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2004 Rural Readership Survey Prepared for Rural Publications Group July 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "2004 Rural Readership Survey Prepared for Rural Publications Group July 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004 Rural Readership Survey Prepared for Rural Publications Group July 2004

2 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 2 Contents Objectives/Approach Potentials/Sample Sizes Readership Depth of Reading/Attitudes –Dairy –General –Fruit growers Demographics Questionnaire

3 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 3 Objectives Provide an independent and comprehensive measure of current farming publication readership: –Reading incidence –Depth – proportion of issues/time spent/times read –Pass-on rates –Satisfaction and attitudes –Article type usage/importance –Computer/email/internet/website usage

4 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 4 Approach Self completion questionnaire with covering letter delivered to a random sample of approximately 11,000 farmers across New Zealand by Letterbox Channel Incentive (Trip for two to Bledisloe Cup, Sydney) to encourage return 2772 questionnaires returned (25%) in reply paid envelopes Order of publications rotated Processing, analysis and reporting by Colmar Brunton Data weighted by farm type/region to match Statistics NZ Data (2002)

5 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 5 Potential vs Actual Sample Sizes PotentialActual Sample Size Farm Type Dairy14,000954 Sheep, Beef28,000866, 384 Fruit6,750171 Other horticulture4,83554 Other10,215233 Region North26,3001097 Central16,500731 South21,000933 Note: Total NZ Farms = 63,800 (excludes plantations, idle land)

6 Readership

7 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 7 Readership – Total Sample

8 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 8 Readership – Dairy Farmers

9 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 9 Readership – Sheep Farmers

10 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 10 Readership – Beef Farmers

11 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 11 Readership – Sheep/Beef

12 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 12 Readership – Fruit Growers

13 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 13 Readership – Northern Region

14 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 14 Readership – Central Region

15 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 15 Readership – Southern Region

16 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 16 Readership – Gross Farm Income: Up to $200,000

17 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 17 Readership – Gross Farm Income: $200,000 - $500,000

18 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 18 Readership – Gross Farm Income: $500,000 +

19 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 19 Readership – Age: Under 40 years

20 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 20 Readership – Age: 40-49 years

21 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 21 Readership – Age: 50-59 years

22 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 22 Readership – Age: 60 years +

23 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 23 Readership – Region % ReadTotalNorthernCentralSouthern Rural News94%93%94%96% Straight Furrow94%93%94%95% Country Wide92%89%93%94% Farmers Weekly90%87%90%93% Dairying Today34%49%29%18% The Dairyman33%47%30%18% NZ Dairy Exporter31%44%27%17% The Orchardist11%17%10%5%

24 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 24 Readership – Farm Type % ReadTotalDairySheepBeefFruitSheep/beefOther Rural News94%93%98%96%88%98%92% Straight Furrow94%90%98%97%86%98%96% Country Wide92%87%98%97%82%97%89% Farmers Weekly90%88%96%93%72%95%86% Dairying Today34%93%3%18%5%8%13% The Dairyman33%92%3%19%3%8%12% NZ Dairy Exporter31%92%2%8%3%4%6% The Orchardist11%4%1%4%86%2%11%

25 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 25 Readership – Income % ReadTotal Up to $200,000 $200,001- $500,000 Over $500,000 Rural News94% 95%94% Straight Furrow94% 92% Country Wide92%91% 92% Farmers Weekly90%89%91%90% Dairying Today34%26%37%44% The Dairyman33%25%36%44% NZ Dairy Exporter31%19%37%43% The Orchardist11%15%8%10%

26 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 26 Readership – Age % ReadTotal Under 40 yrs 40-49 yrs 50-59 yrs 60+ yrs Rural News94% 93%95% Straight Furrow94%92%93%96%94% Country Wide92%91% 93%91% Farmers Weekly90% 87%89%95% Dairying Today34%41%40%28% The Dairyman33%39% 27%28% NZ Dairy Exporter31%39%37%25%23% The Orchardist11%5%10%12%18%

