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Integrated Literacy Assignment

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1 Integrated Literacy Assignment
Sarah Wisneski

2 GLCE 3 – H3.0.4 Draw Upon traditional stories of American Indians (e.g., Anishinabeg – Ojibwa (Chippewa), Odawa (Ottawa), Potawatomi; Menominee; Huron Indians) who lived in Michigan in order to make generalizations about their beliefs.

3 Useful Books The Good Path, by Thomas Peacock and Marlene Wisuri
Nishnawbe by Lynne Deur People of the Three Fires, by James Clifton, George Cornell, and James McClurken

4 Artwork Odawa Moccasins Beadwork on Bag from the Ojibwe

5 The Potawatomi Gathering
Poem I finally saw the Straits of Mackinac in Northern Michigan  Visions of long ago danced upon the waters  The Three Fires separated at this sacred place  My people the Potawatomi went down into Michigan  Where my ancestors lived for generations  Time and Life itself broke us off into the nine bands of Potawatomi we have today. The Forest County Potawatomi went into Wisconsin  The Walpole Island Band and the Wasauksing Band went up into Canada  The Gun Lake, Pokagon, and the Huron Bands stayed in Southern Michigan  The Hannahville Band made their home in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan  The Prairie Band were forced down to Kansas  The Citizen Band Potawatomi were forced even further South into Oklahoma. Like Grandmother Earth  The Potawatomi have endured  Down through the generations  Despite Stolen Lands  Despite the deep wounds of living in two worlds And the near loss of our language  For the past 12 years our bands have met once a year  Though some of us have gone down the Native American Church Road  And some of us have gone down the Christian Road  And still others of us have stayed on the traditional Potawatomi Road  We still come together at our annual Potawatomi Gathering... Like we did centuries ago  Our bands come together as one nation  To celebrate our culture  Share our language  To honor our elders  Have giveaways  Dance together  To crown a new Potawatomi Princess  And hear many gifted Potawatomi speakers:  Speak in the language our Creator wants to hear! The Potawatomi Gathering

6 Map

7 Music & Story Turtle Song
The Creation Story Ojibwe Prayer Song

8 Dance! Potawatomi Ojibwe

9 Website to support GLCE
Detroit Historical Society Department of Natural Resources Teacher Network

10 References Anishinabeg (Ojibwe) bandolier bag Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, Minneapolis . Web. 23 Sept < the-arts/>. Clifton, J. A., Cornell, g. L., & McClurken, J. M. (2006). People of the Three Fires. Grand Rapids MI, MI: The Michigan Indian Press Grand Rapids Inter-Tribal Council. Deur, L. (1981). Nishnawbe. Spring Lake, MI: River Road Publications. Odawa Homecoming Pow Wow Aug Web. 24 Sept Odawa Mocasins The National Museum of the American Indian, New York. Web. 24 Sept Ojibwe Men's Traditional Dance - Shane. Web. 24 Sept. 2013 "Ojibwe Prayer Song." Web. 24 Sept Peacock, T., & Wisuri, M. (2002). The Good Path: Ojibwe learning and activity book for kids. Afton, MN: Afton Historical Society Press. Pokaton Band of Potawatomi Indians Drum and Traditional Dance Web. 24 Sept "Section 1: Before 1701 — The People of the Three Fires." Detroit Historical Society: Frontiers to Factories Curriculum . Detroit Historical Society, Web. 23 Sept The Ojibway Creation Story First Nation Literacy. Web. 23 Sept "Turtle Song." Anishinaabek Sun Dance Song Web. 24 Sept

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