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Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Paul Cook Health and Safety Executive Teamleader Workplace Environment, Radiation and Gas (WERG)

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Paul Cook Health and Safety Executive Teamleader Workplace Environment, Radiation and Gas (WERG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Paul Cook Health and Safety Executive Teamleader Workplace Environment, Radiation and Gas (WERG) Team. Review of Work at Height Regulations and guidance Small Business Trade Association Forum Rose Court 21 November 2012

2 Professor Löfstedts recommendation to review Work at Height Regulations 2005 and guidance The Work at Height Regulations 2005 and the associated guidance should be reviewed by April 2013 to ensure that they do not lead to people going beyond what is either proportionate or beyond what the legislation was originally intended to cover. Reclaiming health and safety for all: An independent review of health and safety legislation By Professor Ragnar E Löfstedt Published 28 November 2011

3 Work at Height – what the latest statistics tell us In the UK during 2011/12 (provisional): falls remain the one of the biggest causes of workplace fatalities and major injuries 40 fatalities to workers (this includes self-employed) Over half of these fatal falls reported in construction In the last ten years: Falls accidents have been declining History of successful initiatives delivered by HSE and Industry (eg WWT, Ladder Exchange, Shattered Lives, partnership working) Over 80% of falls are reported as low level falls Moveable ladders account for about one in seven reported fall injuries and nearly a quarter of fatal falls Most fatalities are from: scaffolds, work platforms, fragile roofs and ladders

4 Falls from height– the statistics show… Using 2005/06 as a baseline (introduction of WAHR) up to 2010/11 the statistics demonstrate…. Fatal falls injuries are down by 25% Major falls injuries are down by 12% Over 3 day fall injuries are down by 20% However, still more to do and falls remain the one of the biggest causes of workplace fatalities and major injuries. Falls Shatter Lives

5 Summary of key findings from HSEs review WAHR implement EU law WAHR largely bedded in Falls declining steadily since 2005 across all industry sectors (except water, sewerage, waste and remediation - a relatively new industry that reports few falls) Analysis of RTC and evidence to Professor, majority support for the protection WAHR offer Enforcement data suggests lack of compliance (as opposed to over application) in certain areas Misinterpretation of requirements of regulations by some, hence a call for better education and clearer guidance for certain sectors/tasks (less construction focus) No compelling evidence to support regulatory change Evidence of good practice in high risk sectors (e.g. demolition), however……….

6 Still issues! Solar panel installation Unsafe!Safe- scaffold!

7 Next steps to deliver the recommendation Review full suite of WAH guidance Aim is to produce clearer, much simplified guidance and materials, more focus on certain sectors and low level tasks. Focus is on the hierarchy –Reg 6 Discussion via online community plus workshops

8 Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Thank you for listening Any questions? Paul Cook - HSE

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