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Managing Exploration and Modeling OCTOBER 23, OCTOBER 30, DECEMBER 2, 2014 MACOMB INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT Jennifer Gottlieb & Mike Klein Science Consultants.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Exploration and Modeling OCTOBER 23, OCTOBER 30, DECEMBER 2, 2014 MACOMB INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT Jennifer Gottlieb & Mike Klein Science Consultants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Exploration and Modeling OCTOBER 23, OCTOBER 30, DECEMBER 2, 2014 MACOMB INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT Jennifer Gottlieb & Mike Klein Science Consultants

2 Think of a time when you felt like a scientist.

3 Orchestra students are musicians; Students on the basketball team are athletes; What opportunities do our science students have to be scientists?

4 Objectives What does it look like when we explore like scientists? ◦Planning for exploration. What does it mean to develop and use models – like scientists? ◦Planning for developing and using models.

5 5E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate

6 5E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Today Next time

7 What does real scientific work look like? As you consider these Apollo 13 clips, who is acting like a scientist?


9 Drawing a model of odor Imagine that you have a special instrument that allows you to see what makes up odor. The large circle in the drawing represents a spot that is magnified many times, so you can see it up close. Create a model of what you would see if you could focus on one tiny spot in the area between the jar and your nose. From Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

10 Let’s think about air…. What do you already know about air? What do you wonder about air?

11 Is air matter? Does air have mass and volume? Is air matter? Does it have mass and volume? This is the activity I did: These are the patterns and observations I found: These patterns and observations are important because:

12 Is air matter? Does air have mass and volume? Activity What patterns and observations did you find? Why do you think these patterns and observations are important?

13 What did students do in this lesson that gave them the opportunity to be scientists?

14 Essential Features of Classroom Inquiry - Page 12 Is there anything else we might add to our list? Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009.

15 A model for the practice of science Is there anything else we might add to our list? Quinn, Schweingruber, & Keller. A Framework for K-12 Science Education. NAP. 2012

16 Next Generation Science Standards: Science and Engineering Practices “Science practice involves doing something and learning something in such a way that doing and learning cannot really be separated. Thus, ‘practice’…encompasses several of the different dictionary definitions of the term. It refers to doing something repeatedly in order to become proficient (as in practicing the trumpet). It refers to learning something so thoroughly that it becomes second nature (as in practicing thrift). And it refers to using one’s knowledge to meet an objective (as in practicing law or practicing teaching).” Ready, Set, Science! Inquiry or practice? Michaels, Shouse, & Schweingruber. Ready, Set, Science! NRC, 2008.

17 Next Generation Science Standards: Science and Engineering Practices Is there anything else we might add to our list?

18 Our shift in thinking… FROM THINKING THAT ONE SCIENTIFIC METHOD FITS ALL TO THINKING ABOUT HOW TO ENGAGE OUR STUDENTS IN THE PRACTICES OF SCIENTISTS 1.Asking questions and defining problems 2.Developing and using models 3.Planning and carrying out investigations 4.Analyzing and interpreting data 5.Using mathematics and computational thinking 6.Constructing explanations and designing solutions 7.Engaging in argument from evidence 8.Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information


20 Our shift in thinking… FROM LEARNING ABOUT… …TO FIGURING OUT.

21 Hands-on AND Minds-on! Quinn, Schweingruber, & Keller. A Framework for K-12 Science Education. NAP. 2012

22 What does minds-on science learning look like? low cognitive demand high cognitive demand vs

23 Reflection How does this apply to a 4-8 science class? What are some ideas you have for science exploration makeovers?

24 “It is time to let the students be the scientists.” p. 18 Read pages 12 – 17. What are some specific ways that you might ramp up the amount of learner self- direction in your classroom? Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009.

