blood to flow up from the extremities (e.g. legs), veins have one way valves that prevent backflow.  Leg muscle contractions help “pump” the blood back to the heart.  Capillaries turn into venules enlarging into veins returning to left atrium via the large Vena Cava. *

32 How it works

33 When a heart beats it first contracts the atria and then the ventricles When a heart beats it first contracts the atria and then the ventricles 1. Deoxygenated blood returns under pressure via the Vena Cava into the relaxed right atrium. 2. Contraction of right atrium forces blood into the right ventricle.*

34 3. Ventricular contraction forces blood through the Pulmonary artery into the lungs. Blood travels through smaller arteries then arterioles and finally the capillaries in single file. Blood travels through smaller arteries then arterioles and finally the capillaries in single file. The capillaries surround the minute air sacks (alveoli) and allow the exchange of gases (O 2,CO 2 ) between blood and inhaled air. * The capillaries surround the minute air sacks (alveoli) and allow the exchange of gases (O 2,CO 2 ) between blood and inhaled air. *

35  Oxygenated blood leaves the capillaries of the lungs, first through the venules, then veins returning to the left atrium via the pulmonary vein.  Contraction of the left atrium forces the blood into the left ventricle.*

36 4. Contraction of the left ventricle forces the blood through the Aorta throughout the body.  Arteries branch off the aorta and supply various organs and tissues with oxygenated blood. The blood follows this path:  Arterioles  Capillaries – exchange of gases  Venules  Veins  Vena cava *





41 Blood pressure  Blood pressure is the force with which the blood is pushing against the arterial walls.  Bp is measured in mm of mercury (mm Hg)  The systolic pressure is when the ventricular pressure is at its maximum and the vessels are expanded.  The diastolic pressure is when the heart is at rest ( no contraction).  The pressure is given as a ratio of systolic 120 diastolic80 diastolic80 (for adolescents normal bp is 113 mm Hg) 65 * 65 *

42 The lymphatic system  Carries dissolved O 2 and nutrients to the cells  Collects cellular waste products  plays an important role in the immune system Lymph is:  A fluid that fills the spaces between the blood vessels and the body cells  A fluid derived from the blood *

43  Lymphatic vessels resemble blood vessels and are close to them  The lymph returns to the circulatory system via two veins near the heart.  The lymph relies on muscle movement for circulation.*


45 The lymphatic system comprises of the following organs :  The thymus- found underneath the heart  The bone marrow- found in long bones (femur)  The spleen- found left of stomach under diaphragm  The tonsils- found in mouth bordering the pharynx*

46  The lymphatic vessels have lymph nodes throughout the body.  When an infection occurs these nodes swell and harden (e.g. A cold or tonsillitis) *

47 Tonsils


49 The immune system  The ability of the body to protect itself against antigens is called immunity.  Antigens are viruses, bacteria, abnormal cells or other substances that produce an immune reaction. ****

50  An antibody is a substance produced by certain white blood cells that can neutralize specific antigens. ****

51 Bill Nye- Germs Bill Nye- Germs

52 Parts of the Heart Parts of the Heart ri Main blood vessels

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