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Introduction to the Grid N1™ Grid Engine 6 Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Grid N1™ Grid Engine 6 Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Grid N1™ Grid Engine 6 Software

2 Overview A brief explanation of grid computing Grid examples How grid works? (grid as bank) Grid jobs A description of each important components A brief explanation of grid computing Grid examples How grid works? (grid as bank) Grid jobs A description of each important components

3 What Is Grid Computing? Collection of computing resources that perform tasks A large system that provides a single point of access to powerful distributed resources Define the goal in more detail Collection of computing resources that perform tasks A large system that provides a single point of access to powerful distributed resources Define the goal in more detail

4 Grid Examples Chess960@home Vast collection of Chess960 games Africa@home Allow your computer to contribute to African humanitarian causes. QMC@Home Developing and testing Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) for use in quantum chemistry. FightAIDS@Home Simulation techniques to search for ways to cure or prevent the spread of AIDS and HIV. Chess960@home Vast collection of Chess960 games Africa@home Allow your computer to contribute to African humanitarian causes. QMC@Home Developing and testing Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) for use in quantum chemistry. FightAIDS@Home Simulation techniques to search for ways to cure or prevent the spread of AIDS and HIV.

5 Grid Examples

6 Shrek 2 DreamWorks Operation Systems: Red Hat Linux 7.2 330 Hewlett Packard workstations Dual-Intel Xeon 2.4GHz processors, nVidia Quadro 4 XGL graphics cards, 2GB Ram and dual monitors Recalculated frames make more detailed Shrek 2 DreamWorks Operation Systems: Red Hat Linux 7.2 330 Hewlett Packard workstations Dual-Intel Xeon 2.4GHz processors, nVidia Quadro 4 XGL graphics cards, 2GB Ram and dual monitors Recalculated frames make more detailed

7 What is “N1 Grid Engine 6” software? Sun’s Resource management software Accepts jobs submitted by users Uses resource management policies to schedule jobs to be run on appropriate Users can submit millions of jobs at a time without concern Sun’s Resource management software Accepts jobs submitted by users Uses resource management policies to schedule jobs to be run on appropriate Users can submit millions of jobs at a time without concern

8 Grid jobs Batch jobs Shell scripts Sequence of command-line csh, tcsh, sh, or ksh Batch jobs Shell scripts Sequence of command-line csh, tcsh, sh, or ksh Input Output Process

9 Grid jobs Interactive jobs Require direct input to influence the job results. Interactive jobs Require direct input to influence the job results. Input Output Process

10 Grid jobs Parallel jobs Input Output Process

11 How grid works? 1. Accepts jobs from the outside world. 2. Puts jobs in a holding area 3. Sends to an execution device. 4. Manages running jobs. 5. Logs the record of job execution. 1. Accepts jobs from the outside world. 2. Puts jobs in a holding area 3. Sends to an execution device. 4. Manages running jobs. 5. Logs the record of job execution.

12 How grid works? (grid as bank) On entering the bank: customers declares their name, their affiliations their service needs Record entering time. Bank would serve the following customers: Customers whose needs match suitable and immediately available resources Customers whose requirements have the highest priority Customers who were waiting in the lobby for the longest time On entering the bank: customers declares their name, their affiliations their service needs Record entering time. Bank would serve the following customers: Customers whose needs match suitable and immediately available resources Customers whose requirements have the highest priority Customers who were waiting in the lobby for the longest time

13 How grid works? (grid as bank) One least-loaded and most-suitable bank employee helps several customers. Bank manager, define service policies: Provide preferential service to commercial customers Make sure a certain customer group is served well Customers get a timely response Prefer a certain customer on direct demand of a bank executive One least-loaded and most-suitable bank employee helps several customers. Bank manager, define service policies: Provide preferential service to commercial customers Make sure a certain customer group is served well Customers get a timely response Prefer a certain customer on direct demand of a bank executive

14 Jobs and Queues Jobs correspond to bank customers. Jobs wait in a computer holding area instead of a lobby. queues, which provide services for jobs, correspond to bank employees. Jobs correspond to bank customers. Jobs wait in a computer holding area instead of a lobby. queues, which provide services for jobs, correspond to bank employees.

15 3 classes of Grid

16 Usage Policies Urgency Resource requirements, job’s deadline, job waits. Functional Job’s affiliation with a certain user group, project. Share-based Usage of resources by all users. Override Manual intervention by the cluster administrator Combination 90% share-based and 10% functional Urgency Resource requirements, job’s deadline, job waits. Functional Job’s affiliation with a certain user group, project. Share-based Usage of resources by all users. Override Manual intervention by the cluster administrator Combination 90% share-based and 10% functional

17 Using Tickets to Administer Policies Functional, share-based, and override policies are defined through tickets. Tickets = Company’s stock. More stock = More important Functional, share-based, and override policies are defined through tickets. Tickets = Company’s stock. More stock = More important

18 Grid Engine System Components Hosts Master host Execution hosts Administration hosts Submit hosts Daemons sge_qmaster – the Master Daemon sge_schedd – the Scheduler Daemon sge_execd – the Execution Daemon Queues Hosts Master host Execution hosts Administration hosts Submit hosts Daemons sge_qmaster – the Master Daemon sge_schedd – the Scheduler Daemon sge_execd – the Execution Daemon Queues

19 Questions? November 2006 Pedram Hayati November 2006 Pedram Hayati

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