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Organisation of oil spill response in the UK – The National Contingency Plan NATIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR MARINE POLLUTION FROM SHIPPING AND OFFSHORE.

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Presentation on theme: "Organisation of oil spill response in the UK – The National Contingency Plan NATIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR MARINE POLLUTION FROM SHIPPING AND OFFSHORE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisation of oil spill response in the UK – The National Contingency Plan
NATIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR MARINE POLLUTION FROM SHIPPING AND OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS As a Party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the United Kingdom (UK) has an obligation to protect and preserve the marine environment. This plan is one of the measures that the UK has taken to meet this obligation. This plan co-exists with major incident and security plans operated by ships, ports and offshore installations. There needs to be a mutual respect between those in command and control of this plan and those in charge of all other relevant plans. This ensures that all of the plans can continue to function efficiently, whatever the circumstances. The scope of this plan matches the scope of the Secretary of State’s powers of intervention. References to “marine pollution” therefore refer to pollution by oil or other hazardous substances This plan sets out the circumstances in which MCA deploys the UK’s national assets to respond to a marine pollution incident to protect the overriding public interest. It also describes how MCA manages these resources.

2 UK Pollution Control Zone
Extends to 200 nautical miles from the coastline or to the nearest median line with neighbouring coastal states UK has 10,500 Miles of coast This plan covers all incidents in, or likely to affect, the UK Pollution Control Zone[1] - that is, any part of the sea within the area designated under the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution) (Limits) Regulations 1996, as amended. The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are responsible for their own counter pollution arrangements but may request assistance from the MCA in a major incident.

3 The Tiered Response for Crude Oil & Refined Petroleum Products
TIER ONE Small operational spill - local resources TIER TWO Medium sized spill - regional assistance For the purpose of planning, tiers are used to categorise oil pollution incidents. The tiered approach to oil pollution contingency planning identifies resources for responding to spills of increasing magnitude and complexity by extending the geographical area over which the response is coordinated: Tier 1 Local (within the capability of one local authority, harbour authority or Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA)) Tier 2 Regional (beyond the capability of one local authority or NIEA) Tier 3 National (requires national resources) When the MCA duty Counter Pollution and Salvage Officer (CPSO) is notified of an incident, the CPSO decides if a regional or national response is warranted. In the event of an incident involving an offshore installation, the duty DTI Environmental Inspector[1] consults with the duty CPSO. This plan lays down no rigid criteria for triggering a regional or national response. However, the CPSO may trigger a national response if: a shipping casualty gives rise to the risk of significant pollution requiring a salvage operation; there is a spill of oil or any other hazardous substance at sea from a ship that requires the deployment of sea borne or air-borne equipment to contain, disperse or neutralise it; there is a spill of oil or any other hazardous substance from an offshore installation that requires the deployment of seaborne, or air-borne equipment by MCA to contain, disperse or neutralise it which the operator of the installation does not have the capacity to deploy (after allowing for mutual support arrangements agreed with other operators); [1] It is the responsibility of this Inspector to make contact with the operator to establish the facts and, if necessary, attend the operator's Emergency Response Centre to monitor the actions of the operator. TIER THREE Large spill – National Assistance (National Contingency Plan)

4 Phases of incident response
4 phases shown on slides to follow: SEARCH AND RESCUE SALVAGE AT SEA RESPONSE SHORELINE RESPONSE Phases of incident response

5 Search and Rescue Saving human life always holds primacy
Other activities may run in parallel provided they do not interfere with search and rescue MCA HMCG lead search and rescue

6 Salvage If there is a threat of significant pollution the Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) contacts the salvor or, if not yet appointed, the master or owner of the ship, and the harbour master, if the incident is in a port or its approaches, and offers assistance. The RCC states that intervention powers may be exercised and instructs those in command of the vessel to give the SOSREP information

7 At Sea Response In almost all cases involving a national response, whether ship or offshore installation related, MCA establishes a Marine Response Centre (MRC) at the nearest Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC)

8 In the early stages of an incident the local authority or NIEA establishes a Tier 1 or Tier 2 response. The detail is contained in their own contingency plan. When the threat of pollution to the shoreline exceeds the capability of the most affected local authority or NIEA, and MCA initiates a national response, that local authority (or authorities) or NIEA sets up a Shoreline Response Centre (SRC). Shoreline Clean - Up

