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National Incident Management System Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council 7 June 2007.

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1 National Incident Management System Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council 7 June 2007

2 The Agenda  Authorities for the National Response Plan (NRP) & National Incident Management System (NIMS)  NIMS Integration Center (NIC)  Overview of NRP & NIMS  Status of the NIMS Components  Summary of the FY 2007 Requirements

3 For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary February 28, 2003 Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-5 Subject: Management of Domestic Incidents Purpose (1)To enhance the ability of the United States to manage domestic incidents by establishing a single, comprehensive national incident management system….. HSPD-5 Authorization National Response Plan (NRP) National Incident Management System (NIMS) Support Resources -NIMS Integration Center (NIC) -NIMS Capability Assessment Support Tool (NIMSCAST)

4 Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5 (HSPD-5)  Requires all Federal Departments and Agencies to adopt the NRP and the NIMS  Requires Tribal, State, Territorial and Local NIMS compliance as a condition for Federal preparedness assistance

5 Preparedness Grant Eligibility Department/AgencyNumber of Grants Department of Homeland Security (DHS)14 Department of the Interior (DOI)3 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)2 Department of Transportation (DOT)9 Department of Agriculture (USDA)3 Department of Health and Human Services HHS)10 Department of Education1 Department of Justice (DOJ)4 Department of Energy (DOE)13 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)1 program associated with nuclear power plants Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)1

6 The NIMS Integration Center (NIC)  Provides strategic direction, development and oversight of the NIMS and the NRP  Provides services to all Federal departments and agencies, as well as support for the Territorial, State, Tribal, and local jurisdictions Local Federal State & Tribal Volunteer Private Sector  Maintains program development, oversight and website updates

7 The National Response Plan (NRP) and The National Incident Management System (NIMS) The Goal A consistent nationwide approach for all levels of government to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for and respond to domestic incidents. The Coordination DHS coordinated development with Federal, Tribal, State, Territorial, and local agencies, non-governmental organizations, private-sector entities, healthcare providers, first responders and emergency managers.

8 The National Response Plan (NRP) Applicable to all Federal departments and agencies that may be involved in responding to an Incident of National Significance All-Discipline and All- Hazard Plan Direction for Federal support to State, Tribal and local incident managers

9 The National Incident Management System (NIMS) NIMS is a core set of concepts, principles and terminology for incident command and multi-agency coordination.

10 NIMS Management Components  Preparedness  Communications and Information Management  Resource Management & Credentialing  Supporting Technologies  Command and Control

11 NIMS Management Components Preparedness Involves an integrated combination of planning, training, exercises, personnel qualification and certification standards, equipment acquisition and certification standards, and publications management processes well in advance of any potential incident. Communications and Information Management This component under NIMS identifies the requirement for a standardized framework for communications, information management (collection, analysis, and dissemination), and information-sharing at all levels of incident management. ResourceManagement This component under NIMS defines standardized mechanisms and establishes requirements for processes to describe, inventory, mobilize, dispatch, track, and recover resources over the cycle of the incident. Credentialing of position descriptions and task books development. SupportingTechnologies Technology and technological systems provide supporting capabilities essential to implementing and continuously refining NIMS. On-goingManagement/Maintenance This component of NIMS establishes an activity to provide strategic direction for an oversight of the NIMS, supporting both routine and continuous refinement of the system and its components over the long term.

12 NIMS Management Components CommandandManagement Incident Command System ICS defines the operating characteristics, interactive management components, and structure of incident management and emergency response organizations engaged throughout the life cycle of an incident Multiagency Coordination System The MACS ties together all the support and coordination structures utilized in an incident. The primary function of the MACS is to support and coordinate incident management policies and priorities Public Information System The PIS includes processes and procedures for communicating timely and accurate information to the public during crisis. All levels of government, with volunteer organizations and private industry, must have the ability to gather public information, verify public information, coordinate public information, and disseminate public information during a disaster

13 NIMS Training  IS-700 NIMS: An Introduction  IS-800 NRP: An Introduction  ICS-100: An Introduction  ICS-200: Basic  ICS-300:Intermediate  ICS-400:Advanced  Position Specific Training

14 NIMS Mutual Aid & Credentialing  Participating in and promoting intrastate and interagency mutual aid agreements. Expand mutual aid agreements beyond support services and equipment to include information sharing; Support and adopt the ongoing efforts of the NIC to develop a national credentialing system; and Credential emergency responders in conformance with national standards.