27 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 27 Rural Readership - Farm Type Within Region NorthernCentralSouthern Rural Publication Readership % Total % Dairy % Sheep/ Beef % Other % Dairy % Sheep/ Beef % Other % Dairy % Sheep/ Beef % Other Rural News94%93%97%90% 97%90%94%99%91% Straight Furrow94%90%97%92%89%96%93%90%99%91% Country-Wide92%87%96%85%86%98%86%90%98%88% Farmers Weekly90%89%93%79%87%96%78%86%97%86% Dairying Today34%94%16%15%92%7%10%89%3% Dairyman33%93%16%11%92%7%10%90%2%4% NZ Dairy Exporter31%93%6%7%91%4%6%91%2% The Orchardist11%5%3%52%4%1%43%2%1%20%

28 Depth of Reading/Attitude

29 Dairy Publications

30 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 30 Proportion of Issues Read (by Primary Income Source – Dairy) Base: Readers of each publication

31 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 31 Times Read (by Primary Income Source – Dairy) Base: Readers of each publication

32 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 32 Time Spent Reading (by Primary Income Source – Dairy) Base: Readers of each publication Means 30 min 33 min 28 min 30 min 37 min 28 min 56 min 62 min 68 min

33 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 33 Once Read - Keep for Further Reference Base: Readers of each publication

34 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 34 Once Read - Pass On to Someone Else Base: Readers of each publication

35 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 35 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter Spouse53% 59% Farm Employee17%18%26% Children12%13% Other Farmer/Grower12% 14% Other6%7%9% Total Other Readers1.131.11.7 Base: Readers of each publication Other Readers

36 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 36 Overall Satisfaction by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

37 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 37 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter 7 – Extremely Satisfied21%19%32% 627% 32% 527%28%17% 415%18%9% 35%4% 22%1% 1 – Extremely Dissatisfied1%2%1% No Response/Don’t Know2% Mean5.45.35.7 Base: Readers of each publication Overall Satisfaction by Publication

38 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 38 Ease of Reading by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

39 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 39 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter 7 – Agree Strongly32%30%37% 630% 31% 521% 16% 410%11%10% 34% 3% 21% 1 – Disagree Strongly1% No Response/Don’t Know1%2%1% Mean5.7 5.9 Base: Readers of each publication Ease of Reading by Publication

40 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 40 Enjoyable to Read by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

41 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 41 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter 7 – Agree Strongly25%23%33% 627%26%28% 524%27%20% 412%14%9% 36%5%3% 22% 1 – Disagree Strongly1% No Response/Don’t Know2% 3% Mean5.55.45.7 Base: Readers of each publication Enjoyable to Read by Publication

42 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 42 In-depth Coverage of Topics by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

43 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 43 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter 7 – Agree Strongly29%26%42% 627%28%29% 522%23%15% 411%12%7% 34%5%3% 22%1% 1 – Disagree Strongly1% No Response/Don’t Know2%3%2% Mean5.65.55.9 Base: Readers of each publication In-depth Coverage of Topics by Publication

44 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 44 Usefulness in Day to Day Operations by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

45 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 45 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter 7 – Agree Strongly18%17%30% 622%20%23% 521%23%18% 416% 13% 38%10%5% 2 1 – Disagree Strongly3%2% No Response/Don’t Know2%6%4% Mean5.0 5.4 Base: Readers of each publication Usefulness in Day to Day Operations by Publication

46 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 46 Excellence of Editorial Quality by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication Note: 2001 used Agree/Disagree scale, 2004 used Excellent/Poor scale

47 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 47 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter 7 – Excellent18%15%25% 622%23%25% 523%24%19% 415% 10% 35% 4% 21% 1 – Poor1% No Response/Don’t Know16%15%14% Mean5.3 5.6 Base: Readers of each publication Excellence of Editorial Quality by Publication

48 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 48 Dairyman Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter Rating of Importance Animal Health41%40%57%4.3 Pasture Management29%28%42%4.2 News/issues52%53%56%4.1 R&D45%42%67%4.1 Livestock39% 49%3.9 Agribusiness31%32%42%3.7 Marketing Information12%13%14%3.7 Farm/orchard management37% 52%3.6 Humour & Satire5%4%9%3.2 Equipment & machinery21%23% 3.1 Real Estate7% 8%2.7 Tree/Vine Health4%3%5%1.8 Base: All Dairy Farmers Publications Use Most For