25 Exploring in the Laboratory We know that individual humans vary quite a lot from one another – we are different heights and weights; we have different skin, hair, and eye color; the thickness of our hair varies, etc. Is there variation in populations of other types of organisms? Would we see variation in a population of plants? What kind of variation would we see? How would we measure and describe that variation? As a group, develop a protocol for measuring the stem length of a plant. You may use any of the materials provided. Adapted from Cartier, Smith, Stein, and Ross. 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Task-Based Discussions in Science. NCTM. 2013

26 “Instead of planning a lesson by considering what students will be doing during class, we need instead to focus on what they will be thinking and learning.” p. 23 Read pages 104-106. Think of a laboratory experiment that students in your classroom typically perform. How might you release some of the control of the lab to the students as you increase opportunities for student thinking and learning? Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009.

27 Planning Time Task Design What do I want students to experience as scientists? What important ideas do I want students to understand? Instructional Planning What background knowledge will students need in order to be successful in this task? How knowledgeable and comfortable are my students with inquiry thinking? What can they do independently? Which skills can I teach them through this activity? Management What supports and accountability can I design to ensure that all learners succeed? (Page 114) Read pages 107-119 for ideas. Take a lab that you already do with your students and plan ways for students to direct their own learning. Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009.

28 Exploring with an Activity How and why is the surface of the Earth changing?

29 How is the surface of the Earth changing? What do you notice? Adapted from

30 How is the surface of the Earth changing? What do you notice? Adapted from

31 How is the surface of the Earth changing? As a group, answer the focus question and list your supporting evidence. Adapted from

32 How is the surface of the Earth changing?

33 “Remember, the demo is not the thing – the thinking is the thing.” p. 123 Choose one to read: Chapter 7: Demonstrations (pages 120 – 134) Chapter 12: Activities (pages 216 – 231) Think of a demonstration or activity that you typically use in your classroom. How might you increase opportunities for student thinking and learning? Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009.

34 Planning Time DESIGNING DEMONSTRATIONS What is the learning goal? Why does this learning goal lend itself best to a demonstration? How will I invite student thinking before, during, and after the demonstration? How will I make the demo inclusive? How will I assess learners’ understanding? (Page 129) ACTIVITY DESIGN What is the purpose of the activity? What do students need to think about and learn through this activity? What do I already have? How need I revise it? How will I set students up for success? What evidence of understanding will be assessed? (Page 227) Take a demo or activity that you already do with your students and plan ways to maximize student thinking and learning. Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009.

35 Sharing As you consider the ideas outlined for each of the makeovers, leave questions and comments on sticky notes.

36 Homework Try something new…. And plan to share next week.

37 Welcome Back

38 Conga Line! One thing that excites me about our work last week… One new thing I’ve tried since our last meeting…..

39 Objectives What does it look like when we explore like scientists? ◦Planning for exploration. What does it mean to develop and use models – like scientists? ◦Planning for developing and using models.

40 5E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Last week Today

41 What is a model? Operational definition Characteristics ExamplesNon-examples

42 Typical Model Projects What are students thinking about as they complete this project? How did the author of the book makeover a similar project? What were some of the things she considered?

43 Typical Model Projects What are students thinking about as they complete this project? How did the author of the book makeover a similar project? What were some of the things she considered? (Activity Chapter – pages 227 – 230)

44 Model Analysis Eichinger. “Using Models Effectively.” Science and Children. May 2005.

45 How do scientists use models? In science, models are used to… …represent a system (or parts of a system) under study …aid in the development of questions and explanations …generate data that can be used to make predictions …communicate ideas to others

46 Models in the NGSS classroom “Students can be expected to evaluate and refine models through an iterative cycle of comparing their predictions with the real world and then adjusting them to gain insights into the phenomenon being modeled. As such, models are based on evidence. When new evidence is uncovered that the models can’t explain, models are modified.”

47 When we say “modeling in the science classroom,” what do we NOT mean?  I’m going to “model” how to do this problem.  I’m going to “model” how to read this book.  I’m going to “model” my thinking as I consider ways to approach this scenario.  I’m going to “model” how to do this experiment.

48 Modeling in the Classroom What are the things we want our students to do with models in our classrooms? Kenyon, Schwarz, and Hug. “The Benefits of Scientific Modeling.” Science and Children. October 2008.

