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PowerPoint Ingots This PowerPoint will comprise of the first four bullet points for Learning Outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Ingots This PowerPoint will comprise of the first four bullet points for Learning Outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint Ingots This PowerPoint will comprise of the first four bullet points for Learning Outcomes

2 What will I cover? Certain types of files have particular names and purposes I have to choose the right type of application to open certain types of file Some applications can create very big files e.g. video, audio The size of files can be a problem in transferring them from place to place

3 Before I go any further… Here is some extra information: As you can see, there is a small caption beside the icon which has found a home in the red rectangle. This provides basic information which may help me decide whether this is the correct file if (for some reason) I have misnamed it. If I have edited it, it will either be larger or smaller depending on how I have altered it. If I add a picture it will obviously get bigger and if I remove it vice versa. If I am looking for it, I can use an advanced search and specify a size range to make finding it easier.

4 Following on from that… If you hover the mouse over a a file as displayed ion the previous slide, you will see a yellow box appear demonstrated on the next slide. This provides helpful information about the icon you are hovering over. All of them, apart from the program, gave the file types. The program gave a sufficient description enough for you to decide whether to use it.

5 Description company version

6 PS All slides have an ending such as.doc that specifies what kind of program they are. There are thousands of these, a unique one for every program, so I will not be able to go through all of them. Therefore I have selected some helpful/common programs/applications that it would be worth knowing about.

7 Certain types of files have particular names and purposes PowerPoint -.ppt Excel -.els Folder - Adobe Reader -.pdf Music Player -.mp3 Database - Word -.doc Shortcut -

8 What are they and what are they used for? All of these have a specific purpose and during the next few slides I will go through all the individuals and what threy’re good for.

9 PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint is a very versatile program. It is very good for presentations since it can be made exciting with slide transitions and animations. It is also very easy to digest information on the slide due to its multimedia capabilities.

10 Adobe Acrobat Document Adobe is a program that that converts word documents or those of similar format to a format that is easy to read. This is a PDF file, and is generally used to publish word documents on the internet because it is more condensed and easier to read.

11 Microsoft Access Used to create databases. Has many useful functions such as filter, and an advanced search called query.

12 Microsoft Excel Used to create Spreadsheets. Has many useful functions such as calculating advanced equations and is another option for databases

13 Folders These are just to store your files. They are very easy to use and very easy to create. Folders can hold as much as you can put int them.

14 Microsoft Word Used to create essays, stories, poems and any other type of literature. Many prefer to use publisher for posters because Word has a tendency to jump around a bit.

15 Media Files Used to play music. There are many different types of music file and many different types of application that they can be streamed through.

16 Short cuts as Programs and Folders These are just jumps to a program that you can place on your desktop for quick access or in folders for when you are looking at something related to it.

17 You need the right program for the application For example, you can’t open an excel sheet in PowerPoint and vice versa. A video or mpeg file won’t play in word and so on.

18 How do you send large files? If you send a massive file that takes ages to load onto an email, but you don't want to, there is a solution. One way is to save it to a mass storage device, and simply transport it physically. Firstly, you compress your file, with a simple right click, and select compress. Than you use a file splitting program, there are plenty free ones on the internet, to send the files in small manageable packets.

19 Here are a few file splitters Delivery1.html?gclid=CJ_KkOXk85wCFVUA4wodS mWcjw Delivery1.html?gclid=CJ_KkOXk85wCFVUA4wodS mWcjw gclid=CJqX7vfk85wCFZwA4wodKChAjg gclid=CJqX7vfk85wCFZwA4wodKChAjg 33 33 encrypt-split-and-transport-big-files-safely/ encrypt-split-and-transport-big-files-safely/

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