49 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 49 Animal Health Pasture Manage- ment Research & Develop- ment News/ Issues Livestock Agri- business 1 - Not important 2% 3% 22%3% 8% 312%13%15%20%21%23% 429%28%33% 28%33% 5 - Very important 49%47%40%37%34%24% No Response/ Don’t Know 6%7%6%5%6%8% Mean4.34.24.1 3.93.7 Base: Dairy Farmers Rating by Dairy Farmers

50 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 50 Market Infor- mation Farm/ Orchard Manage- ment Humour & Satire Equip. & Mach - inery Real Estate Tree or Vine Health 1 - Not important 5%15%12%7%20%49% 29%4%14%20%21%13% 320%15%29%32%27%7% 431%20%18%21%14%4% 5 - Very important 27%36%19%13%9%5% No Response/ Don’t Know 8%9%8%7%9%22% Mean3. Base: Dairy Farmers Rating by Dairy Farmers

51 General Farming Publications

52 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 52 Proportion of Issues Read (Total) Base: Readers of each publication

53 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 53 Times Read (Total) Base: Readers of each publication

54 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 54 Time Spent Reading (Total) Base: Readers of each publication Means 27 min 34 min 23 min 24 min 34 min 32 min 20 min 28 min 27 min 17 min

55 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 55 TotalNorthCentralSouthern Rural News22%21%23%20% Farmers Weekly18% 21%18% Country Wide29%25%33%31% Straight Furrow22%20%23%22% Base: Readers of each publication Time Spent Reading (31+ minutes) by Region

56 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 56 Once Read - Keep for Further Reference Base: Readers of each publication

57 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 57 Once Read - Pass On to Someone Else Base: Readers of each publication

58 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 58 Rural News Farmers Weekly Country-Wide Straight Furrow Spouse54% 56%53% Farm Employee14% Children13%12%14%13% Other Farmer/Grower13%12% 13% Other6% 7% Total Other Readers1. Base: Readers of each publication Other Readers

59 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 59 Overall Satisfaction by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

60 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 60 Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow 7 – Extremely Satisfied19%24%27%19% 629%28%26% 527%23%22%28% 416%15%14%17% 36%7%6%7% 22% 1 – Extremely Dissatisfied0%1% No Response/Don’t Know1% Mean5. Base: Readers of each publication Overall Satisfaction by Publication

61 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 61 Ease of Reading by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

62 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 62 Base: Readers of each publication Ease of Reading by Publication Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow 7 – Agree Strongly29%34% 28% 632%30%31%30% 522%20%18%21% 412%9%11%12% 33%4%3%5% 21%2% 1 – Disagree Strongly0% 1% No Response/Don’t Know1% Mean5.75.8 5.5

63 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 63 Enjoyable to Read by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

64 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 64 Base: Readers of each publication Enjoyable to Read by Publication Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow 7 – Agree Strongly22%27%32%21% 629%27% 526%23%21%26% 414%13%12%14% 35% 7% 22%3%2%3% 1 – Disagree Strongly0%1%0%1% No Response/Don’t Know1% Mean5.

65 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 65 In-depth Coverage of Topics by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

66 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 66 Base: Readers of each publication In-depth Coverage of Topics by Publication Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow 7 – Agree Strongly21%27%30%22% 627%28%25%27% 526%21%19%23% 415%14%13%15% 35% 6%7% 23% 1 – Disagree Strongly1% No Response/Don’t Know1% Mean5.35.5 5.3

67 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 67 Usefulness in Day to Day Operations by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication

68 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 68 Base: Readers of each publication Usefulness in Day to Day Operations by Publication Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow 7 – Agree Strongly13%18% 13% 617%19%18%17% 522%19%18%20% 4 17%18%20% 313%12%13%14% 28% 9% 1 – Disagree Strongly2% 3% No Response/Don’t Know5% 4% Mean4.

69 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 69 Excellence of Editorial Quality by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers of each publication Note: 2001 used Agree/Disagree scale, 2004 used Excellent/Poor scale

70 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 70 Base: Readers of each publication Excellence of Editorial Quality by Publication Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow 7 – Excellent16%19% 16% 624%26% 25% 524%22%21%24% 415%14% 15% 36%5% 22% 1 – Poor1% 0%1% No Response/Don’t Know12%11%12% Mean5.25.4 5.3