9 Who is involved and who does what ?
HMCG - Her Majesty’s Coastguard CPSO - Counter Pollution & Salvage Officer SOSREP – Secretary of State’s Representative SCU – Salvage Control Unit MRC – Marine Response Centre SRC – Shoreline Response Centre EG – Environment Group The characters and response units in the plan may not all be set up in small to medium incidents All would be set up in a major incident Next slides go into the detail for each

10 Who calls who? First call usually to HMCG Then CPSO
Then scientist who will contact Local Authorities Environment Group HMCG usually get first shout For pollution the HMCG will call CPSO first CPSO will judge scale of incident as is and its potential – and thereby decide who needs to be informed This is all 24/7 If threat if pollution then MCA scientist will be called MCA scientist will look after further calls to fisheries, environmental regulator, and nature conservation body depending on risk (EG) - Scientist will also call Local Authorities who may be threatened by pollution.

11 All depends on incident type and magnitude
Minor incident – info only Minor with potential - ? Major? Examples Many/most incidents are resolved quite quickly Most incidents are breakdowns – and recovered quickly without much concern Breakdown – repairs usually effected without intervention or a tug is quickly on scene Groundings and collisions are usually more serious Variables which CPSO takes into account for potential of incident: include Location Weather / sea energy conditions Quantity and nature of bunkers / cargo on board Onshore or offshore wind – poss grounding? Proximity of tug – take a tow Sensitivity of area / nature/ fisheries Risk to public health E.g.s Braer – close to shore, force 11 winds, 84k te crude oil, Shetland Riverdance, Blackpool beach, only 40 te bunkers, low sensitivity Napoli – sensitive area – world heritage site, SOSREP intervention, 4000page manifest, high profile, 3750 te bunkers

12 Command and Control SOSREP SCU Salvage operations HMCG
Secretary of State Chief Executive MCA Director of Operations MCA SOSREP SCU Salvage operations HMCG Search and Rescue MRC At-sea response operations MCA SRC Shoreline clean-up LA + MCA The structure of the response SCU – HMCG – MRC – SRC all underpinned by advice from EG Environment Group Environmental advice

13 SOSREP SCU HMCG SRC EG Diagram showing all the involved groups MRC

14 UK Maritime incident response
Each unit has a specific role Some units make decisions and initiate actions Some units have statutory powers, some do not Some provide advice to other units Prime objective of all involved to minimise the potential effects of the pollution

15 CPR Branch Very small team with rather a lot to do
Note – names accurate at August May be out of date in future.

16 HMCG HMCG is most often the first organisation notified of an oil spill at sea SAR Search and Rescue In support of oil spill response: Provide communications, marine safety information broadcasts, Assists with deployment of ETVs and helicopters, MCA Boats Mobilise personnel to key locations Provide local knowledge of area HMCG will inform duty CPSO who will inform CPR scientists who will – if necessary – initiate environment group (EG), Public Health response HMCG are key to co-ordinating all communications between the different response cells – particularly at the early stages of the incident

17 Duty CPSO Make assessment of incident and assume responsibility for CP & S implications of incident arrange to deploy assets liaise with owners / operators Inform relevant authorities / organisations activate Marine Emergency Information Room (MEIR), if appropriate contact CP Scientist who will discuss with LAs and carry out any oil spill modeling notify the MCA Media Team CPSO will inform all organisations necessary according to the nature of the incident. Local authorities would not need to be informed for an incident 100 miles offshore. The scale of the incident will determine urgency – alerting for minor oil trail report may be left until morning. Major spill – everyone asap

18 Duty CPSO Establishment of contacts during incidents: MCA CPR DEFRA
SOSREP Ship Owners P&I Clubs Aircraft Response Pollution Contractors Tug Companies & Brokers CPSO Ship Agents Ports & Harbours MCA MO & MCO’s Diagram of contacts MRCCs Environment Protection Agencies Oil & Gas Operators DTI DNSARO Salvors MCA Press

