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Wetland Management Framework Module 1. Using the bookmarks Some of the documents that are hyperlinked are in PDF and others in MS Word. The PDF programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Wetland Management Framework Module 1. Using the bookmarks Some of the documents that are hyperlinked are in PDF and others in MS Word. The PDF programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wetland Management Framework Module 1

2 Using the bookmarks Some of the documents that are hyperlinked are in PDF and others in MS Word. The PDF programme that I have used is PDF-XChange and a free PDF-XChange reader is available for download at The first thing to understand is that hyperlinks and bookmarks work differently in PDF and Word. PDF: The hyperlink takes you to the file. It is then necessary to open the bookmarks panel and select the required bookmark. This will take you to the page on which the required information is. It will not necessarily take you directly to the required place on the page. Word: The hyperlink will usually take you to the file, but may sometimes take you directly to the required paragraph. If it takes you to the file, then, on the > tab, in the > section click on > and this will bring a pop-up menu with the bookmarks in that file. Highlight the required bookmark and click on > and this will take you to the required heading of paragraph. The convention used: Hyperlinks in the Power Point files are given as a > between [square brackets]. In the projection mode (icon,,) left click on the hyperlinked term to change the cursor from the arrow to the hand. At this stage the hyperlinked address will appear next to the cursor. Left clicking on the hyperlinked term [that is within the square brackets] will take you to the document. From this point open the bookmarks as described above and left click on the required bookmark.

3 What is a wetland? There are a number of definitions of wetlands such as that of RAMSAR, but within the South African context the definition framed in South African law is used.

4 What is a wetland? A wetland is: “land which is transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface, or the land is periodically covered with shallow water, and which land in normal circumstances supports or would support vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated soil.” National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA) Chapter One, Interpretation and Fundamental Principles 1 (xxix) [Definition]Definition

5 Wetland Characteristics Hydroperiods a)Permanently inundated b)Seasonally inundated c)Intermittently inundated d)Seasonally inundated [Hydroperiods]Hydroperiods Source: The Eskom Wetland Classification and Risk Assessment Index Field Guide page 8

6 Wetland Characteristics Wetland Zones a)Grassland Zone b)Wet Meadow Zone c)Marsh Zone d)Open Water Zone [Wetland zone description] [Wetland zone illustration]Wetland zone descriptionWetland zone illustration Source: The Eskom Wetland Classification and Risk Assessment Index Field Guide page 15, illustrations page 16

7 What is an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a system in which there is constant interaction between the biotic (living components of the system) and the abiotic (non living components of the system)

8 What is ecological infrastructure? Ecological infrastructure is defined as “strategically planned and managed networks of natural lands, working landscapes and other open space that conserve ecosystem values and functions and provide associated benefits to society.” [What is Ecological Infrastructure?]What is Ecological Infrastructure?

9 Ecosystem services The direct or indirect benefits people derive from ecosystems. Ecosystem services are grouped into four categories: Provisioning which includes food, water, fibre and fuel Regulating which includes climate regulation, water and disease Cultural which includes spiritual, aesthetic, recreation and education Supporting which includes primary production, nutrient provision and soil formation [Ecosystem Services]Ecosystem Services

10 What is biodiversity? The variety of life in an area, including the number of different species, the genetic wealth within each species, and the natural areas where they are found [Biological diversity]Biological diversity

11 What is an alien species? Plant or animal species that do not occur naturally in an area. Not all alien species are invasive.

12 What is an invasive species? A species that has the capacity to out-compete and dominate the naturally occurring species. This can lead to the extinction of local species. [invasive Species]invasive Species

13 Task Do the multiple choice test (WMF Module 1 Test)

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