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Coastal Management Case Study for a North Carolina Barrier Island Anne Jefferson University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

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1 Coastal Management Case Study for a North Carolina Barrier Island Anne Jefferson University of North Carolina at Charlotte

2 ESCI 1101: Earth Sciences – Geography –atmosphere, energy balance, climate, weather, water resources, coasts, soils, ecosystems –One of ~5 sections, mine not linked to a lab, all non-majors, 40 students –Text: Christopherson’s Geosystems UNCC: 22,000 students, suburban campus, mostly regional and in-state Context

3 –Coastal processes, incl. longshore drift –Coastal landforms –Barrier Islands: location, structure, movement, hazards Ex. Cape Hatteras lighthouse relocation Ex. Effects of Katrina on Barrier Islands –Coastal structures: groins, jetties, breakwaters Preceding Content

4 –Get students talking to each other –Have students evaluate competing scientific claims in the news media –Have students experience the complex factors involved in environmental policy-making Goals of the activity

5 Form where: –Low tidal range –Sediment from coastal plain rivers –Shallow continental shelf Characteristic structure (above) Unstable and mobile –May migrate landward –Ex. Relocation of Cape Hatteras lighthouse Barrier islands

6 Google Earth demonstration

7 Which way is the current moving?

8 Coastal engineering in NC North Carolina banned permanent coastal structures in 1985 Can sandbag for 2 years while waiting for beach nourishment Deal, NJ

9 Figure 8 Island

10 Figure Eight Island Controversy Erosion of Rich Inlet is threatening homes –Beach nourishment is quickly undone –20 homes have sandbags Homeowners want an exception to build a terminal groin –Corrugated steel wall driven into the sand sticking a few feet above sea level. Terminal groin at Oregon Inlet

11 Figure Eight Island Controversy Should residents be allowed to build a terminal groin? If not, what should happen?

12 Format Small group discussions (4-5 people each) Each group tries to reach consensus –I circulated among groups Groups report out

13 Other ways to implement it Debate Post-discussion individual reflections: “What additional information would you want to have before you reach your decision?”

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