49 What does develop and use a model mean? Operational definition Characteristics ExamplesNon-examples


51 IQWST Unit Overview How does an odor get from the source to my nose? Last weekToday From Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

52 Drawing a model of odor Imagine that you have a special instrument that allows you to see what makes up odor. The large circle in the drawing represents a spot that is magnified many times, so you can see it up close. Create a model of what you would see if you could focus on one tiny spot in the area between the jar and your nose. From Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

53 Typical initial model From Krajcik and Merritt. “Engaging Students in Scientific Practices: What does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom?” Science and Children. March 2012.

54 Prior understandings Air is matter because it has mass and volume. Air is a gas. Since a gas takes the shape of its container, air must take the shape of its container.

55 What is inside the box?

56 How can I model the things gases do? How did you represent air in your model? What do the (lines, dots, shading, other shapes) represent? How does your model account for what you have already learned about air (gases)? What is similar/different between yours and a classmate’s model? Model 1 Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

57 What does the remaining air do when some air is removed from the box? What is happening inside the box when some air is removed? What is the air in the box doing? Is it staying in one place? What would we look for as evidence that it is staying in one place? How does that idea make sense with the model we have of air so far? Is the air moving? How? Does it move in a particular way(in circles, in a line, randomly)? Does one way or another make sense when we think about how we smell odors? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

58 What does the remaining air do when some air is removed from the box? Do you think the air fills half the box? Explain. (guide students to use the terms mass and volume.) Does less air in the box mean that the mass of the air is less now? Does less air in the box man there is less volume? Does your previous model account for the removal of some of the air? If so, how does it account for this? If not, how might you change your model of air to account for this? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

59 How can I model the things gases do? Where was the air in the box before air was removed? Where is the remaining air? Does it occupy all of the space? In that part of the box, if we zoom in, what does the air look like? Is it the same as your previous drawing? How are these models the same/different? Do some models do a better job of taking into account the removal of air? How? Model 2 Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

60 Adding air to a box Think about pumping air into a ball. What happened to the mass of the ball when you added air to it? What does it mean when the mass increases? Is it possible to add more water to a container that is already full of water? Is it possible to add more air to a container already filled with air? How is this possible? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

61 How can I model the things gases do? How do the different models account for adding more air to the full box? Is air moving in the box? Is it moving in any particular manner(in circles, in a line, randomly)? Model 3 Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

62 Typical student models What evidence will move students toward a particle model? And how might we convince them that there are empty spaces between the particles? From Merritt, Shwartz, and Krajcik. Middle School Students’ Development of the Particle Model of Matter. Presented at NARST, April 2007. p.10

63 What is inside the syringe? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

64 Pushing on the plunger What did you feel against your finger? Do you think the air was moving? How far could you push in the syringe handle? Why do you think you could push it in? What happened to the air as you pushed the plunger in? Does this model show how air can compress into a smaller space? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

65 Pulling on the plunger How far can you pull the plunger back? What happened to the air as you pulled the plunger back? Does this model show how air can expand into a larger space? How is this similar/different to your observations of the box? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

66 What could air be made of if I can compress it? What is it about a sponge that allows it to be compressed? A piece of bread? How can a sponge explain why air can be compressed? Can a sponge account for the observations we made of the air in the box? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

67 Let’s create a consensus model for gases What have we learned so far about gases? No definite shape No definite volume Can expand Can compress Can be added or removed to and from a container Which model best accounts for all phenomena listed here? Can air move? What evidence is there? Adapted from Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

68 Comparing our model to another one…

69 Student model at the end of the unit  A gas is made of particles.  The particles are constantly moving.  There is empty space between the particles. From Krajcik and Merritt. “Engaging Students in Scientific Practices: What does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom?” Science and Children. March 2012.

70 5E Learning Cycle Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate How might student models help them develop an explanation for a concept?

71 Planning for modeling From Kenyon, Schwarz, and Hug. “The Benefits of Scientific Modeling” Science and Children. October 2008. Choose one of the topics listed in Figure 3 of the article. Use the planning tool to expand on it.

