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TRACI V3 Status and material for discussion Feb 6 th 2014.

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1 TRACI V3 Status and material for discussion Feb 6 th 2014

2 Model of the main “pressure” part completed by Milano for the version with the “large” HNPM pump Annular gear pump HNPM mzr-11558-hs Flexible transfer line to the “local box” Connections to the chiller via the HEX

3 -pdf drwaings: TRACI_V3_DRAWINGS_(INFN-MILANO) -stp model: TRACI_PRESSURE_PARTS_REVO.stp Drawings and model from Milano available at: Technical content already checked. Now verifying part list and item naming in order to 1)Match the list of components to be ordered 2)Allow for production in a workshop Drawings and model of the “local box” (connection to the experiment) expected ~now. Drawings and model of the Frame/Foam box immediately after (Time? 1-2 weeks? Carlo?) Updated model of the electrical cabinet can come later (mainly for records)

4 UNITS TO BE PRODUCED: 1) As per present model, with HNPM mzr-11558-hs pump 2) Modified version with SMALLER HNPM pump (mzr-7255-hs) 3) Modified version with volumetric 2-stage pump VA MODULAR 01/2S from M-Pumps 4) Modified version with remote head membrane pump from LEWA + dumper 1)Ready for construction as soon as the model of the “local box” is completed 2)Minimal modification: the pump has the same kind of interface, but it’s just much smaller: lengthen the right/left connections and modify the support flange 3)Moderate modifications: one of the connection pipes must “exit the plane” + the pump support must be modified 4)Non-negligible modifications: find space and support for the pump body on the top part of TRACI (beside the electrical cabinet) + modify the circuitry to host the damper on top of the remote head

5 COSTS Present best estimate of hardware excluding pumps (see excel file) 100W/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2fCO2%2d 100W%2fShared%20Documents%2fParts&FolderCTID=0x0120005B4559740 E015847959CD71D22EB4151 ~ 20 kEUR (hydraulic + mechanic + electrical/control) COST OF PUMPS -HNPM mzr-11558-hs -> 17 kEUR !!! -HNPM mzr-7255-hs -> 7 kEUR -M-Pumps VA MODULAR 01/2S -> 3-4 kEUR (depending on options) -Lewa LDB-1 M910S/Ø17 -> 7-8 kEUR (remote head to be exactly quoted)

6 PROPOSAL OF SHARING: 1)CERN/NIKHEF have previously purchased all components for a full assembly (something has been used elsewhere) and NIKHEF has residual funds to purchase the 17 kEUR HNP pump and is willing to start IMMEDIATELY the assembly of the first unit with it in the frame of the agreed AIDA deliverables. The first electrical cabinet is ready at CERN. This unit would then be shared between NIKHEF and CERN and would be used to pre-commission the controls for all the units 2)The cost of the pumps for the three other units is equally shared between the different unit owners, i.e. : Milano; Oxford; Sheffield+Liverpool 7+4+8=19 kEUR / 3 = 6.3 kEUR each 3)This cost has to be added to the cost of the remaining hardware of each unit, i.e. 20 kEUR. Bringing the investment requested from every partner to 26 kEUR (or ~21 kGBP) 4)Order for the big expensive pump through CERN/NIKHEF 5)Order for the three other pumps equally shared on 3 “unit owner” budget codes via CERN IMMEDIATELY (6-8 weeks delivery time for all – including M-pumps) 6)Order for the hardware of the three units in the same way as soon as things are ready -> Chillers: ready to order Electrical/ control components: almost ready to order (minor mods for versions) Mechanics/frames/foam: as soon as drawings and part list ready Hydraulics: as soon as drawings and part list ready

7 OPEN POINTS: Funds: are all existing? Pledged? Available? When can they be spent? Small modifications on model and drawings for V.2 and V.3: is Milano available? Large modifications on model and drawings for V.4: is Oxford available (Bart as consultant) Production of mechanics/hydraulics for V.2 and V.3: is Sheffield available? Production of mechanics/hydraulics for V.4: Oxford or Sheffield? ATTENTION: for V.2, V.3 and V.4 there is quite some knowledge cumulated about the pump performances: before making the final choices and launching the order, please make up your mind about the level of performance you expect from your TRACI: Flow rate? Temperature? Pressure drop on the circuit?

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