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Exploring Features of the NCHS Web CDC/NCHS Office of Information Services Information Dissemination Staff U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Features of the NCHS Web CDC/NCHS Office of Information Services Information Dissemination Staff U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Exploring Features of the NCHS Web CDC/NCHS Office of Information Services Information Dissemination Staff U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics 2006 Data Users Conference Session 33

3 Presenters Tammy M. Stewart-Prather, M.A.C.C. Anthony Quintana Linda Washington, M.S. Mary Burgess, M.L.S. Ann Aikin, M.A. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics

4 Session Outline Provide background of NCHS web and infrastructure Introduce navigational features Spotlight program information Identify quick access to key resources Show dissemination efforts Demonstrate the differences of data access tools

5 Past Web Design Launched in 1994 with approximately 50 pages

6 Session Objective Learn ways to enter NCHS web space Learn how to locate and access information for research purposes Learn how to locate public-use data files and documentation Identify at least three data access tools Equip individuals who will attend the hands-on workshop, Session 53, for the training

7 Current Web Design Launched in 1999 Improve navigation Accommodate site expansion Implement feedback from focus groups and customer satisfaction surveys

8 Future Web Design Launched in 2006 Adhere to CDC directive Utilize style sheets application for design consistency throughout the site Provide access to NCHS survey tools by topics

9 Major Portals to NCHS Web Site The CDC main web site is one major avenue to NCHS Web space.

10 Major Portals to NCHS Web Site The FedStats portal provides access to official statistical data published by more than 100 Federal Agencies. NCHS is one of the major FedStats contributors.

11 Quick Access to Key Resources U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Anthony Quintana

12 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention











23 Surveys and Data Collection Systems Linda R. Washington, M.S. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics

24 Surveys and Data Collection Systems

25 Two Major Types of Surveys Record-Based Population Based

26 Layout of Major Surveys and Data Collection Systems Similarities Description What’s New Uniqueness Access to data Communications with participants

27 Example: Data Inquiry Response Suicide rates among white males What is the rate of suicide for men in the United States? How does the rate for white males compare with that of African- American males?

28 Example: Data Inquiry Response Suicide rates among white males Detailed statistical tables provide responses GMWK 250R, Search Suicide

29 Example: Access to Data Public-Use Data Files (micro-data) (1973-2004) Downloadable data files: Notice: Currently, NAMCS and NHAMCS public-use files for 1993-2004 contain sample design variables in masked form. The initial release of the 2000-2004 public-use files included masked sample design variables. We re- released the 1993-99 NAMCS and NHAMCS files to include these variables. For re-released files, file names and layouts are essentially the same, but the design variables were appended to each file according to a generic file layout that is available for downloading below. Public-use files for previous years of data will be re-released with masked sample design variables on an ongoing basis. However, data users should note that, beginning with the 2002 public use files, two new masked design variables were added to the file, for use with statistical software that assumes a single stage of sampling. For the 2003 public use files and beyond, the decision was made to include only these two masked design variables for variance estimation. Therefore, data users who wish to combine years of data from 2003 and beyond with years prior to 2002 will need to create these two variables for each file prior to 2002. A technical paper, Using Ultimate Cluster Models with NAMCS and NHAMCS Public Use Files, gives instructions. Click here to view/download 34 KB. NAMCS, 1993-2004 NAMCS, 1973-1992 NHAMCS, 1992-2004view/downloadNAMCS, 1993-2004NAMCS, 1973-1992NHAMCS, 1992-2004

30 Example: Access to Data

31 Dissemination and Data Release U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Mary Burgess, M.L.S.

32 Main Access Point to NCHS Products Dissemination of Products


34 Continued

35 Data Access U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Ann Aikin, M.A.

36 Accessing NCHS Data: Let Me Count the Ways… Combined Health Data Sources FASTATS A – Z Reports, such as Health, U.S. and Advanced Data Data Warehouse Data Highlights Health E-Stats Beyond 20/20 Tables: Health Data for All Ages and Trends in Health and Aging Healthy People DATA 2010 CDC WONDER WISQARS

37 Accessing NCHS Data: Let Me Count the Ways… ASCII Data Sets (complete public use file) SETS (complete public use file, with documentation and software to access files) Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health Online Query Tool (Complete public use files for two SLAITS surveys--National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs and National Survey of Children's Health) Research Data Center (a fee-based service that provides access to confidential data and data access for those needing assistance). Accessing Complete Data Sets (public use):

38 Accessing NCHS Data: Let Me Count the Ways… Information to Help Access Data Listservs NCHS Definitions NCHS Survey Measures Catalog: Children and Adolescent Mental Health Coming Soon! Ambulatory Care Drug Database System Technical Reports and Data Documentation! Other Published Reports, such as Series Reports…

39 Overview of NCHS Data Access Tools ToolEaseLevel Available Beyond 20/20  Health Data for All Ages, Trends in Health and Aging CDC Wonder  Mortality, Natality DATA2010  Healthy People Objectives WISCARS  Injury Data Data Resource Center…..  2 SLAITS Surveys SETS  Selected NCHS sets: Over 80 Available!

40 Beyond 20/20 Tables: Health Data for All Ages and Trends in Health and Aging Powered by Beyond 20/20 software, a free, easy and fast way to access and manipulate pretabulated statistics.

41 Beyond 20/20 Tables: Health Data for All Ages and Trends in Health and Aging Users can create Customized views of tables, charts, maps and exports

42 CDC WONDER: NCHS Natality and Mortality Data, and Numerous Other CDC Data CDC WONDER or Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research: An easy-to-use, menu-driven system, that provides access to a wide array of public health information.

43 DATA 2010: Healthy People 2010 Objectives DATA 2010 provides the most recent monitoring data for tracking Healthy People 2010 Objectives

44 WISQARS: Accessing Injury-Related Data WISQARS provide access to Non-fatal Injuries, Fatal Injuries, and other Injury Data

45 Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health Online Access to Selected SLAITS Surveys Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health’s interactive, online access to national and state data from the National Survey of Children's Health and the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs – plus resources and technical support for using the data results.

46 SETS: Statistical Export and Tabulation System SETS users can access over 80 NCHS public use data sets and complete documentation or they can create and edit their own sets with the designer kit. SETS users can search, browse, tabulate, recode, chart, export, and extract.

47 Questions and Answers

48 NCHS website

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