71 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 71 Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow Rating of Importance R&D39%30%41%38%4.1 News/Issues57%59%50%58%4.0 Animal Health31%22%34%29%4.0 Pasture Management18%14%25%17%3.9 Livestock38%39%46%38%3.9 Market Information18%34%14%19%3.9 Farm/Orchard management 28%24%35%27%3.7 Agribusiness33%38%33%34%3.6 Equipment & Machinery42%21%29%49%3.2 Humour & Satire17%10%9%12%3.2 Real Estate13%12%18%20%2.6 Tree/Vine Health7%4%8%7%2.3 Base: Total Sample Publications Use Most For

72 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 72 Research & Develop- ment News/ Issues Animal Health Animal Health Pasture Manage- ment Livestock Livestock Market Infor- mation Market Infor- mation 1 – Not important 2% 7% 4% 2 5%7% 6% 316%22%11%14%15%18% 431%32%26% 25%28% 5 – Very Important 40%34%42%36%39%34% Not rated7%6%9%10%8%9% Mean4.1443.9 Base: Total Sample Rating by All Farm Types

73 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 73 Farm/ orchard mgmnt Agri- business Agri- business Equipmen t & Machinery Equipmen t & Machinery Humour and Satire Humour and Satire Real Estate Tree or Vine Health Tree or Vine Health 1 – Not important 13%4%6%12%20%35% 26%10%21%14%24%15% 316%25%31%28%24%10% 419%28%21%18%11%8% 5 – Very Important 36%22%14%18%9%12% Not rated11%10%8%10%12%20% Mean3.73.63.2 2.62.3 Base: Total Sample Rating by All Farm Types

74 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 74 More likely to be Less likely to be Research & Development Large turnover, fruit60+ years, beef News/Issues Females, dairy, beefUnder 10 hectares Animal Health Female, younger, over 50 hectare, larger turnover, dairy, sheep/beef, from South 60+, under 50 hectares, $0-150,000, Fruit Pasture Management Under 40, $200,000+ turnover, 100 hectares +, dairy, sheep/beef, Southern 60+, under 50 hectares, $0-150,000, fruit Market Information Higher turnover, younger, sheep/beef, Central Older, dairy, lower turnover Agribusiness Larger properties, higher turnover, sheep/beef Older, fruit Equipment & Machinery FruitFemales, 500+ hectares, sheep Profile of those rating a 5 “Very Important”

75 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 75 TotalNorthCentralSouthern News/Issues57%59%53%58% Equipment/Machinery42%39%43%46% Research & Development39%37%36%44% Livestock38%36%37%43% Agribusiness33%30%33%37% Animal health31%27%33%35% Farm/Orchard management28% 26%29% Market Information18% 19%18% Pasture Management18%15%17%22% Humour and Satire17% 18%17% Real Estate13%14%12% Tree or Vine Health7% 6%7% Base: Total Sample Rural News Used By Region

76 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 76 TotalNorthCentralSouthern News/Issues50%49%48%52% Livestock46%37%50%54% Research & Development41%34%44%47% Farm/Orchard management35%30%39%38% Animal health34%26%41%40% Agribusiness33%26%36%38% Equipment/Machinery29%27%32%29% Pasture Management25%18%25%33% Real Estate18%19% 14% Market Information14% 15% Humour and Satire9% 10%7% Tree or Vine Health8% 9%8% Base: Total Sample Country Wide Usages By Region

77 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 77 TotalNorthCentralSouthern News/Issues58%57%55%60% Equipment/Machinery49%46%52%51% Livestock38%36%35%42% Research & Development38%34%36%43% Agribusiness34%31%33%39% Animal health29%24%29%34% Farm/Orchard management27%26%24%30% Real Estate20%21%20%17% Market Information19% 17%19% Pasture Management17%14%17%21% Humour and Satire12% 14%10% Tree or Vine Health7%6%7% Base: Total Sample Straight Furrow Usages By Region

78 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 78 TotalNorthCentralSouthern News/Issues59%58%59%61% Livestock39%36%39%43% Agribusiness38%33%39%42% Market Information34%30%39%35% Research & Development30%26%28%36% Farm/Orchard management24%23%24%26% Animal health22%19%23%27% Equipment/Machinery21%19%20%24% No response18%21%17%15% Pasture Management14%11%13%17% Real Estate12%13%14%11% Humour and Satire10% 12%9% Tree or Vine Health4%5%3%5% Base: Total Sample Farmers Weekly Usages By Region

