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FFA Today There are over 500,000 members in 7,210 chapters in the US.

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3 Today There are over 500,000 members in 7,210 chapters in the US.

4 The FFA is… premier leadership, personal growth and career success The FFA is a dynamic youth leadership organization that strives to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

5 Ag Ed Education Model Instruction SAE FFA

6 Why do we study history? An important part of understanding the traditions and values of any organization comes from understanding its history. The National FFA organization is now the largest vocational youth group in the United States. Learning the history of how the National FFA grew in popularity and influence across the country will give you new pride for this important and effective force in agriculture.

7 History The FFA is a national organization with members from across the US 500,000 members in 7,210 chapters.

8 1908 Virginia began vocational agriculture programs and “corn clubs” arose.

9 1917-Smith Hughes Act Senator Hoke Smith & Dudley Hughes of Georgia propose legislation for national vocational agriculture courses (United States enters the first world war)

10 1917-Smith Hughes Act Provided federal funds for the support of the teaching of agriculture Federal Board for Vocational Education

11 1925-Virginia Virginia Tech agricultural education teacher educator Henry Groseclose organizes the Future Farmers of Virginia. The FFV is born.

12 Why? Rural youth felt like 2 nd class citizens. They were often isolated and didn’t have the same opportunities as city students. FFV was a social outlet for youth.

13 1926 American Royal Livestock show invites vocational agriculture students to participate in a national livestock judging event-Kansas City, Missouri.

14 1928 Henry Groseclose writes the constitution and by-laws for the FFA.

15 1928 November 20, 1928 the first national FFA convention was held at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City in conjunction with the American Royal Livestock show.

16 1928 Leslie Applegate of New Jersey named the first President. Dr. C.H. Lane became the 1st National Advisor. The National FFA Convention was held in Kansas City from 1928 to 1998.

17 1929 The FFA Colors of National Blue and Corn Gold are adopted. National Blue Corn Gold

18 The Emblem In the mid 1920’s a group of agricultural educators in the Midwest were asked to design an emblem for agricultural education. The Staff at Virginia were doing similar work for the FFV The Virginia design won!

19 The Emblem The Virginia design was modeled after a Scandinavian wood carving which was used by a Danish farm organization.

20 1930-The FFA Creed Who wrote the FFA Creed? –E. M. Tiffany wrote the FFA creed that is used today. It was adopted at the third convention (1930) Note. E. M. stands for Erwin Milton. Tiffany was a teacher educator in Wisconsin

21 1933-FFA Jacket FFA Jacket is adopted as the official dress.

22 1935 - New Farmers of America For African American Boys 13 Southern States Merged with the FFA in 1965

23 New Farmers of America Dr. H.O. Sargent was a co-founder of the NFA. Today the FFA gives an award in his memory to honor those that promote diversity in agriculture.

24 1950 Public Law 81-740 –Federal Charter for the FFA –“Inter-curricular part of the agricultural education program.

25 1969 Women Women officially allowed to join the FFA. 30% of National Membership but 50% of leadership positions.

26 FFA 1988 –Future Farmers of America changes its name to the National FFA Organization. 1989 –National Future Farmer Magazine changes its name to FFA New Horizons.

27 Why the name change? Future Farmers of America changes its name to National FFA Organization to better reflect the expanded agricultural opportunities encompassing science, business and technology, in addition to production farming.

28 1999 The National FFA Convention is moved to Louisville, KY

29 2006 Convention is moved to Indianapolis, IN

30 Kinds of FFA Membership 1. Active 2. Alumni 3. Collegiate 4. Honorary

31 Types of Membership  Active –enrolled in Ag class, dues paid  Collegiate –Currently in college  Alumni –former members or interested people  Honorary –people who support FFA

32 FFA Motto Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve

33 Mission The mission of the FFA is to develop premiere leadership, personal growth, and career success.

34 The FFA Purpose  Recreation  Patriotism  Service  Character  Thrift  Leadership  Scholarship  Improved Agriculture  Cooperation  Citizenship The purpose of the FFA is to develop:

35 Proper Use of the FFA Jacket Only worn by members Kept clean and neat Worn on official occasions zipped up, collar down, cuffs buttoned Only worn to places appropriate for members to visit

36 Proper Use of the FFA Jacket Remove emblems if given away Act like a lady or gentlemen when wearing the FFA jacket No tobacco, drugs or alcohol while wearing jacket

37 Official dress Males –Black pants –White shirt –FFA tie –Black shoes –FFA jacket zipped to the top

38 Official dress Females –Black skirt –White blouse –FFA scarf –Black shoes –FFA jacket zipped to the top

39 4 Degrees Degrees recognize progress in leadership, agricultural education and your SAE  Greenhand Degree  Chapter FFA Degree  State FFA Degree  American FFA Degree

40 Greenhand Degree Requirements: –Enrolled in Ag with a plan for an SAE –Learn Creed, Motto, and Mission –Explain colors and emblem –Demo code of ethics and proper jacket use –Know History of FFA

41 Opportunities in FFA Become a Leader –officers –public speaking –Lead activities

42 Opportunities in FFA Travel –Career Development Events (Contests) –Conventions –Travel - Field Trips

43 Opportunities in FFA Earn Money –Supervised Agriculture Experience Program –Scholarships Be Part of a Team –Career Development Events –Officer Team –Committees

44 Opportunities in FFA Have Fun –FFA Meetings –Trips Be a Winner –Degrees –Awards

45 Opportunities in FFA Serve Your Community –Community service Activities Go on Field Trips –State Convention –National Convention –Local

46 Career Development Events (CDE’s) CDEs demonstrate the meaningful connections between classroom instruction and real-life scenarios CDEs build on what is learned in agricultural classes and the FFA.

47 Career Development Activities Competitive Events that progress from the local to the regional, state, and national level Students demonstrate their skills in a competitive setting. CDEs test the abilities of individuals and teams in 23 major areas of agricultural instruction

48 Career Development Activities Examples: –Dairy Evaluation CDE –Prepared Public Speaking –Livestock Judging –Horse Judging –Veterinary Science –Agriscience Fair

49 Officer Team President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Reporter Sentinel Parlimentarian Advisor

50 1. President Preside over meetings Appoint committees Coordinate the activities of the chapter

51 2. Vice President Assume all duties of the president if necessary. Develop the Program of Activities Coordinate all committee work.

52 3. Secretary Prepare and post the agenda Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting. Maintain member attendance and activity records

53 4. Treasurer Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts. Present monthly treasurer's reports at chapter meetings. Collect dues and special assessments. Submit the membership roster and dues to National

54 5. Historian Maintain a scrapbook to record the chapter's history Research and prepare items of significance of the chapter's history. Prepare displays of chapter activities and submit stories to the media.

55 6. Reporter Release information to news media. Publish a chapter newsletter. Prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook. Send articles and photographs to publications. Chapter photographer.

56 7. Sentinel Assist the president in maintaining order. Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition. Welcome guests and visitors.

57 8. Parlimentarian Understand parliamentary procedure. Rule on all questions of parliamentary conduct at chapter meetings. Conduct parliamentary procedure workshops at the chapter level.

58 9. Advisor Supervise chapter activities year- round. Inform prospective students and parents about the FFA. Encourage involvement of all chapter members in activities. Prepare students for involvement in contests and awards programs.

59 Stations  President – by the rising sun  Vice President – by the plow  Secretary – by the ear of corn  Treasurer – by the emblem of Washington  Reporter- by the Flag  Sentinel – by the door  Advisor – by the owl

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