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Taxonomies for government interoperability e-Government Unit Colette Coles, Cabinet Office Ankara, Turkey 16-18 March 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomies for government interoperability e-Government Unit Colette Coles, Cabinet Office Ankara, Turkey 16-18 March 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomies for government interoperability e-Government Unit Colette Coles, Cabinet Office Ankara, Turkey 16-18 March 2005

2 The problem with words is…. e-Government Unit That they can mean different things Machines do not understand meaning Need to define concepts and applications of terms

3 Example the word green e-Government Unit










13 Information is complex e-Government Unit Different methods of treating a word free text fields relationships Different types of information structured and unstructured

14 Need for controlled vocabularies e-Government Unit Tools for assigning appropriate term to resource Used in metadata as encoding schemes Enable semantic interoperability

15 Controlled vocabularies features e-Government Unit List of terms or headings Assigned meaning Classifying, indexing and searching Types of CVs Taxonomy Thesaurus Ontology

16 Creating your own controlled vocabulary e-Government Unit 1. Audit of current vocabularies 2. Type of controlled vocabulary 3. Purpose 4. Users 5. Consultation 6. Maintenance 7. Governance

17 eGMS vocabularies e-Government Unit 1.Audience eGMS Audience Encoding Scheme (eGMSAES) DRAFT indicates the people or groups the content is aimed at 2.Subject.category Government Category List (GCL) structured list of categories 3.Type eGMS Type Encoding Scheme (eGMSTES) list of document and other types, for use by the UK public sector

18 eGMS Audience Encoding Scheme e-Government Unit CarersNon UK residents ChildrenOlder people Disabled peopleParents EmployeesProfessionals EmployersBusinesses Ethnic minoritiesStudents Gay and lesbianVoluntary sector JobseekersWomen Low income householdsYoung people Men

19 GCL – 12 top level headings e-Government Unit Agriculture, environment and natural resources Government, politics and public administration Arts, recreation and travelHealth, nutrition and care Business and industryInformation and communication Crime, law, justice and rightsInternational affairs and defence Economics and financePeople, communities and living Education, careers and employmentScience, technology and innovation

20 eGMS Type Encoding Scheme e-Government Unit Publications/correspondence Financial/purchasing Graphical/non-text Legislation/parliamentary/ local government News/Meetings/conferences Personnel/Organisational Web guidance

21 eGMS vocabularies e-Government Unit Government Data Standard Catalogue (GDSC) Contributor Creator Publisher Subject.person Lots more in eGMS…

22 Conclusion e-Government Unit Controlled v uncontrolled language Controlled vocabularies remove ambiguity Semantic interoperability

23 Thank you Any questions? Colette Coles, eGoverment Unit e-Government Unit

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