79 The Orchardist

80 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 80 Proportion of Issues Read (All Readers) Base: Readers

81 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 81 Times Read (All Readers) Base: Readers

82 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 82 Time Spent Reading Base: Readers Means 42 min 50 min 57 min

83 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 83 Once Read - Keep for Further Reference Base: Readers

84 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 84 Once Read - Pass On to Someone Else Base: Readers

85 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 85 The Orchardist Spouse52% Other Farmer/Grower21% Farm Employee18% Children8% Other6% Total Other Readers1.25 Base: Readers Other Readers

86 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 86 Overall Satisfaction by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers

87 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 87 The Orchardist 7 – Extremely Satisfied27% 635% 516% 412% 34% 22% 1 – Extremely Dissatisfied1% No Response/Don’t Know4% Mean5.6 Base: Readers Overall Satisfaction by Publication

88 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 88 Ease of Reading by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers

89 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 89 Base: Readers Ease of Reading by Publication The Orchardist 7 – Agree Strongly34% 633% 516% 49% 31% 20% 1 – Disagree Strongly1% No Response/Don’t Know6% Mean5.9

90 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 90 Enjoyable to Read by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers

91 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 91 Base: Readers Enjoyable to Read by Publication The Orchardist 7 – Agree Strongly29% 632% 517% 411% 33% 21% 1 – Disagree Strongly1% No Response/Don’t Know6% Mean5.7

92 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 92 In-depth Coverage of Topics by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers

93 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 93 Base: Readers In-depth Coverage of Topics by Publication The Orchardist 7 – Agree Strongly39% 630% 513% 46% 32% 23% 1 – Disagree Strongly2% No Response/Don’t Know6% Mean5.9

94 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 94 Usefulness in Day to Day Operations by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers

95 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 95 Base: Readers Usefulness in Day to Day Operations by Publication The Orchardist 7 – Agree Strongly31% 629% 515% 46% 3 24% 1 – Disagree Strongly2% No Response/Don’t Know7% Mean5.6

96 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 96 Excellence of Editorial Quality by Publication (out of 7) Base: Readers Note: 2001 used Agree/Disagree scale, 2004 used Excellent/Poor scale

97 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 97 Base: Readers Excellence of Editorial Quality by Publication The Orchardist 7 – Excellent26% 627% 519% 47% 33% 22% 1 – Poor2% No Response/Don’t Know14% Mean5.6

98 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 98 The Orchardist Ranking of Importance Farm/Orchard management73%4.6 Tree/Vine Health64%4.4 R&D63%4.3 News/Issues51%4.0 Market Information24%3.7 Equipment & Machinery27%3.3 Humour & Satire4%3.2 Agribusiness8%2.7 Real Estate3%2.5 Livestock6%2.3 Animal Health1%2.1 Pasture Management-2 Base: Primary Income Fruit Publications Use Most For

99 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 99 Publication Use Most For Rural News Farmers Weekly Country- Wide Straight Furrow Dairy- man Dairying Today NZ Dairy Exporter The Orchardist Industry News5965546154 5951 New technology/R&D4133444044426965 Machinery & products4423315222232428 Farm/Orchard management 2926382936355376 Animal health332437304140591 Tree/Vine health759743564 Agribusiness/ marketing/finance 3541353630 438 Livestock414350404140518 Market Info1938162014 1626 Pasture Management181527183130452 Base: Readers of each publication %

100 Demographics

101 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 101 Farm Type – Total Sample

102 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 102 Gender – Total Sample

103 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 103 Age Group – Total Sample

104 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 104 Region – Total Sample

105 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 105 Location – Total Sample

106 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 106 Size of Property – Total Sample

107 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 107 Gross Farm/Orchard Turnover – Total Sample

108 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 108 Secondary Sources of Income – Total Sample

109 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 109 Primary by Secondary Sources of Income Primary Source Secondary Source TOTALDairy Sheep/ beef FruitOther 100%30%47%9%14% Dairy2%0%2% 4% Sheep13%7%15%7%27% Beef42%39%54%14%29% Cropping7%4%10%0%7% Fruit2% 1%2%6% Other horticulture 2%1% 10%4% Deer5%1%8%1%3% Goat1%0%2%1%0% Off farm 17% 16%25%19% Other9%7%9%13%11%

110 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 110 Items Intend to Buy in Next 12 Months

