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War as Facts: World War I The Origins, Conduct, and Lessons of World War I Presentation by Tim Borck.

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Presentation on theme: "War as Facts: World War I The Origins, Conduct, and Lessons of World War I Presentation by Tim Borck."— Presentation transcript:

1 War as Facts: World War I The Origins, Conduct, and Lessons of World War I Presentation by Tim Borck

2 »What are the origins of the ›Cult of the Offense‹? Do you think this was a decisive factor that led to the outbreak and extended duration of WWI?«

3 Contents 1)Brief history: 1871-1914 2)The Cult of the Offense 3)»Reality« 4)The »Blame-Game« - Conclusion

4 1) Brief history: 1871-1914 The Alliances 1887 Source: ser/kaiser_02.htm

5 1) Brief history: 1871-1914 The Alliances 1914 Source: ser/kaiser_02.htm

6 1) Brief history: 1871-1914 Major crises prior to WWI: 1905 – 1st Morocco Crisis 1908 – Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegowina 1911 – 2nd Morocco Crisis 1912/13 – 1st and 2nd Balkan War 1914 – June: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo July-Crisis

7 2) The Cult of the Offense Core belief: Offense is always superior to the defense In spite of technological advancements favoring the defense »Mind prevails over matter; morale prevails over machine gun« 5 consequences of the Cult (according to Stephen Van Evera): 1)Adoption of aggressive foreign policies 2)Believed strategic advantage to whoever mobilizes and strikes first 3)Devaluation of diplomacy 4)More rigid and provocative diplomacy (»faits accomplis«) 5)Secretive policymaking and military planning

8 Source:

9 »What are the origins of the ›Cult of the Offense‹?«

10 3) »Reality« Imperialism German Example Wilhelm II rise to power  Shift in leadership‘s orientation  Imperialist/Chauvinist German domestic difficulties  SPD and democratic movement  Self-preserving military

11 4) The »Blame-Game« Conclusion Responsibilty for the war: Germany? Austria-Hungary? Russia? France? Great Britain?

12 »Do you think [the Cult] was a decisive factor that led to the outbreak and extended duration of WWI?«

13 Q&A

14 Sources Scott D. Sagan, “1914 Revisited: Allies, Offense, and Instability”, International Security 11-2 (Fall 1986). Stephen Van Evera, “The Cult of the Offense and the Origins of the First World War”, International Security 9-1 (Summer 1984). Pictures: an_fr.svg an_fr.svg

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