72 Planning for modeling Food web Ecosystems Sun-moon-earth system Water cycle Cells Rock cycle Waves Light Particle model of matter Phase change Potential Energy Yeah… but how do I get started?

73 Getting started: Rock Cycle Check the Next Generation Science Standards MS-ESS2-1. Develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth’s materials and the flow of energy that drives this process. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the processes of melting, crystallization, weathering, deformation, and sedimentation, which act together to form minerals and rocks through the cycling of Earth’s materials.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include the identification and naming of minerals.] So we need to focus on the processes… like weathering, sedimentation, etc…

74 Getting started: Rock Cycle Check your resources Holt Science and Technology, Inside the Restless Earth

75 Getting started: Rock Cycle Check your resources Holt Science and Technology, Inside the Restless Earth

76 Planning for modeling

77 Hmmm… I wonder if my students already know about these different types of rock?

78 Planning for modeling Phenomenon: Observe and sketch different types of rocks (make sure each group has sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic). How are they similar/different? Initial model: Give each group a sedimentary rock with layers in it. Create a representation to show how you think your rock might have been made. (I think students may be a little stuck here – when I looked up misconceptions about rocks, many sources said that children think that rocks never change – so that will be the tricky part here….)

79 Getting started: Rock Cycle


81 Interesting…. crayon shavings!

82 Planning for modeling Evidence: Students observe crayon shavings going through processes of rock cycle… have them develop a “crayon cycle.” Use heavy book to apply pressure Use iron to apply heat Melt over hot plate Cool on wax paper Weather with plastic knife Interim Models: Create a representation that shows how the crayon shavings changed and became new types of crayon. How might this activity connect to rocks? Why use crayons instead of rocks? What is similar/different?

83 Planning for modeling Food web Ecosystems Sun-moon-earth system Water cycle Cells Rock cycle Waves Light Particle model of matter Phase change Potential Energy  Read the NGSS Performance Expectation  Check your resources (text, kit, etc…)  Look online for ideas

84 Model Analysis Eichinger. “Using Models Effectively.” Science and Children. May 2005.

85 Planning for modeling Food web Ecosystems Sun-moon-earth system Water cycle Cells Rock cycle Waves Light Particle model of matter Phase change Potential Energy Use the Model Analysis Questions to revise your planning: How is the model similar to that which it represents? How does the model differ from that which it represents? What significant misunderstandings might arise in students’ minds? How might the model be improved? Eichinger. “Using Models Effectively.” Science and Children. May 2005.

86 Sharing Take a photo of any ideas you want to remember. Find a partner and explain to them why you chose to photograph that planning template.

87 Reflection  Something to try in the very near future  Something to think about more  Someone to connect with

88 Reunion Dinner!! Monday, January 26, 2015 4:30 – 7:30 PM MISD, Room 104 No cost, but please register on CourseWhere. Let’s talk about what’s working – and what support you need.

89 Welcome Back! DECEMBER 2, 2014

90 With respect to exploration and/or modeling, I used to think…… …but now I think…..

91 Today  Student discourse that supports exploration and modeling  Assessment that supports exploration and modeling  Supporting each other

92 Student Discourse

93 What does discourse mean? Operational definition Characteristics ExamplesNon-examples

94 Student Discourse


96 Assessment

97 Formative Assessment

98 Assessment Shayna had a small bottle of bromine gas. The bottle was closed with a cork. She tied a string to the cork, and then placed the bottle inside a larger bottle. She sealed the larger bottle shut. (See figure 1) Next, Shayna opened the small bottle by pulling the string connected to the cork. Figure 2 shows what happened after the cork of the small bottle was opened. Draw a model that shows what is happening in this experiment. Explain in writing what is happening in your model. From Merritt, Shwartz, and Krajcik. Middle School Students’ Development of the Particle Model of Matter. Presented at NARST, April 2007. p.12

99 Assessment From Merritt, Shwartz, and Krajcik. Middle School Students’ Development of the Particle Model of Matter. Presented at NARST, April 2007. p.13 In my model, the cork has been pulled and the gas in the small bottle escapes and fills the large bottle. In my model, the small bottle has just been opened and the bromine gas is moving out of the small bottle and into the large bottle. Each molecule is moving in straight lines until they bumped into something, change directions, and continue in another straight line. The bromine gas is filling the whole big jar.

