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Challenges and Opportunities in OB
1.Globalization to Respond Organizations are no longer constrained by national borders, world become global village. •Increased foreign assignment Transferred to your employer’s operating division in another country, Once there, you’ll have to manage workforce, aspiration from employees, and attitudes from those you are used to back home •Working with different people Working with bosses, peers and other employees who were born and raised in different culture, to work effectively with them you’ve to understand how their culture, geographic and religion have shaped them. •Coping with Anti-capitalism backlash Managers at global companies have come to realize that economic values are not universally transferable, need to modify by managers to reflect economic values in those countries they’re working. •Overseeing Movement of jobs to countries with low cost labor In a global economy, jobs tend to flow to places where lower cost provide business firms with a comparative advantages •Managing people During the war on terror An understanding of OB topics such as emotions, motivation, communication and leadership can help managers to deal more effectively with their employees’ fear about terrorism
Challenges and Opportunities in OB
2.Managing workforce diversity The people in organization are becoming heterogeneous demographically, Workforce diversity= whereas globalization focuses on differences between people from different countries, mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, and sexual orientation. Embracing diversity Changing US demographics Changing management philosophy Recognizing and responding to difference 3.Improving Quality and productivity World added capacity in response to increase demand. Excess capacity translate in increase competition, is forcing managers to reduce costs and, at the same time; improve the organization quality and productivity. 4.Improving Customer service OB can contribute to improving an organization’ performance by showing that how employees’ attitude and behavior are associated with customer satisfaction. 5.Improving people skills Designing motivating jobs, how creating effective teams, techniques for improving interpersonal skills 6.Stimulating innovation and change Victory will go with the organization if they maintain their flexibility, continually improve their quality and beat their competition in market place. An organization’s employees can be major block in change, the challenge to the manager to stimulate their creativity and tolerance for change. 7.Coping with Temporariness Survival for the organization, is need to move fast and flexible and innovative in their products, jobs are redesigned, task are done by flexibility, trained old employees with new technology, better understanding of change, overcome resistance to change, create organizational culture
Challenges and Opportunities in OB
8.Working in network organization Global working through one link i.e. INTERNET, technology changes the people to work together and communicate at thousand miles, people can work from their home and non office locations. 9.Helping employees Balance work-life conflicts Flexible Working hours, reporting time, creating opportunities for employees, job security, design workplace and jobs 10.Creating positive Work Environment Human strength, right person appointed at right place, effort on what good for organization. 11.Improving Ethical Behavior Manager shouldn’t place an order on which subordinate don’t agree. Define clearly the right and wrong conduct Fair policy and appropriate system . Increase confidence and trust over organization. Have some logic against order you place to employees
OB Processes Process can be defined as the underlying human and behaviour dimensions of an organization and the various groups and individual constituting it. There are some processes within organization which together constitute a framework of organizational behaviour. The framework for understanding the behaviour of employees in organization consists of four basic processes. These are explained as follows: 1) Individual Processes: People make assumptions about those whom they work with, supervise or spend time with in leisure activities. To some extent, these assumptions influence the person’s behaviour towards others. Effective employees understand what affect their own behaviour before attempting to influence the behaviour of others. Individual behaviour is the foundation of organizational performance. Understanding individual behaviour is crucial for effective management. 2) Interpersonal and Team processes: Being inherently social, people generally do not choose to live or work alone. Almost all our time is spent interacting with others. People are born in to a family group, they work in groups. Much of our personal identity is based on the way that other group members perceive and treat us. For this reason, Many managers spend more than two third of their working days
OB Processes 3) Organizational Processes:
in meetings – skills in group dynamics are vital to all managers. Being an effective team member requires an understanding of the dynamics within and between groups. Team members must be skilled in eliminating barriers for achieving their goals, solving problems, maintaining productive interaction among team members and overcome obstacles for team effectiveness. Organization also needs leaders who can integrate employees and organizational goals. How employees communicate with peers, supervisors, and others can help to make them effective team members or lead to low morale and lack of commitment. B’cos most managers spend considerable amount of time dealing with others, interpersonal communication is a major issue for discussion in the area of organizational behaviour. 3) Organizational Processes: Individuals enter organization to work, earn money and pursue career goals. They do so through the organization culture – i.e. which policies, practices and norms are important in the organization. Newcomers have to understand the organization culture in order to be accepted and become productive. Some organization use formal programmes, some others simply rely on co workers, and still others use a combination of these methods to teach the newcomer what to do and what not to do on the job.
OB Processes 4) Change Processes:
Employees and managers use power to accomplish goals and in many cases to strengthens their own positions. A person’s success or failure in using or reacting to power is largely determined by understanding powers, knowing how and when to use it and being able to predict its probable effects on others. Job design and Organizational design help us to understand the way the jobs have been designed and the features and shape of the organization. Decision Making is one of the important activities to be performed by managers and requires expertise. 4) Change Processes: The management of change involves adapting an organization to the demands of the environment and modifying the actual behaviour of employees. If employees do not change their behaviour, the organization cannot change. Many things must be considered when understanding organizational change, including the types of pressure both exerted on the organization to change, the kinds of resistance to change that are likely to be encountered who should implement change. Six basic strategies for achieving change are: a) People Approaches: This approach uses behavioural science techniques to involve employees
OB Processes b) Cultural Approaches: c) Technological Approaches:
in diagnosing organizational problems and planning actions to correct them. b) Cultural Approaches: This approach change the shared beliefs, values, expectations and norms that comprise the organization culture. c) Technological Approaches: This approach changes the methods by which work is accomplished. d) Design Approaches: This approach is to re arrange organizational authority, responsibility and decision making e) Task Approaches: This approach re design individual jobs. f) Strategy Approaches: This approach change the organization’s intended course of action in goals or select new goals.
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