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The Third Additional Protocol: the introduction of the red crystal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Third Additional Protocol: the introduction of the red crystal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Third Additional Protocol: the introduction of the red crystal

2 Historical overview emblems 1859 Battle of Solferino 1863 Establishment of relief societies 1864 Adoption of First Geneva Convention 1876 Start of Russian –Turkish war 1906 Diplomatic Conference 1929 Diplomatic Conference 1949 Revision of Geneva Conventions 1980 Iran waiving its right to use red lion and sun


4 Historical overview emblems 1859 Battle of Solferino 1863 Establishment of relief societies 1864 Adoption of First Geneva Convention 1876 Start of Russian –Turkish war 1906 Diplomatic Conference 1929 Diplomatic Conference 1949 Revision of Geneva Conventions 1980 Iran waiving its right to use red lion and sun

5 Why an additional emblem? Diminished protection of existing emblems

6 Why an additional emblem? Recognition of national societies Red Cross Society of Eritrea Kazakhstan Red Crescent Society

7 The road towards an additional emblem Finding an acceptable symbol and name Obtaining official status Changing the Movement statutes

8 The road towards an additional emblem 2000 Diplomatic Conference –Postponed 2005 Diplomatic Conference –Adoption of Third Protocol 2006 International Conference –Statutes of the Movement are changed –Name ‘Red Crystal’ adopted –PRCS recognized

9 Different uses of the emblem Protective use Indicative use

10 Who may use the new emblem? Protective use: Medical and religious personnel of state parties (permanent or temporary) National Societies when rendering medical assistance to armed forces ICRC and Federation (temporarily) UN medical and religious personnel

11 Who may use the new emblem? Indicative use by National Societies Permanent -when their state has accepted the red crystal as its distinctive emblem Temporary - under exceptional circumstances, to facilitate their work

12 Indicative uses according to article 3 APIII

13 ‘Prior users’

14 Ratification of APIII To date: 71 signatories 1 ratification (Norway)


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