100 Additional assessment questions Create a model of a gas in a hot room. Using the model you created above, explain how temperature and movement of gas molecules are related. Explain what would happen if the gas in your model was placed in a cold room. Kelly does not understand how a gas can expand and compress. In the space below, create a model that can be used to explain expansion and compression of a gas. Describe to Kelly how your model can explain both expansion and compression. Krajcik and Merritt. How Can I Smell Things From a Distance? IQWST: Investigating and Questioning Our World through Science and Technology. Sangari Active Science Corporation. 2013.

101 Assessment As you consider the planning you have done today, what are some assessment questions you might ask students about science content that ask them to construct, evaluate, revise, or use a model?

102 Goal Setting It is unreasonable to ask a professional to change much more than 10 percent a year, but it is unprofessional to change by much less than 10 percent a year. ~Steven Leinwand As you consider our work together, what is your goal for your students? 102

103 Planning Time

104 Tuning Protocol A Tuning Protocol can be used with a group of teachers to fine tune their instructional practice (lesson, project, activity, assessment, etc.) Works well with an interdisciplinary team 20 minutes 104

105 Tuning Protocol 105

106 Tuning Protocol Meeting ComponentTime Overview 3 minutes Clarifying Questions 3 minutes Probing Questions 4 minutes Discussion 5 minutes Response 3 minutes Debrief 2 minutes Adapted from: 106

107 PRESENTERGROUP Explain goals of activity Put activity in context Identify an “issue” for consideration Listen Overview 3 Minutes 107

108 PRESENTERGROUP Briefly answer questions (yes/no/single word) Ask brief, factual questions Clarifying Questions 3 Minutes 108

109 PRESENTERGROUP May respond to questions or just listen Ask questions that help presenter expand thinking No “advice in disguise” See bookmark Probing Questions 4 Minutes 109

110 PRESENTERGROUP Just listen and take notes Discuss warm and cool feedback Discussion 5 Minutes 110

111 PRESENTERGROUP Share “Aha!” moments and new ideas from discussion Listen Response 3 Minutes 111

112 TOGETHER Focus on the process: ◦Did we have a good question? ◦When was the moment when the conversation took a turn for the better? ◦Did our probing questions really push the thinking of the presenter? Debrief 2 Minutes 112

113 In your groups… Take 20 minutes for each person to tune the planning you have done so far. 113

114 Tuning Protocol Reflection  3 ideas I got for the plan that I brought for tuning  2 ways these ideas might cascade into other planning for the year  1 suggestion I heard for someone else’s plan that I think might be cool to think about.

115 Reunion Dinner!! Monday, January 26, 2015 4:30 – 7:30 PM MISD, Room 104 No cost, but please register on CourseWhere. Let’s talk about what’s working – and what support you need.

116 References Cartier, Smith, Stein, and Ross. 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Task-Based Discussions in Science. NCTM. 2013. Eichinger. “Using Models Effectively.” Science and Children. May 2005. Hoffer. Science as Thinking. Heinemann. 2009. Kenyon, Schwarz, and Hug. “The Benefits of Scientific Modeling” Science and Children. October 2008. Krajcik and Merritt. “Engaging Students in Scientific Practices: What does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom?” Science and Children. March 2012. Merritt, Shwartz, and Krajcik. Middle School Students’ Development of the Particle Model of Matter. Presented at NARST, April 2007. p.12 Michaels, Shouse, & Schweingruber. Ready, Set, Science! NRC, 2008. Quinn, Schweingruber, & Keller. A Framework for K-12 Science Education. NAP. 2012

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