15 NIMS Resource Typing  The 121 Typed Resources are Organized by: Category - function of the resource (firefighting, law enforcement, health and medical, etc.); Kind - teams, personnel, equipment, and supplies - metrics have been developed for each kind that measure capability or capacity; and Type - measure of the minimum capabilities to perform its function - Type I implies a higher capability than Type II.

16 NIMS Resource Typing  Resource Typing Categories Animal Health Emergencies Response Emergency Medical Services Fire and Hazardous Materials Response Incident Management Law Enforcement Resources Medical and Public Health Public Works Resources Search & Rescue Resources

17 What is NIMSCAST?  The National Incident Management System Capability Assessment Support Tool (NIMSCAST) is a web-based self-assessment tool designed to aid local, State, and Tribal organizations and jurisdictions in determining their capabilities and compliance against the requirements established in the National Incident Management System (NIMS)


19 NIMS Program Status TASKSstatus NRP: Strategic Direction, Coordination and Revision 20042007 NIMS Document Review and Revision 20042007 NIMCAST implementation and evaluation tools 20042007 NIMS National Standard Training Curriculum 20042007 NIMS EOP Implementation for States, Tribes, Locals 2005+ NIMS Resource Management (121 typed resources) 2005+ NIMS Credentialing 2005+ NIC/IAFC Intrastate Mutual Aid System Project 2006+ NIMS Implementation for Hospitals 2006+ NIMS Incident Resource Inventory System tool 2007+

20 NIMS Implementation FY 2006 State, Tribal and Local Jurisdictions  Community Adoption  Command and Management: Incident Command System  Command and Management Multi-agency Coordination System  Command and Management Public Information System  Preparedness: Planning  Preparedness: Training  Preparedness: Exercises  Resource Management  Communication & Information Management

21 NIMS Training – FY 06 Requirements Entry Level First Responders, Disaster Workers, & Volunteers  Law Enforcement  Firefighters  Emergency Medical Service Personnel  Public Health & Hospital Staff  Public Works/Utility Personnel  Volunteers  Emergency management response support staff Required Training -FEMA IS-700: Introduction to NIMS -FEMA IS-800: Introduction to NRP -ICS-100: Introduction to ICS

22 NIMS Training – FY 06 Requirements First Line Supervisors  Single Resource Leaders  Field Supervisors  Other Emergency Management & Response Personnel requiring a higher level of ICS/NIMS Training Required Training -FEMA IS-700: Introduction to NIMS -FEMA IS-800: Introduction to NRP -ICS-100: Intro. to ICS -ICS-200: Basic ICS

23 NIMS FY07  NEW FOR FY07: Monitor and assess outreach and implementation of NIMS requirements across the state/territory, including tribal/local jurisdictions.  NEW FOR FY07: For departments and/or agencies identified within the state/territorial NIMS implementation plan, designate a single point of contact to serve as principal coordinator for NIMS implementation.

24 NIMS FY07  NEW FOR FY07: Ensure that the state/territorial Public Information System can gather, verify, coordinate, and disseminate information during an incident.  NEW FOR FY07: Complete ICS-300 and ICS-400 Training.

25 NIMS FY07  NEW FOR FY07: Validate that the inventory of response assets conforms to homeland security resource typing standards.  NEW FOR FY07: Utilize the state/territory response asset inventory for Intra and Inter-State Mutual Aid requests, exercises, and actual events. (i.e. Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC))

26 NIMS FY07  NEW FOR FY07: Develop a common operating picture of systems, tools, and processes to present consistent and accurate information to incident managers at all levels.


28  National Incident Management System (NIMS)  The NIMS Integration Center (NIC)  Call or Email the NIC: or (202)646-3850 or  NIMS Training  NIMCAST FEMA RESOURCES

29 REGIONAL RESOURCES Washington FEMA R10 NIMS Coordinators Jim Kadrmas Ron Britton State Agencies John Bruun Training & Exercise Manager Ute Weber Kathy Burke Tribal Liaisons George Crawford & Ron Wilson Andy Hendrickson

30 FEMA RESOURCES Ron Britton NIMS Coordinator FEMA Region 10 130 228 th Street SW Bothell, WA 98021 425-487-4686 (wk)

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