19 SOSREP SOSREP Powers to Intervene and issue Directions
SOSREP has ultimate powers to intervene on behalf of Secretary of State for Transport in any salvage situation or situation where there is a threat of significant pollution Powers to Intervene and issue Directions Powers to require ships to be moved or not to be moved from a specific area or locality within UK Waters. Powers to establish Temporary Exclusion Zone (TEZ) Origin of this role was from a Lord Donaldson recommendation after the SEA EMPRESS incident in Milford Haven in SOSREP Has effectively ultimate powers. Government must “back him or sack him” SOSREP will listen to advice from the environment group – but though one voice – Environmental Liaison Officer (ELO) – which must be concise and comprise key information only. Decision making may be fast moving – thereby no time for lengthy discussions SOSREP may simply keep an eye on what owners are doing – but that implies tacit approval once he is made aware

20 Salvage Control Unit (SCU)
Purpose of SCU is to support SOSREP by: Considering information on progress of salvage Evaluating all possible options Interacting with on board Salvage Team Providing feedback with other units such as MRC, MEIR, Environment Group Facilitating the mobilisation of resources Prime objective of all action is to minimise the risk of environmental pollution SCU may not necessarily be located close to other cells For a complex major incident – could involve many people

21 SCU Membership: SOSREP, Independent SOSREP Salvage Adviser CPSO, Salvage Master, Harbour Master, Ship owner/insurer representative, EG Liaison Officer, Specialist Scientific Advisor, Health/Safety Adviser SCU is NOT a decision making body; decisions remain the responsibility of SOSREP Again – the expertise required will be determined by nature of incident NAPOLI was complex – required many streams of expertise

22 Marine Response Centre (MRC)
Purpose of MRC is to: Assess and monitor the situation at sea Initiate and control dispersant-spraying operations on spilled oil at sea Initiate and control mechanical recovery options at sea. Led by MCA or the Port if incident is within port limits Entirely separate to salvage ops Requires input from EG Dispersant operations are overseen by MFA not EG May exist for short time – until all oil dispersed or ashore

23 MRC Members: CPSO MCA Logistics Officer
Harbour representative, if a harbour is involved Officer from relevant fisheries department Local Authority Officer to liaise with the SRC Environmental Liaison Officer MCA Public Relations Officer Fisheries control dispersant use MFA in England and Wales FRS in Scotland NIEA in Northern Ireland Important to consider the expertise required of the ELO – can be different to that required for shoreline

24 Shoreline Response Centre (SRC)
Purpose of SRC is to co-ordinate and lead the on-shore response Determine the extent of the problem Agree a strategy and priorities Initiate response Obtain and allocate resources Determine methods of waste disposal Monitor progress Brief elected members, Ministers, VIPs, media Only ever three SRCs set up in UK – BRAER, ROSE BAY and SEA EMPRESS – each impacting only one local authority To be agreed by MCA – only set up if operations are beyond resources of local authority Can be a huge operation with dozens of individual sites Will need all manner of environmental guidance/advice Must have links with other cells – SRC can inform when oil may come ashore Estuarine protection can be major activity

25 SRC Local Authority personnel will be mainly concerned with shoreline clean-up GNN Red Cross St Johns Ambulance Oil Company HMCG / CPB Police EA / SEPA Natural England / SNH DEFRA / SEERAD MFA / FRS Contractors ITOPF Myriad of organisations will be involved all with different responsibilities Primary contractors would also be present Most LAs don’t have direct workforce these days – but contractors on call-off

26 Where the Environment Group sits
Secretary of State Chief Executive MCA Director of Operations MCA SOSREP SCU Salvage operations HMCG Search and Rescue MRC At-sea response operations MCA SRC Shoreline clean-up LA + MCA Environment Group Environmental advice

27 Environment Group (EG)
Function To provide advice and guidance on environmental matters to SCU, MRC & SRC Role is purely advisory EG has no formal powers (although members may have) MCA initiates then contacts: Statutory Nature Conservation Body Environmental Regulator Fisheries Department

28 Environment Group CORE MEMBERSHIP Not just for the big incidents
Environmental Regulator Statutory Nature Conservation Body Fisheries Department Public Health Officer Not just for the big incidents Dependant upon location, nature and scale of the incident Other organisations may be invited to join EG at the discretion of the chair

29 Environment Group The core membership may choose to invite:
Sea Fisheries Committee National Park Authorities Local Health Authority HSE Health Protection Agency Animal Welfare bodies - RSPCA, SSPCA Bird casualty record collation - RSPB NGOs Local Wildlife Trusts Local Animal Welfare Trusts Again – depends on scale and nature of incident


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