111 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 111 Use Computer Day to Day Management of Farm/Orchard 20012004

112 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 112 Use of Email/Internet for Farming/ Business Related Activities

113 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 113 Websites Visited and How Often Nett Visited 28% 21% 20% 43% 22% Note: fruitgrowers based on primary fruit, dairymag based on primary dairy Others based on all farm types

114 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 114 Websites Visited and How Often for those who use internet or email daily/often Nett Visited 40% 29% 55% 30% Note: Based on those who use email/internal daily or often Also, fruitgrowers based on primary fruit, dairymag based on primary dairy

115 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 115 TotalNorthCentralSouthern Daily21%20%22%20% Often27%28% 24% Seldom27%24%26%30% Never24%26%23%24% Base: Total Sample Use of Email/Internet for Farming/ Business Related Activities By Region

116 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 116 Total Under 10 Hectares 10-4950-99 100- 299 300- 499 500+ Daily21%23%20%21%22%17%22% Often27%29%21%30%27%29%27% Seldom27%23%28%21%28% Never24% 28%27%22%24%23% Base: Total Sample Use of Email/Internet for Farming/ Business Related Activities By Farm Size

117 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 117 Depth of Reading/Attitudes Summary Read all issues Times Read (3+) Time spent (31+ mins) Once finished (keep for reference) Satisfaction (6 or 7) Easy to read (6 or 7) Enjoyable to read (6 or 7) Indepth comp coverage (6 or 7) Useful for day to day farm ops (6 or 7) Excellent editorial quality (6 or 7) Total no of readers NZ Dairy Exporter 605951436468617153501.7 The Orchardist 624735545565536251432.26 Dairying Today 493527114660495437381.1 Dairyman 503526164862525640 1.13 Country-Wide 523729135365595538451.14 Rural News 50282284861514830401.13 Straight Furrow 49282294558484930411.1 Farmers Weekly 53271885264545537451.08 Base: Readers of each publication %

118 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 118 More Detailed Readership Profiles - Differences significant at 90% level of confidence Rural News Southland Sheep, deer 500 hectares + Intend to buy farm bikes, vehicles invests Straight Furrow Aged 50 years and over Canterbury Over 500 hectares Sheep, beef, deer Bay of Plenty Dairy, other horticulture, fruit 10-49 hectares Females Aged 30 to 39 years Bay of Plenty, Tara, Nelson/Manawatu Dairy, fruit, Read More By:Read Less By:

119 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 119 More Detailed Readership Profiles - Differences significant at 90% level of confidence Country-Wide Southland, Manawatu, Wairarapa, Canterbury, Otago 300 plus hectares Sheep, beef, deer Intending to buy farm bikes Farmers Weekly 60+ yrs Manawatu/Wanganui, Canterbury Over 300 hectares Sheep, beef Intend to buy vehicles/bikes Do not use computer Taranaki, Auckland, Waikato, Nelson Under 50 hectares Dairy, fruit, other horticulture Intend to buy other real estate Females 40-49 yrs Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Nelson/Marlborough Under 50 hectares Fruit, other horticulture Intend to buy other real estate Use computer Read More By:Read Less By:

120 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 120 More Detailed Readership Profiles - Differences significant at 90% level of confidence Females Aged under 40 years Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki, West Coast 50 to 299 hectares $500,000 and over income Dairy and goat Males Aged 50 years and over Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, South Island, Wairarapa Other sizes (hectares) Under $150,000 income All other types Read More By:Read Less By: Dairying Today, The Dairyman and NZ Dairy Exporter all have ‘dairy farmer’ profile ie.

121 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 121 More Detailed Readership Profiles - Differences significant at 90% level of confidence The Orchardist 60 years and over Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, Nelson/Marlborough Up to 49 hectares Up to $150,000 turnover $0 to $25,000 or $1 million expenditure Fruit growers, other horticulture Intend to buy overseas travel Other real estate 30 to 39 years Most other regions 50 plus hectares $200,001 to $500,000 turnover Intend to buy farm bikes Beef, sheep dairy Read More By:Read Less By:

122 © COLMAR BRUNTON  SLIDE 122 Overall Summary Readership pretty even now across publications Focus more on depth of reading Less time spent reading for all publications Still only half of farmers are computer/email/internet users Decrease in likelihood of machinery or other vehicle purchase

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